My eyes opened, the room out of focus. My first thoughts drifted to if this was what death had in store for me. Then I realized I've been here before. The same room, if I'm not mistaken. Maybe I'm supposed to spend eternity in a place like this, every little thing reminding me of what I've done.

"You're awake?" a high pitched voiced squeaked from somewhere nearby. I could move my arms but realized I was connected to something. Fantastic, this wasn't a dream.

"Why do I keep waking up in this room?" I asked. My voice didn't hurt as much as it did the last time I was here. "Shouldn't I be dead?"

"You would be if it wasn't for him." The voice answered.

"Who?" I whispered, finding it easier. "Dad?"

"Cato…" Her voice dropped. Who's voice did it belong to? "Your dad isn't here."

My eyes started to focus, the room's previously white walls were a dull grey. "Why not? And why does my head hurt so much."

"Don't you remember anything?" she asked. "Maybe that's for the best."

No, my memories are all I have. Or had, I wasn't going to let them go. I had to know. "Tell me."

"Maybe it's easier for you to see for yourself." She was behind me, pushing the head of my bed up. Looking across the room, I saw several occupied beds.

"What happened?" I asked, spotting Tigress in one of them. Johanna was in another.

"They made it through the battle, but just barely." She spoke softly as if not to disturb their sleep. "You were outmatched more than anyone could have guessed. Reserves were in the mansion. You were outmatched 10 to 1."

"But we're in the Capitol?" I asked, "How is that possible?"

I turned to look at her for the first time, seeing Effie. "Effie! I thought you were dead."

"Not yet, Cato." She smiled. "It's possible because we won. All because of him."

She pointed to a far off bed, "I don't know what happened, but all of a sudden he was releasing us from our cells. Many were captured soldiers and ran to join the last of the battle. Just in time for everyone to break through to the mansion and capture Snow. He called for a surrender and the battle ended."

"Everyone thought you were dead. At least until—"

"Why is he here?" I cut her off. The far bed was Peeta. I was happy to see him, but how can everyone be saying he was a sort of hero, "How can you say it was all because of him."

"Cato, aren't you sitting here proof?" Effie explained. "From what I heard from some soldiers, he's the reason you're alive."

"But how? I felt the blow, I remember it." I answered.

"From what Johanna said before she passed out was that a Peace Keeper was behind you ready to kill. Peeta knocked you out, didn't kill you. He made it look like you were dead. If he hadn't you'd actually be dead."

"That doesn't make any sense." I whispered more to myself than to Effie.

"That's the truth, Lover Boy." Johanna spoke, pushing herself up in her bed. "Saw it with my own eyes. You went as limp as a sac of potatoes. But the crazy doesn't stop there. The little bastard ordered the Peace Keeper to do something. The Peace Keeper ran off towards the mansion and Peeta knelt in front of you before turning on his own men. The little guy packs a punch, keeping up with me and Tigress."

"You should get some rest, Johanna." Effie spoke.

"Quit pussy footing around him." Johanna snapped, "He's gonna find out. Mind as well know the full story from someone who was there."

"Let her continue." I answered turning to Effie, "I want to know."

"After that, more troops came out from the mansion. I didn't know how many of us were left, but we barely making it with the first wave. I signaled for a retreat."

"Where was my dad?" I asked. Effie stiffened and shot Johanna a silencing look. Johanna rolled her eyes and continued.

"Your dad didn't make it. I watched him fall trying to get to you during your suicide attempt." Johanna muttered. "And what the hell was that all about anyway?"

"My dad…" I felt myself going numb. He wasn't supposed to die, we made a pact before the battle. But then again, I was the one who broke it first.

"Johanna," Effie stressed, "That is enough, where are you manners? The boy doesn't need to be hearing this so bluntly."

"No, I'd rather it be this way." I answered. I don't know why, but this is how I needed to hear it. Johanna was right, I didn't need someone to beat around the subject. "Continue."

"We moved down the street, but that idiot over there wouldn't come with us. He had taken a bigger beating than us, but pushed himself even harder. It was like he wasn't even human, or had the same death wish as you." Johanna explained, her nose scrunched at the thought. "I don't know what made me go back, for all I knew at the time was that you were dead by his hands. Tigress and Finnick must have seen me run back because they followed. The four of us stood before the second wave."

"I got a few words with him before the battle started. He told me he wasn't going to stop. He'd make it easier for you. This way neither of you had to kill each other." Johanna whispered. "It didn't make any sense, I thought you were already dead. The boy really did have a death wish. What is it with you two anyway? Both so eager to see the end."

"You'd do the same in my shoes." I whispered to her.

"Doubt that, I actually have a sense of duty. Wouldn't sacrifice myself when I knew others were relying on me to finish the job." Johanna commented.

"How did it end?" I asked. "How did the four of you survive the last wave?"

