Just some background info: this takes place after 'Insecurity,' like I said before, with Roy as the main protagonist. The other heroes will show up frequently, along with a few villains ;) Enjoy!
Cheshire stood, balancing on one foot, in a room with rice paper walls. She had her eyes closed; the mask perched on top of her head. The feline face grinned eerily; its surface seemed like liquid in the flickering light. A single lantern lit the small space, casting out an ember glow. The assassin was performing the art of Tai Chi. She moved fluently as she went through the motions, concentrating only on breathing and the form of her movements. Then, heard heavy footsteps from down the hall interrupted her serenity.
The assassin cracked an eye open, liquid fire coursing through her veins. Who would dare disturb her? She could see a large silhouette through the rice paper door, but she had already known who the prowler was since the creak of the first floorboard. Suddenly, her mask was on, and she faced the door as it slid open.
Sportsmaster stood, arms folded, eyes reduced to slits. Beneath his faceguard, Cheshire figured that he was smirking.
"What?" She snarled, her eyes narrowing to match his, but under her mask, she wasn't grinning.
"He wants to see you." Sportsmaster said in a gravelly voice. Jade didn't have to ask who 'he' was. She shouldered past the bulky man none too gently, then turned down a flight of stairs. She travelled silently down the corridors with windows looking out into the courtyard. Silver moonlight streamed in through the glass, making Cheshire look like a ghost as the light swept over her body.
In no time, she arrived at a pair of ornate wooden doors big enough for a tank to pass through. Cheshire pushed open both doors, the smell of incense wrapping around her. She stepped in, and saw Ra's al Ghul sitting Indian style. He had his back towards her, facing a hundred or so candles, all lit. The Arab stood, and Cheshire bowed as he turned to her.
"Master." She acknowledged, returning to full height. The elder assassin ignored the greeting, turning back to the candles.
"You do not know why I brought you here." Ghul stated, examining the candles. Cheshire said nothing.
"It is because of a problem that you stand in front of me now." With a wave of his arm, the candles were extinguished, sending a trail of smoke up to the cathedral high ceiling, but when Cheshire's master stepped aside, he revealed a single lit candle.
"A problem: a single flame that stands out against many unlit wicks. A problem that will spread…" Ra's hand waved over the single candle, and the flame jumped out, igniting a few more.
"…like fire. We must not let the flame grow Cheshire." His hand swept over the candles once more, and only the original remained lit. "You understand." It was a statement, not a question. Cheshire understood.
"This 'flame'… he is a certain archer… a red archer." Cheshire spoke her words carefully. The ends of the old master's mouth twitched up into what she perceived as a smile. Ra's al Ghul tossed something to the young assassin's feet. She flicked it up with her foot, catching the narrow object. An arrow.
"Yes, he was a disposable asset, and now needs to be disposed of. Properly." He turned back towards the single candle. The light flickered, creating the illusion that his face was constantly shifting shape. Ra's al Ghul pinched the wick with his index finger and thumb, causing the only light in the room to go out with a pathetic hiss.
Artemis stood on a rooftop, listening for any hint of trouble on her radio. It was the weekend after the team's mission… and since Sportsmaster's visit. She was supposed to be dishing out justice with her mentor, Green Arrow, but she cancelled their plans; there was too much on her mind. A whole seven days had passed, and she still refused to talk to most of her team members. One of them refused to talk to her also.
The thought of him made her grit her teeth. He didn't know her reason, he had no right to accuse her… but if Artemis just told him the truth… No. It was his fault, not hers. His fault.
Artemis let out a fierce shout, slamming her fist into an air vent. A spasm of pain radiated up her arm and she winced, glaring at the metal duct as if this mess was all because of it, not her.
"Rough mission?" Artemis whipped around to see the youngest member of the team, Robin.
The archer's mouth opened, then closed. She sighed, shoulders drooping.
A terse "Yeah," was all that Artemis could manage. The archer walked over to the ledge of the building then plunked down, legs dangling over the side. Robin came and perched beside her.
"What's on your mind?" Robin asked.
