A/N: Hey there guys! This is my newest story. I don't own Ghost Hunt. I do own Alex, Kyle, Joey and Hunter though. I hope that you enjoy this.

Chapter 1: A New Case

Mia ran down the hall way, cursing herself all the way.

I am so late! Damn Naru and the fact we just got back from a case! Mia thought as she slipped into her classroom and apologized to the teacher for being late. The teacher nodded before Mia sat down and started taking notes. After class, Mia's friends attacked her with questions.

"Why were you late, Mia?" Michiru asked as Mia sighed and rested her head on her desk.

"I just got back from a case." Mia explained as she sat up and yawned. Not to mention I didn't get any sleep while on the case and kept getting dragged down stairs and into wells. Mia thought to herself as Keiko cocked her head to the side.

"Why are you yawning so much?" Keiko asked as Mia rubbed an eye and smiled.

"I didn't get much sleep on the case, I kept getting dragged down a flight of stairs…" Mia yawned again as the door opened up.

"OMG! He is so cute!" a bunch of girls whisper-squealed as the boy who opened the door entered the room. Looking around the room, the boy found who he was looking for.

"Mia!" the boy called out to her as her head shot up and she whipped around.

"Naru! What's wrong?" Mia questioned as he came over to her and took her free hand.

"Are you okay?" Naru asked as he examined her hand, knowing that she had injured it on the last case.

"No, I'm really tired…" Mia trailed off as she looked at him, eyes scanning his face. "Why are you here?" Naru sighed as he released her hand and rubbed his temple.

"Gene said that you might be in trouble. Knowing you, it wouldn't surprise me if you were." Naru smirked as Mia groaned before she smiled and placed a hand on his cheek.

"Thanks, Naru. I'll see you at the office-" Mia cut off suddenly as she felt something come over her.

"Mia?" Naru noticed that she was feeling something.

"I smell blood…" Mia trailed off as she suddenly grabbed her head and screwed her eyes shut in pain.

"Mia!" Naru caught her as Mia started to fall.

"Naru…I don't like this…" Mia trailed off as she fell unconscious. Naru sighed and pulled out his cell phone.

"Lin, Mia just fainted. I'm going to bring her to the office. Call Ayako." Naru ordered before hanging up and picking Mia up.

"What's going on with Mia?" Michiru demanded as she and Keiko followed Naru out of the classroom.

"She saw something. And she is injured from our most recent case, so I'm having someone who we work with look at her." Naru kept walking, though annoyed by the fact that he was being followed by Mia's friends. Naru led the way to a van that was sitting in front of the school.

"We're coming with you." Keiko told him as the two girls climbed into the van after Naru set Mia down. Naru sighed before driving to the office. Once there Naru carried Mia to his office and laid her down on the couch that he kept in there. Ayako came in and looked her over.

"How is she?" Naru asked Ayako as he entered his office with a cup of tea for Ayako.

"She's going to be okay. What caused her to collapse this time?" Ayako questioned as she accepted the tea that the blue-eyed narcissist handed her.

"She stated that she smelled blood. But before that she was talking to me and suddenly cut off. She felt something." Naru stated as he sat down Mia's head and pulled a file out to read.

"Okay then. She should be waking up soon. I'm going to go sit out in the other room." Ayako left Naru and an unconscious Mia alone.

What am I going to do with you Mia? Naru asked himself as he went back to the file he was reading.

-Mia's Dream-

Where am I? Mia asked as she looked around the area. Soon Mia saw images flashing before her. Children screaming, throats being cut, women being stabbed and raped.

"Mia!" Dream Naru called to her as she screamed in horror.

"Naru!" Mia went to him and shook her head. "What's going on?"

"That was images that you shouldn't have seen. Your abilities are growing. You need to stay with someone at all times on the next case." Dream Naru told her before hugging her. "You're in danger on this case. Now, time for you to wake up." Mia felt a familiar tug as she started to regain consciousness.

-End Dream-

Mia sat up so quickly, causing Naru to stare at her in confusion.

"Mia? What's wrong?" Naru asked as he set the file down that he was reading.

"Did you take a case recently?" Mia asked causing Naru to look at her in surpise.

