"What?" the Doctor repeated for the third time.

"I just said," Sarah Jane sighed as she sipped her tea. "We found a Time lady."

It was true; Sarah Jane, Rani, Luke, Clyde and Maria had discovered her. Her name was Mary, and she was 906, and had her own TARDIS.

"But…" the Doctor said for the, also, third time.

"Stop 'but'ing! I'm here, I'm real, get used to it!" a voice sounded. It was Mary.

"But you can't be!" the Doctor protested. All the Time Lords and Ladies died in the war!"

"But I survived! Yipee! Can we move on now?" Mary asked.

"BUT HOW? HOW DID YOU SURVIVE?" the Doctor said.

Mary and Sarah Jane both put a hand to their foreheads. This was going to take a lot of time to explain.

"Please can we move on?" Mary begged.


"No buts."


"Stop that."
