Once again, the annonymous "guest" has reared her/his ugly head.
Apparently this person has decided to report me because I posted an author's note as a chapter. All I have to say about that is if you're going to report me for something so ridiculous, it's obvious you hate the fact that I stood up to you and now have the desire to get me kicked off so I can't do it again. Don't worry, this one will be posted as an author's note.
And for the record, I accept both good and bad reviews. I get both and I happily take consideration into what other people think. I don't write these stories for other people to "kiss my butt" as you say. I write them because that is what my imagination comes up with. I wrote that author's note to make a point. The point being that if you are going to give me a bad review, then don't be rude and a total jerk about it. Have some respect, even if you don't like the story or the author. It isn't that hard to give someone criticism without using harsh comments obviously meant to put the author down. So excuse me for standing up for myself.
Seriously, PM me. I'd love to have a chat with you about manners and how you should improve yours. Or simply just stop wasting my time as well as yours and QUIT READING MY STORIES.
And if you do manage to get me kicked off, I'll just make another account. There's no way YOU are going to stop me from doing something I like to do.
On another note, since it looks like I'll be getting kicked off for something stupid because some people can't take what they dish out, I'd like to say thank you for all the support from the readers who do respect me. You guys are awesome :) Bad or good review.