"What's on my mind? Shouldn't it be 'what's in my mind'?" Artemis muttered lamely, trying to change the subject. Robin didn't fall for it.
"True, but seriously." Robin persisted. Artemis pulled her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around her legs then resting her head on her knees.
"I…" Artemis started, trying to find the words. "I screwed up." She looked away, ashamed. Robin started laughing.
"It's not funny!" Artemis growled exasperatedly, throwing her arms up. Robin sighed.
"Look, Artemis, just because you're named after a Greek goddess doesn't mean that you have to be perfect." Boy Wonder pointed out.
"Great, philosophical advice from a kid." Artemis grumbled.
"I'm serious. If Batman were perfect, then Gotham would have no criminals-"
"Robin," Artemis interjected, "I know that nobody's perfect, but it would help if I was just…" She didn't know how to explain it.
"I know." Robin said. Artemis glanced over, and the two locked gazes.
He knew? He knew about what? Did he know her secret or was he just being sympathetic? Artemis's panicked thoughts were interrupted by a crackling voice on the radio.
"Break in at a museum." Artemis said, glad for some action, but more for a stop to their conversation.
Robin was already on feet, his hand extended towards Artemis, who was still sitting. She smiled, letting him help her up. Then, the two set off for the museum.
"Well, this looks expensive… what if I…" Cheshire ran her clawed finger around the rim of an ancient vase, about to send it to crashing to the floor, when she heard: "Don't move."
Cheshire whipped around, spotting Red Arrow. He stood, poised, his bow loaded with a blunt arrow. Cheshire grabbed two sai, spinning them in her hands.
"Ahh, long time no see. I knew you would to show up, but I thought you joined your little playmates' team… where are they?" The assassin's tone was falsely innocent. Red Arrow's brows drew together, and he released the arrow.
Cheshire moved to the right, easily dodging the projectile. "Predictable," She muttered, just loud enough for him to hear. She disappeared into the next doorway, and Roy followed.
He came into the dark room, pulling an arrow out of his quiver, aiming high. The flare-arrow arced towards the cathedral high ceiling, casting a pinkish glow around the room. He saw a shadow silhouetted against the light, and followed it into the next exhibit.
He paused in the entryway, the hairs on his arms sticking up. There was a whistling sound, and he spun out of the way just before something silver shot passed him. He looked to the wall behind him where a metal shaft pierced the wall. A javelin.
"Sportsmaster." Red Arrow growled, just as a figure sprang out of the darkness towards him. Something struck his face, knocking him off balance. As soon as he hit the ground, Red Arrow felt a heavy weight drop onto his chest. The archer grabbed at the large boot that pinned him down. His smeary vision cleared, and Roy found himself staring into the hockey mask of Sportsmaster.
"Hello archer," he sneered, grabbing a fistful of Roy's red hair. The man hauled Red Arrow to his feet, ripping away his bow and throwing it. Roy winced as his only weapon clattered into the shadows. An idea clicked in the archer's mind. No, the bow was not his only weapon.
Sportsmaster released Red Arrow, only to spin kick the archer in the side. There was a cracking sound as the villain's boot connected with its target. Roy let out a loud grunt, jolting to the left. The impact threw him back a few yards. He slammed into the unforgiving concrete floor, the back of his skull whacking the ground. The hero had no time before Sportsmaster was upon him again.
"You've been a stitch in my side for a long time archer, and now I can finally end you." The villain reached out for Red Arrow again, and that's when Roy moved. In a flash, Roy's elbow shot up into the man's face, not enough to hurt him, but just enough to stun. Red Arrow's arm reached back fluently as it had countless times. Then, his hand shot forward. All Sportsmaster saw was the silver glint of metal.
The man stumbled back, roaring, clutching his mask, an arrow sticking out of it. Roy scrambled to his feet, dashing out of the exhibit. As he ran, Roy heard the villain calling for blood, the blood of a Red Archer.
That was fun! If there are any really ridiculous errors, sorry, I HAD to get this out! (You'll get it when you see the next episode) well, let me know what you think in the comments!