Hello all! Yes, it is the antciapted sequel to "Not in My Data"! For those of you who are new, this a sequel to a story I recently finished as mentioned before, but I made sure I didn't give too much away in this first one so that people who are interested can read the first story to understand how things are going ^^ PLEASE READ "Not in My Data" first if you haven't, or else you will be horibbly, horibbly confused xD

As for this sequl...I'm still working on the title. Right now its Just "Not in My Data Act II" But thats a mouthfull, and I need help with working on a new one, so if you guys (and I know some of you will be great help) could PM me and suggest something, that would be great! :D

But enough blather, enjoy the first chapter of Metal Sonic and Nicole's adventure! Oh, and this story is going to have a little less fluff in it, so sorry to the huge Meticole fans D:


It was night; around the time that New Mobotropolis was shifting from night life to hitting the hay. Lights were turning off, citizens were going to sleep, and activity was coming to a standstill. It was quiet. Not even Flickeys could be heard. It was the perfect night; the perfect night for a robbery.

The peace and silence was broken by the sounds of sirens by a small time jewelry store as a figure dressed in black scrambled out of the broken window of the store. The criminal sprinted towards the nearest alley, effortlessly jumping over a tall fence as authorities arrived at the scene of the crime. An overweight brown bear stepped out of his vehicle, overlooking the damage and stolen goods. The manager of the establishment had arrived as well after being alerted, and didn't hesitate to make a fuss about how slow the Royal Guard was on apprehending the thief. The bear ignored his complaints and started reviewing security footage of the burglar. Though dressed in a standard black outfit, the thief was identified as a tiger. Gathering all he needed, the large Mobian lumbered to his car only to see a brown lynx in a purple dress waiting for him. He sighed; there wasn't much to do for him and his men anymore after "he" arrived. Nevertheless, the bear did his duty and described the perpetrator. The lynx stopped him short.

"We've got bigger problems, the Royal Armory's been robbed."

Another shadowy figure leapt across rooftop to rooftop. She was a lioness, wearing a standard black burglar outfit and gear. Inside a sack she had slung over her shoulder was a cache of weapons from the Royal Armory. She didn't know what they were or how to use them; she was just following the plan. And what a perfect plan it was.

Connors really outdid himself this time, she thought to herself. Scrambling the Royal Guard with the distraction at the jewelry store made this pick up a hell of a lot easier.

Arriving at the rendezvous, the lioness slid down a wall into the dark alley. Waiting for her was a tiger dressed like her, holding a similar sack even. He tossed his bag of goodies to his accomplice, "Here, keeping running through the city to get the Guard off our tails. You have the weapons, Jade?"

She nodded, revealing her stash a bit to prove it, "It was exactly where you said they were. But why are we switching bags again? If we both already have what we need, I don't see why we can't just bring them home in the first place."

Connors jerked the bag out of her hands with a scowl, "Because it would only be a matter of time until the royal guard tracked you down and intercepted you—or worse, followed you back to base! You were probably caught on security footage like I was. The Royal Guard is definitely going to put their effort in finding you; a local jewelry store doesn't come close in comparison to what you stole, so they'll be looking for you. And if they do, we won't lose what we worked so hard to get."

"I still don't like being bait," Jade glared at her boss, "Why couldn't one of the Toms do this?"

"Shut up, you're the only one who could pull of this sorta heist with me," he countered, "Besides, the Toms are only good for muscle and you know it. And you can definitely take care of yourself if you do get caught."

The lioness crossed her arms, "So now what? You're just going to head back carefree while I bust my ass?"

"No, I'm not taking any chances. I'll get to the warehouse where the Toms have the car to cover me. We'll slip away unnoticed, and if we get the chance, come back for you."

"You're a real gentleman, boss." Jade remarked sarcastically as she rolled her eyes. Connors seemed unimpressed. After inspecting the contents of the weapons bag, he slung it over his shoulder and leapt onto a rooftop. Jade picked up the jewels and head down the alley in the other direction.

"Jade," the tiger called out, "No witnesses."

And with that he bounded out of sight, leaving the female Mobian smirking. Her boss could be so dramatic sometimes. She turned to continue down the alley, but stopped abruptly when she noticed a figure leaning against the wall further away. Her blood almost froze, had they been caught?

The figure didn't move and kept his eyes closed. He appeared to be some big-eared cat. He wore a black turtleneck and had his arms crossed. Jade was puzzled, why was he just leaning there? There was something…frightening…about this mysterious character. Had he followed Connors here? She decided to confront him.

"Hey!" the thief barked. No response.

Jade fidgeted. This was an unsettling scenario. She was about to confront the figure again until he actually started to move. Towards her. The lioness immediately got into a defensive stance, and as the figure came closer, she saw that he was a blue lynx. He still kept his eyes closed, but his arms were now at his sides.

