I don't own Pride and Prejudice
Mary Bennett waited in the Meadow as the moonlight poured over her. The hem of her dress becoming soaked with dew. "Where are you?" she whispered into the wind. She looked towards the Horizon just in time to see a horse coming towards her. She smiled as the horse and rider stopped next to her. "Collins." She smiled.
"Mary." He reached down and pulled her up on the horse. "I have a carriage waiting on the other side of the Meadow. We have to get moving before anyone notices we're gone."
"I think not Mr. Collins." Mary pursed her lips and slide off the horse standing her ground.
"What are you doing?" he looked down at her flabbergasted.
"We need to disscuse your marriage proposal to Charlotte Lucas."
"Really now." His voice almost took on a pleading note.
"Yes do you really think I'm going to leave with you when you proposed to another woman?"
"Look her father offered me a lot of money to marry her how was to turn that down? Mary you have to believe I love you but your father wouldn't let us marry even if your mother said Yes and you only have a thousand pounds."
Eyes flashing Mary wanted to slap him. "So eloping with me now is fine but marrying me proper isn't." her voice crackled as her eyes flashed.
"I need a wife." Mr. Collins voice was crackling as he looked up at his eldest cousin. "If I don't come back with a wife Lady Catherine will be most displeased."
Mary gasped at him. "Lady Catherine so your patroness would be most displeased and that's why you want to marry me. I love you though at this moment I can't say why. Think about that because as it stands this moment I'm not going with you." With that Mary turned on her heel and stalked away sneaking back into the house she fell onto her bed sobbing. She hated Elizabeth, she hated Charlotte and she hated Mr. Collins even though she loved him.
The next morning Elizabeth smiled at Jane. "You remember the plan right?"
"Yes." Jane sighed. "I'm to tell mother your with Charlotte, you'll leave with Charlotte but split from her to go and meet Darcy."
"Right." Elizabeth smiled. As she placed as shawl around her shoulders.
"You know mother and father probably know what is going on right?"
"Maybe." Elizabeth shrugged. The two sisters walked down the stairs and greeted their family at the breakfast table. "Good morning." Elizabeth smiled sipping some tea.
"Morning dear." Madeline smiled at her daughter. "What are your plans for the day?
"I'm going to Meryton with Charlotte to do some shopping.
"Oh can we go?" Lydia squealed. "I so want to see the Militia all those red coats." The younger girl almost swooned.
"You can come with me Lydia dear." Mrs. Bennett told her youngest daughter. "I'm going to see your Aunt Phillips you may visit with the young men during that time. Where is your sister?" she looked around not seeing her eldest daughter.
"Who cares," Lydia waved away the question.
"Probably sulking over her loss of Mr. Collins." Kitty smirked. "Who would want to be with that man anyways." She shivered.
Mrs. Bennet Sniffed and glared at her husband. "Yes, that." Was all she would say angry that her husband was ruining Mary's chance to be mistress of Longbourne one day.
"Jane dear what are you doing?" Madeline asked.
"I was hoping to go to Netherfield." She smiled at her sister.
"And you don't want to go to Netherfield Lizzy?" Maddie looked at her daughter surprised.
"No mama I promised Charlotte I'd go with her. She's so upset about Mr. Collins." Elizabeth tried to look down trodden about the aspect of her.
"Ok dear." Mrs. Gardiner sipped her drink but no one noticed the sparkle in her eyes. Elizabeth stood up and kissed her mother's cheek.
Meanwhile Darcy himself was having trouble getting out of the house. "You do know it rained yesterday don't you brother dear." Georgiana's eyes sparkled up at him. Oh she knew what he was doing but that didn't mean she didn't get to tease him it was her right as the younger sister.
"Thanks for that information. Georgie." He kissed her forehead. "but I have to ride being stuck in this house isn't for me."
"Are you taking Fitzwilliam with you?"
"No I thought I'd leave him here I'm sure he can entertain himself."
"What are you on about now Darcy?" Fitzwilliam came into the room and smiled at Georgiana. "Good morning Georgiana.
"Fitzwilliam." She nodded. Though her heart was beating fast in her chest. "My brother plans to leave you here as he goes riding." She added more meaning to the word riding.
"Yes riding." Fitz snorted taking up a cup of tea. "You have fun with that Darc."
"Right well I'm off I'll see you two later. Don't torment Miss Bingley too much." He slapped his riding gloves against his thigh
"Miss. Bingley what is this about Miss. Bingley" Georgiana called after him.
He turned around. She should be arriving some time today I'd say I think according to Bingley anyway.
"And we're not allowed to torment her." Georgiana scowled at her brothers back. "Because you know she never torments me." She flopped into a chair.
"And people think you are the docile one." Fitzwilliam smirked at his younger cousin.
"And we'll let them keep thinking that." She stood up and went to the sideboard.
Well this was happening in the two households. Mr. Collins was passing in a rented room think about his quandary he couldn't go back to Kent without a bride and Miss Lucas has flat out refused him and Mary Bennet refused to run away with him. What was he to tell Lady Catherine? His patroness was so gracious and she'd only asked one thing of him. Come home with a bride. He wouldn't let her down. He had to convince Mary Bennet to marry him with or without her father's permission
A/N well here's the next chapter next up Jane and Bingley meet up Darcy and Elizabeth meet up Collins tries to talk to Mary and Miss Bingley will arrive which you know means drama.