"I did. You had a dream didn't you." Naru stated as he looked at his brown-haired assistant. "What did you see?"

"Horrible things. I don't want to relive it right now. All I know is that I was told to stay with someone at all times, that I was in danger on this case and that my abilities were growing-since I wasn't supposed to see what I did." Mia told Naru as she started to shake. Naru sighed and clapped a hand on Mia's shoulder.

"You don't have to tell me now. But I will require you to tell me at some point on this next case." Mia sighed and nodded her head in agreement with Naru as he stood up. "Come to the lobby area when you feel that you can stand up." Mia watched as Naru left, thinking about what he said and what Dream Naru told her as well.

What did he mean by my powers are growing? Mia asked as she stood up and exited the office to find the rest of the team there as well as her two friends.

"MIA! Are you okay?" Keiko asked as she and Michiru got up and hugged her.

"I'm fine. Just tired," Mia said as she felt Monk's hand on her head.

"At least you didn't get pulled down a sewer pipe on this last case," Monk teased as he ruffled Mia's hair.

"Monk! In case you had forgotten I was pulled down a well twice and shoved down five flights of stairs, different staircases mind you, twice! Twice down each staircase!" Mia huffed as Monk smirked while Ayako sighed and rubbed her forehead.

"What!" Michiru shrieked as Mia cringed a little at the shriek. Naru sighed and glanced at Lin, who in turn gave him a bottle of Tylenol.

"I have weird things happen to me whenever we are on a case. By the way, Naru, is there any history about this new case?" Mia inquired as she turned her attention to her boss, who was just swallowing two pills of the pain killer.

"All I know is that the house had a violent history. As to you smelling blood while you were at school, I have a feeling that whoever told you that your abilities were growing is correct. The history of the house that we are going to is filled with blood." Naru gave Lin the bottle back, who then tossed it to Mia as she held her hand out for it. Catching the bottle, Mia pulled two pills out before tossing it to John who was rubbing his temples in pain as well.

"What is this, toss the Tylenol bottle around?" Monk asked as Mia swallowed her pills and John handed Lin the bottle back.

"Let's just get the van packed and get going. Mia tea." Naru stood up and walked into his office as Keiko glanced at Mia as she started to mutter something about a narcissistic jerk.

"He is really rude. Why do you work for him, Mia?" Keiko demanded as she and Michiru followed her into the kitchen.

"Cause he was kind enough to give me a job. Do you two want tea at all?" Mia turned to her friend just as Yasu came into the kitchen

"I would love some, Mia. Thanks!" Yasu exclaimed as Keiko and Michiru flinched at his high voice.

"You trying to scare Monk more?" Mia questioned as she pulled a fourth cup out of the cupboard.

"Just did. Thought I would continue to talk like this. Anyways, what's this I hear about you blacking out at your school, and smelling blood just before that?" Yasu smiled as Mia sighed and poured hot water into the cups and added the tea bags. Mia launched her explaination as she led Yasu and her two friends out of the kitchen Mia set the tea down and grabbed Naru's before going to his office.

"Naru, here's the tea that you wanted." Mia set the tea down on his desk.

"Mia, promise me that you will be careful on this case?" Naru asked as Mia turned to leave. Mia glanced back at her boss as he sat at his desk with his head in one of his hands. Mia walked around his desk and placed a hand against his cheek that wasn't being covered.

"I promise. But you do know that things happen to me even when I'm with someone right?" Mia jokingly asked as Naru sighed and shook his head.

"Just try not to fall into any wells." Naru smirked as Mia glared at him.

"That was not my fault!" Mia exclaimed as Naru stood up and grabbed her hand, leading her out of his office and down to where the van was.

"Get in the van, and pull out your ipod. We have a long drive ahead of us." Naru released Mia as Lin climbed into the driver's seat of the van. Monk, John, Masako, Yasu, and Ayako all climbed into Monk's car. Keiko and Michiru left when Mia went into her boss' office.

"Oh joy…" Mia grumbled as she did as she was told. Naru sighed as well before pulling his black note book out once more.

A/N: So what do you think? Should I keep it in third person or go to Mia's point of view? Should I continue this story or not? Read and Review please!