"You actually have a decent plan there," came his cool, calmed voice, "But the tiger took the wrong turn at stealing from a less significant area than a weapons cache; it's much too suspicious for one to mistake for a coincidence. Was the extra monetary value just convenience?"

Jade glowered, this lynx knew too much. In a flashing movement, she pulled out a large but slender knife from her belt, aiming it directly at the stranger. The dark blue lynx seemed unfazed. His eyes still remained closed.

"Cute," he responded, and faster than the thief could see, he clasped the blade between his palms. Before the lioness could attempt to counter, she watched the lynx's eyes slowly open to reveal two blood red pupils staring back at her. Her body stiffened as her eyes widened in shock; she didn't notice the stranger flip the knife out of her hand with a twist of his wrists. When it finally hit her as to what was going on, it was too late; the lynx threw an uppercut into her stomach.

Jade couldn't gasp at the sudden attack, as the wind was knocked completely out of her. The lioness lost vision, and she curled onto the floor unconscious.

The lynx stared down at the thief, disappointed with her frailty. Slipping a hand into his wrist, he pulled out a small, almost paper thin, grey oval. Holding it in between his thumb and forefinger, he clicked it, and a red light flashed on and off. After putting it on the downed lioness, he ran over to where the tiger had leapt off to, on his way to the warehouse that was mentioned.

"Captain, he's caught one of them," the brown lynx alerted after seeing a screen in his car flash. The bear moved away from the reporters who came to the scene and examined the screen in the vehicle. After a few moments, he mumbled something to himself and called a few of his officers to go on "pick up duty". Before going back to deal with the press, he tipped his hat to the female lynx.

"Thank you Nicole," he expressed gratefully, "We've got it from here. Be sure to alert the princess on the situation."

Nicole nodded back, "Please, you don't have to thank me…we're both doing our duties."

The lynx disappeared as the nanites that formed her body transported her to the castle. Seeing her departure the large, brown Mobian returned to the questioning reporters, Yea, you're doing myduties…both of you.

Connors walked into the warehouse. While it was small, there were enough crates and barrels to conceal him in case the Royal Guard decided to check it out. Jade would be a good distraction, even if she didn't make it out with the jewels. Those were of little importance compared to the reward he'd receive for obtaining the weapons. The tiger put the bag down and rested on a nearby crate. Wiping his forehead, he sighed in relief, "Whew, this was a long night."

Suddenly, the doors to the warehouse broke down with a CLANG and the criminal jumped out of his seat in surprise. Expecting the Royal Guard, or worse, Connors peeked over the side of a few crates to see a lone dark blue lynx. Smirking to himself, the thief got up from his hiding place to approach him, "I think you're in the wrong place, friend."

The lynx's cold, blood red eyes lazily loomed over to the tiger, analyzing him as the target. The blue figure crossed his arms and spoke with authority, "Roy Connors, known criminal and petty thief, you are hereby under arrest for the theft of a jewelry store, and more importantly, weapons belonging to the Royal Armory. You have the option of coming quietly, but I'd prefer it if you'd put up a fight and struggle. It gives me something to look forward to."

The tiger didn't show fear, and the lynx could hear him chuckling to himself.

"To think I was worried," Connors continued chuckling, "I'm sure the Toms will have a good time breaking you into pieces."

With a snap of the thief's fingers, three Mobians stepped out from behind the shadows; a boar with large tusks, a deer, and a stork. Each wore black vests with an embroidered "T" on in it in gold, and each of the three were armed with bladed brass knuckles on each hand. The lynx concluded these were the "Toms".

"What do ya want us ta do with 'em boss?" the boar asked for orders. The other two "Toms" snickered.

Connors dismissed him with a wave of his hand, "Just make it entertaining."

On cue, the deer lunged straight at the lynx, bringing his weapons straight down aimed for the head. The blue intruder gracefully sidestepped the attack.

Specimen is of the deer family; hearing is the specialty…but can also be a weakness…

The red eyed lynx quickly boxed the deer's ears when he landed, discombobulating the thug, and giving enough time for the lynx to deliver a roundhouse kick to the head. The "Tom" teetered back and stumbled to the ground, down for the count. Almost immediately, the boar charged straight at the lynx and prepared to deliver a punch. The dark blue fighter jumped up to grapple the pig's tusks, and used them as leverage to somersault over the moving Mobian. Yet this seemed to be predicted, as the cat barely managed to dodge an incoming flurry of fists from the stork who had followed through with the boar's attack. The bird decided to change strategy and delivered a forward kick, only to have it be caught between the lynx's shoulder and arm. The stork gulped as he looked into those blood red eyes that seemed to glimmer with anticipation and excitement. The cat flashed a sadistic grin before a distinct CRACK was heard coming from the "Tom's" leg. Wailing in pain, the bird was then tossed into a pile of crates with relative ease.

