AN: I own nothing.

These are born out of a writing exercise started with Jorbor. We would pick a fandom, shuffle our iPods, and I would write a oneshot and she would draw something. A few of these will be from those, but most of them I'll have done by myself. Anyway, when these are inspired by the titles alone, all you'll get is the song title. If I used the song itself, you'll get some lyrics as well. Also, the majority of these will probably be from the time of Legend of Korra, since I feel after the first two episodes I won't botch the characterization too horribly, but who knows?

Hopefully you enjoy these as much as I did!

Song title: "It's Not My Time" by 3 Doors Down

Every avatar has their time. Their time to live, their time to die, their time to laugh, their time to cry. And above all, a time to make peace.

Katara knew when Aang's time ended so had hers. It was no longer her place to stand at the forefront of the peacekeeping and keep balance between the four nations. Her friends felt it too; Zuko, Sokka, Toph. Their time had ended.

It was time for them to act as placeholders, now. Train the next generation. Try and prepare them for the challenges of keeping the peace.

The transition would take time. They had to find the next avatar, raise them carefully. Make sure that when the next major conflict arises that they are prepared.

It was a daunting task, and frightening to those who have been in power for so long. And yet, as Katara watches Korra leave for Republic City, she knows she has left the future in capable, if impulsive, hands.