TITLE: Dependence
AUTHOR: Mara Trinity Scully
CATEGORY: Post-Movie; very short poem
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT: Wherever, just tell me please.
FEEDBACK: After a long and painstaking investigation, it has been
scientifically proven by top-secret scientists that responding to
the fanfic author about her piece will increase your GPA, your life
span, the possibility of marrying your favorite celebrity, and your
sexual performance. So get cracking, people. [email protected]
SUMMARY: Love is vital to every hero, every heroine. Without it,
the terror will conquer.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: There is a funny story about this poem.
(Actually THE funny story about this poem is that this whole pre-fanfic
thingie is longer than the piece itself. Hahaha.) My Matrix Muse came
to me first on July 4th, 2000 and this was our baby. Actually, this
is Love in His Arms 9.0 because I have rewritten this thing a bajillion
times. Anyhoo, it was originally written for Trinity and Neo, but then
it spilled into my other kick-ass couples (Mara and Luke, Scully and
Mulder, Leia and Han). It's pretty open for any kick-ass couple actually...
But, I'm calling it Matrix Fan Fiction because that's what it was originally for.
THANK YOU: My precious sweetie pie, Brie Welz. What would I do without you?
DISCLAIMER: Yadda yadda yadda. I ain't making one bloody cent over this baby.
The Matrix and all related materials and characters are the sole property
of Warner Brothers.


Her eyes gently open to see him there. Silent. Waiting.

Always waiting...

She shows him no sigh of the sobbing soul within her.

But her crystal blue eyes betray her.

He sees the turmoil the rage the pain the anger the grief the ache

Burning with radiant compassion, he reaches for her and she delicately shifts
into his arms. Molded together, she senses him destroy the cold shadows
smothering her.

His heart hungers for her. As she twines her fingers in his, he understands.
He understands how much she needs him. And he understands how much he needs
her. Together, they will be strong. Apart, the coldness will consume them.

The man whispers in her ear the only words of comfort he can think of. "I love you"

The woman looks at him. The anguish leaves her eyes as one salty tear falls.

And he kisses it away.