Disclaimer: I don't own Criminal Minds and intend no copyright infringement.

~ for Sue1313 ~

"Hey, mastermind of masterminds, what can I do for you?" Garcia swirled around on her chair and raised her hands, fingers slightly curved in rapt anticipation, ready to hack her way to whatever information Reid would ask her for.

"Go home and pack a bag", he told her. His cell phone connection was fraught with static and noise. It sounded as if he was standing outside, somewhere near a road with heavy traffic.

"Uh, Mr. Genius, that's quite an honor… what do you need? An extra set of sweater vests? Any special ties you'd like or are you in adventurous mood and up to leave the choice of colors to me?" In the back of her head she was already trying to picture Reid with a purple tie.

Well, if she chose a dark enough purple…

"Erm, actually… I was talking about a bag for you…." He hesitated for a moment, then suddenly all the words seemed to tumble out at once. "I cleared this with Hotch - there's a ticket waiting for you at the airport - I've booked a hotel room for you - a cab will pick you up - recent studies have underlined the importance of a friend's company in challenging times – in sixty percent of the cases…"

"Reid…", she interrupted him softly.

Thankful for the stop she'd put on his nervous spate, he took a deep breath. Then: "Come here. He needs you."

Now it was Garcia's turn to take a deep breath. In fact she hesitated with answering for so long, Reid checked his cell phone, not sure if he had lost the signal.

"First time around I didn't know what to tell him, second time I hung up on him because I was angry… I was already a catastrophic friend failure over the phone… imagine how horrible I'd be in person…"

"This feeling of insecurity you're experiencing right now is a very well-know psychological phenomenon. It indicates not so much a lack of abilities but actually a deep attachment that results in the fear of disappointing the other person while at the same time not realizing that the only disappointment the other person might actually feel would arise if he or she was left alone. Among the valid methods to treat this misperception of abilities and needs exposure therapy has proven extremely helpful. In 84 percent of the cases…"

Garcia couldn't help but laugh, despite the knot in her stomach. "Well, I guess I should find out if I'm one those 84 percent, Doctor... When does my plane leave?"