Having disposed of the first two "Toms", the lynx turned to the boar, who had just turned around to see his companions beaten and battered in such a short time. Who was this guy?

Connors grew nervous; things weren't turning out so good for him. A plan suddenly dawned upon his head and he turned to the weapons cache.

The last "Tom" adopted a defensive stance similar to the lioness from earlier. Keeping his distance, the boar tried jabbing punches at the lynx. While the blue combatant easily blocked and evaded each assault, he couldn't help but find the irony that the brute was the smartest fighter of the trio of Toms. The tusked Mobian tried to fake out his opponent into jumping and landing a hit in the air, but the lynx never jumped, and the boar's high attack left him vulnerable. Taking the opportunity, the dark blue lynx crouched and swung his leg in a sweeping motion, felling the pig onto his back. He returned to his upright position, ready to finish him off-

"I think that's enough," commanded Connors.

The lynx spun around to see the tiger holding a strange looking gun aimed directly at him. The gun was rather large; instead of a muzzle, there were two rods that protruded. Apparently it was some sort of conductor to fire electric volts at enemies, but in this case: him.

"Tom," the tiger snarled, "Get the car over here!"

The boar quickly rushed to his feet and headed out the door. Through all of this, the blue lynx had a smirk plastered over his face.

"Have to admit, you've got some moves," Connors applauded. He opened his mouth to say something else, but was cut off by an explosion outside the building.

The smirk on the cat grew larger. His eyes narrowed with glee, "I'm sorry, was that large van I saw out there yours?"

Connors refocused his attention on the lynx, his arm shaking, "You son of a-"

The tiger held his breath when the red eyed fighter slowly sauntered towards him. He held the strange gun firmly in his hand, shouting, "Stay back! I'm...I'm warning you! Don't you know what this thing can do?"

"I don't think you are aware of its functions either," the cat countered, continuing his slow pace towards the thief. Connors felt sweat on his brow; this mystery guy was only a couple feet in front of him now. In panic, he turned his head, closing his eyes and pulling the trigger, expecting a bloody mess.


One of his eyes peeked open. What happened? Or rather what didn'thappen?

He swirled his head back; the lynx was still standing with an amused look on his face, "You might have wanted to try turning the safety off."

Before the tiger could even process what he had said, the lynx thrust his arm forward and gripped Connor's throat, squeezing. The tiger tried using the gun as a melee weapon, but it was smacked out of his hand easily. He was running out of air, but he was already out of options. Desperate times called for desperate measures.

"W-w-wait," He choked out, "I…I can t-tell you…who I-I'm working for!"

The lynx's facial expression remained unaltered, "I don't care."

Connor's ears flicked forward, not believing what he had just heard, "What?"

"Whoever hired you to steal these weapons could have definitely found someone better suited for the job. I'm sure he'll hire new lackeys sooner or later," he explained, "Finding him now would mean there won't be anything more for me to do later on. And I despise boredom."

The tiger was losing vision; the grip on his trachea was absolute. His face lost color as he couldn't even make out proper words.

"Feel that?" the lynx taunted, "That's your life, slowly ebbing away…do you think you'll die without regrets?"

As the thief was going limp, the lynx heard the sound of running feet and he craned his head to see a red haired squirrel in a blue vest arrive at the doorway. Taking a quick scope of the area, she brought what seemed like a wristwatch to her mouth, "Nicole, he's here."

The squirrel then directed her view on the lynx, glaring, "Put him down Metal."

"Princess Sally, you shouldn't be in such a dangerous area," He sarcastically replied while not loosening his grip in the slightest, "Besides, what do you care for this trash?"

"You know we need him for information!" she pointed her finger, "Release Connors this instant before we lose him!"

Just then, a swirl of green bits and pieces appeared near the squirrel, and the brown furred lynx formed forth from them. The other lynx stiffened a bit, spiteful that the princess would use such measures. The newly arrived female looked around in shock, but when she saw him, her ears folded down and a disappointed, sad, expression bore across her face.

He has to stop acting like this,she thought to herself before calling out to the other lynx, "Metal…please…put him down and let's go home. You've done more than enough."

The blue cat stared into her emerald eyes, those sad, green eyes. Wasn't he supposed to be doing everything he could to make her happy?

Sighing with defeat, the lynx dropped the unconscious tiger onto the floor. Keeping his eyes forward, he strode out of the warehouse, ignoring the two females as he passed them and disappeared into the night.

There you have it! What do you guys think, huh? :D Now I don't know when I'll be able to update next, as I'll be pretty busy until the end of May . But I will definately finish this story! Oh and be sure to thank Espionage247 for beta reading still! ^^