Chapter -1 Let's start again
It was the ending of the summer holidays.
Wallabee Beatles was sitting in the airplane, waiting to go back to America.
He spent his summer days in Australia visiting his family and his Aussie friends, and he had so much fun, because he hadn't to think of anything about his daily life in his town:no homework, no school, no Teens Next Door, just relax, beach, and funny jokes with his mates.
There was just one thing running through his mind costantly: her.
But how could he help? He had no choice. And now, he just have to wait and see his friends again.
Wally grabbed his iPod and put his earphones on, then he started listening to rock music as usual.
Joey was sitting next to him reading comics, their parents were sitting behind them.
Finally they got off the aircraft. After taking their luggages, they took a taxi and went home.
"Damn it, i hate cruddy travels by plane! And i hate to come back to school, i hate the end of the summer! I fucking hate all that stuff!" thought Wally.
Suddenly he heard some voices coming from his driveway.
They were his best friends, Nigel, Abby,Hoagie, Rachel, Fanny, Patton, and, da-da-da-daaaaan, Kuki.
Everyone waved at him with huge smiles on their face, except her .
"Oh great, she hates me now! Stupid Wally, what the hell have you done?"
thought in his mind.
"Hey man, welcome back! How was in Australia? Any hot girl around there?" Said Hoagie playfully.
"Hayy shut up, you geek! No one can reach Wally Beatle's heart!" said proudly the Australian.
Of course no one could reach his heart: there was already a person in..
." Abby's happy to see ya Walls" said Abby putting a hand on his shoulder.
The British guy came to him and hugged him, and so did the other friends,
except for the cute Japanese girl, that was keeping a frown on her face.
She seemed nervous to face him again, after what happened before he left for Australia.
"Hey Kuki... Wassup? Asked shyly. ...Uh?...Hi. She pretended she didn't hear him. He felt guilty.
"Come on, let's get some icecream! Are you guys with us"? Asked Patton was funny at least.
"Ohh yes! We have to celebrate the ending of the holidays! Let's go everybody to Lime Ricky's!"Said Numbuh 2, grabbing Abby's hand.
Don't you know? He asked her out during the summer, and so did Nigel to Rachel and Patton to Fanny. How sweet! They were all seventeen years old, except for Kuki, the youngest member of the group, that still had sixteen.
They went to Lime Ricky's, and they looked for a table, then they ordered ice cream and drinks.
They talked about last summer holidays and laughed togheter aloud. Nigel held Rachel's hand, Hoagie Abby's..
Wally seemed to not care, but actually he was thinking of Kuki's sweet hands and the last time he grabbed them softly.
"Hey man? You ok?" Said Hoagie, with a worried look in his goggles
. "Yeah, I'm fine. So, how did you ask Abby out? I can't belive you finally did it, mate!" The thin, brown-haired American boy blushed and cleared his throat, then Abby showed up
"Abby'll tell ya, babe. It was a peaceful starry night, and we were all by the lake around a bonfire,
Patton was playing the guitar and we all were singing and joking togheter. Then we turn off the fire,
in order to sleep under the stars. Fanny and Patton lay down toghether, Nigel and Rachel were already sleeping next to each other.
I sat on a rock staring at the dark sky. Then Hoagie showed up. He was sooo nice.
He noticed that i was cold, so he gave me his sweatshirt and sat next to me.
He put his arm around my shoulders, then i became all red. He told me he wanted to tell me something from long ago...
And before i could ask him what it was, the kissed me on the lips and said that... He loved me... And he always did..."
Abby's eyes met Hoagie's. Then they smiled softly and kiss.
"Heeeeyyy what the hell are you doin' man? What the crud is that! How gross!" Said the Aussie disgusted. They laughed "Uhh Wally, you won't understand that feeling untill you fall in love with someone" Abby smirked.
She knew Wally very well, and she knew that he wasn't as rude as he wanted show himself.
He did a lot of caring things, and most of them were only for Kuki. But he always used the same excuse:
"She owes me a quarter!". Even the time when he took her home in bridal style because she hurt her leg playing volleyball.
