I hope you like this... it's my first story :) Please review... I don't mind constructive criticism, but please be kind. ENJOY :)
I don't own Harry Potter and characters... Only JKR does. :)
"I get it. You choose him."
"Ron—please, just-no!" Hermione cried while chasing after Ron. "Please! Just don't leave me!"
"I don't really have a choice now do I?" He continued to walk further and further away from the tent.
"B-but you promised. You said you would never l-leave me, that w-we'd get through this t-together." Hermione could barely let the words fall out of her mouth.
Never in a million years did she think that this would happen, that Ron would leave her. He had promised her just a few weeks ago that they would stick together no matter what. A promise Ron was soon to break.
"Hermione just stop," Ron yelled back to her, "Just go back to Harry. Don't let me get in the bloody way." Ron stood face to face with the barrier. One more step and he would be gone, there was no turning back.
"Ron-just wait! You never get in the way! We need you; no, I need you." Hermione couldn't stop herself as tears streamed down her face. "I can't do this without you."
Ron turned around to face her. He could not bear to see the tears knowing he had caused them. All he wanted to do was run up to her and wipe the tears off her face. He wanted to tell her that everything was going to be okay. But, sadly that was not true. Everything was not going to be all right, and they both knew it.
"Hermione you and Harry don't need me. You chose your path and I chose mine. You picked Harry." Ron could hear the hatred in his voice. Hermione had picked Harry, not himself. Of course he knew all along it would come down to this. Who was he compared to the Chosen One? No one would ever pick simple, stupid, poor Ron Weasley when Harry Potter was an option. Not even Hermione.
"No Ron I didn't choose Harry. It's j-just we promised him that we w-would help him."
Hermione could barely stand anymore. She felt like her knees were going to give in at any moment. By now she could not even tell if her face was wet from the rain or the tears. Hermione continued to sob and begged Ron to stay. She couldn't loose him, not Ron. Over the years she had lost so much, but one thing she refused to loose was Ron. Hermione knew what life was like without Ron; last year when Ron had dated Lavender they barely spoke. What Hermione refused to admit was that those were the toughest months of her life. It was a living hell, almost like a part of her was missing.
"Please Ron! Please stay!" Hermione had never wanted something so much in her life. "You were just upset, it was the locket, not you."
"No Hermione I think you're wrong. I've known for a while that this wasn't going to work out. I'm obviously not important enough to you…" As Ron's voice got angrier Hermione's sobs and protests got louder. Finally Hermione fell to her knees.
"Ron, you are so important to me! I need you! You promised me that you wouldn't leave me!" Hermione felt as if her heart was being ripped right out of her chest.
"Whatever…" Ron took a deep breath and stepped outside of the protective enchantments. Hermione dragged herself up, but it was too late; Ron was gone.
"Ron," She whispered even though he could not see nor hear her anymore, "Please don't leave me; I love you…"