Thanks again for all of the reviews! I'm so glad many of you have enjoyed this little mashup fic and I'm glad the characters didn't seem too OOC/the storyline was apparently believable :) I really enjoyed writing this and it was nice to be able to get it done so fast.

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing, be it the ASOIAF characters and settings or the little thrown-in quotes/lines from Lady & the Tramp. The former belong to GRRM and him alone; the latter to Disney.

"All right, everybody, watch the gate," Sansa insisted, smiling down at her two oldest children as she bounced baby Catelyn on her hip.

"Steady now," Sandor chuckled as he laid a large hand on their oldest son Eddard's shoulder. "Hold it."

The little six-year-old boy squirmed in his father's grasp. "Whyyyy?" he whined. "I want to go play."

"There's visitors on their way," Sansa reminded him. "They'll be coming through our gate any moment.


"Why, Queen Daenerys and the King Consort, your second cousin Jon. They're bringing little Rhaegar with them as well...he's naught but a year and a half older than you. But if you don't start behaving, you're going to take a nap."

Eddard frowned and crossed his arms over his chest, but at least he didn't protest any more. Sansa glanced at her husband; his mouth was twitching, but it was in amusement rather than anger, which was usual these days. She then looked to Jaime and Brienne, standing just behind; the latter appeared as stalwart as usual, but Jaime's eyes were sparkling with mischief. She wondered how much sugar her sons had gotten into this morning with the help of their one-handed friend.

They heard Jon's voice first. "Careful now, Darling. Careful. It's a bit slippery."

"Yes, yes," Dany replied impatiently. Dragon Queen she may be, yet still Sansa's cousin treated his wife as if she was made of porcelain.

Sansa stepped forward to welcome them. "Come in, come in! If you'll just step into the solar, I'll see about refreshments...there are some lemoncakes in the kitchens, I'd bet. Clegane Keep is no Winterfell, I know, but at least it's much closer to King's Landing."

"That it is," Jon grinned, clapping Sandor on the back. The corner of Sansa's mouth curled up at her husband's uncomfortable grimace; he liked Jon well enough, but to him a royal visit was more a necessary evil than anything else.

"Oh, may I hold her?" Dany asked, reaching for little Catelyn.

"Of course," Sansa smiled, almost relieved to have her arms free, as such a thing did not happen often for her these days.

"Oh, no doubt about it...she's got her mother's eyes," Dany smiled, then ran her hand over the baby's soft dark head of hair. "But there's a bit of her father in her, too."

"There is," Sansa agreed, giving her only girl child a soft kiss on the cheek. Eddard and Robb looked more Stark and Clegane than like their mother, and they were rowdy little boys at that. Catelyn was Sansa's sweet little lady, though Sansa vowed that her daughter would learn more than just songs and stories and needlework. Sansa glanced at Rhaegar and Eddard, who seemed to be sizing each other up.

"I'm to be king one day, a good king just like my mother. You can't be a king, but I suppose you can be a knight. And a lord." Rhaegar seemed truly sad for Eddard, and Sansa and Dany shared a girlish giggle.

"I'll be lord, sure, of Clegane Keep," Eddard said proudly. "But I don't want to be no knight." His lip curled at the very thought, and this time Sansa found herself not looking to her friend and Queen but to her lord and husband. Sandor's eyes met hers and everything she'd ever needed was in that one small glance.

There was no doubt about it; Sansa Clegane was well and truly happy.

Now...obviously some of these are SUPER loosely based, haha. I also had to take some story points (i.e. who Lady/Sansa finds out about Tramp/Sandor's past from) and give them to different characters, in a way, because otherwise it would have made no sense.

CAST: (with the left column being the L&tT character and the right being the ASOIAF character/fic character)

Jim Dear...Jon
Trusty...Jaime (they're both impaired, get it? Trusty has "lost his sense of smell" and Jaime has lost his sword hand? heh, heh)
Aunt Sarah...Lady Olenna
Siamese Cats...Margaery & Loras
The rat that attacks the baby...Petyr
Peg the Pekingese...Sandor's squire Aegon
Bull the Bulldog...Sandor's squire Brandon
Lulu/Trixie/Fifi/Rosita Chiquita Juanita Chihuahua...Cersei

...and I think that's about it :)