Anyway, it was late, everyone except for Wally and Hoagie left the Lime Ricky's.
They exited and sat on the sidewalk. Wally lit a cigarette, than Hoagie yelled at him "No way! When did you start smoking Wally?"
"In Australia, my friend Jonathan made me start. I need it, mate."
"You can't need something that hurts you! It's stupid!" Wally looked down thoughtfully
"Yeah.. I guess you're right.." he sighed.
Of course he was thinking about something else.."i know what you feel man, but time will turn things better!"
Hoagie tried to cheer up his best friend. "Can't you see it? She hates me! I'm a fucking bastard! I hate myself more than she does!"
Wally said in anger. He tried to hold back the tears. "I fucking miss her..."
he said calmly, and took a puff of cigarette. Immediatly his mobile rang, it was a message.
"Let's see.. is from Catherine. What do i do now?" "Read it aloud" said Hoagie.
"Hi Walls! Are u back, sweetie? Wanna meet tomorrow? xoxo
Geez, I have to leave her, she pratically ruined my life!"
"You had to handle that situation better, is your fault."
Wally's eyes widened "WHAT? I HAD NO CRUDDY CHOICE!"
Then he sat down, putting his face in his hands "It all started before the school dance. It was so perfect.. Kuki and I were closer than ever.
We were toghether all time, we used to walk to school toghether, study toghether,
play videogames toghether, go to the park togheter and so on... She was my life, she was my everything..
more than a friend, but not even a sister.. I loved to look at her beautiful eyes, at her black hair, at her skin..
at her sweet smile she gave only to me.. we weren't a couple, but there was a sort of magic between us.
And i fucking loved it.
I always loved everything about our relationship.."
Hoagie smirked, then said "What about loving HER?" Wally blushed "Shut up! Let me finish!"
Hoags laughed. Wally groaned, then continued to talk.
"One day at school arrived the leaflet of the school dance, and i had an idea:
what about me and Kuki to go togheter? I was so excited about this thought!"
He smiled while closing his eyes and blushing. Hoagie again "And then tell her that you LOVE her?" smirking.
"Shut the fuck up! We were just friends!" Spat Wally.
"Of course I had to tell her that I.. ehhmm.. she... owes me a quarter.
And that could have been the PERFECT day! So one day I placed a rose into her locker with a ticket where was written
Meet me at the cafeteria. Wally.
When she came i grabbed her hands and I asked to go to the dance with me.
Her eyes grew huge, and she hugged me screaming yes! It was the best day of my life!"
Wally was very excited, but something made his eyes turn off.
"But the day before the dance, i went to train with my basketball team
. At the end of the training i was thinking only about Kuki and me going to the dance.
Then my coach called me apart. I went toward him, than he ordered me something horrible."
Hoagie gave a worried look at him
"No, Hoagie! Is not what you think! Oh, crud! But anyway, he forced me to go to the dance with his daughter Catherine,
or he would have thrown me off the team." He said sadly
"His daughter likes me a lot from ages, and she's a daddy's girl, so she asked her father to do this shit to me!
I couln't find the words to explain to Kuki, and I hadn't enough time..
So i arrived at the dance with Catherine.. Kuki saw us and became mad at me.. She was shocked, sad and angry. She hit me on the face in front of everybody, and ran away somewhere.
I looked for Kuki everywhere, but that cruddy sheila was always stuck to my ass!
She forced me to dance with her, but i didn't wanted to.. and then, while i was searching Kuki with my eyes,
Catherine caught me and she kissed me! How disgusting! But i had to do that for basketball...
I hope Kuki didn't see us k-kissing.. Blech!"
Wally took out his toungue. "Did you see Kuki after the dance?"
Asked Hoagie "No mate.. I texted her a lot, and i called her, but i got no answer.
Then i left for Australia. And now, here i am. Now tell me what the hell am i going to do!
I'm desperate! I want MOI Kuki back!"
The American looked at him smiling
"You just have to let her know that you are still here for her.
It won't be easy, but once you get closer to her and explain what did really happen, you will be as friends as ever!"
"Yeah.. As you wish.."