"We didn't all make it." Johanna answered.

"Cato, like I was saying earlier, the prisoners were released. They must have waited in the mansion and attacked from behind." Effie explained.

"They did. Our own soldiers poured out of the mansion and attacked. I still don't understand how they got out, but they couldn't have come at a better time." Johanna stated.

"It was Peeta." Effie explained, grabbing a handkerchief. "He was the one that freed us."

"That kid is just full of surprises." Johanna started. "Took their sweet ass time since Peeta was with us the whole time."

"I'm still lost." I started. "What could have made him switch?"

"That's something you'll have to ask him, if the little shit ever wakes up. He took more of a beating than me or Tigress, but kept going." Johanna answered, "Anyway, the four of us made it into the mansion; Peace Keepers were still standing guard inside and got the better of Finnick. Tigress seemed to know the way to Snow's chambers and we eventually made it there. Should have seen Snow's face when Peeta burst into the room next to a victor and a Capitol citizen. He looked completely betrayed, his own creations here to end his rule."

"It was quite entertaining." Tigress spoke up. She must have been listening the entire time, letting Johanna explain.

"After the battle, Peeta told me you weren't dead and we rushed back to get your sorry ass. He smacked you with the blunt side of his sword." Johanna explained, "Took quite a hit too, your pulse was weak. We got you here and all of us have been here since."

"How long ago was this?" I asked.

"A few battles are being diffused yet from Capitol Supremacists, but since the surrender, only a day." Johanna answered, "I think. I've been out for a bit to, only getting information from Franken Barbie over there."

"I beg your pardon?" Effie spoke, "I'll let you know I've been in a cell for nearly 2 months, you expect me to be all prettied up already?"

"No one cares." Tigress hissed, "We just won a war."

I tried to stand but Effie grabbed my arm. "Let me go." I shouted. "I need time to mull everything over."

"Let him go, Princess." Johanna explained.

Effie released my arm and I stood, unhooking myself from the machines. It was hard to walk, my feet having a mind of their own. My head throbbed, my brain mixing up what I was doing. Teetering on my feet, Effie was next to me trying to steady me. "No, let me do it on my own." I shouted at her.

She backed away and I made my way to the door. Stumbling through the opening and watching it slide shut, I sunk to the floor resting my head in my hands. My dad was dead. I figured I'd be more torn up about it; especially since we bonded over the past two months. It was hard to believe he was actually gone. And Finnick, sacrificing himself just like my dad for the rebellion. I felt like both of their deaths were on my hands. If only I went through with my plan and killed Peeta, my dad would probably still be here. And I could have been there for Finnick in the mansion, both me and my dad.

The thoughts quickly disappeared as Peeta came to mind. What were you thinking? What changed? You made it clear that there was nothing I could do to help you. It was me against you, somewhere it changed.

Standing I made my way back into the room. The quiet only brought more thinking which hurt my head even more. Walking into the room; Effie, Tigress, and Johanna were watching me. I stumbled closer to my bed but caught sight of Peeta across the room. Turning, I stumbled toward him, passing Laser in his own bed.

"Cato…" Effie started, "Maybe you shouldn—"

"Let him." Johanna jumped in, "He has to figure it out on his own. Put the pieces together. It's what I had to do when it all happened."

I made it to Peeta's bed. His face was scratched up, ugly open wounds starring back at me. The wounds reminded me of the slice down his cheek from the arena. I sat next to him, laying my head on the bed next to his arm. "Why did you do it, Peeta?"

I reached up for his hand, taking it in my own. They were cold, but the warmth in me was still there; probably always will be. I noticed something in his hand, something small. I pulled it free from his grasp and held it up to the light. The black reflecting the light back at me, the small marble shimmered. How did you get this? It was in my hand during our fight, how did it end up in yours after? Johanna said he knelt before me before he turned on his own men. Did the take it from me? Did the marble cause you to turn against the Capitol? There were too many new questions. My head was starting to spin and I felt black fingers trying to take away my consciousness.

"Cato? Are you alright?" Effie asked from across the room. I put the marble back in my palm and reached for Peeta's hand before my mind slipped into darkness.

I woke up in my own bed, reconnected to the machines. I felt much better, my head no longer feeling fuzzy. I tested moving my arms and the movement didn't seem sluggish or uncoordinated. Looking around, I noticed Tigress and Johanna were gone. Effie was across the room sitting with Peeta who seemed to be awake and eating.

"Effie?" I dared to ask. Peeta shot me a glance and looked away sheepishly.

"Cato?" Effie returned the question. "Are you awake? You scared me last time. You passed out for two days. Nothing but bed rest for you, no more walking around."

"Effie, I'm feeling better." I retorted. "Everything seems to be back to normal, no more confusion."

"That makes one of us." Peeta murmured. Effie patted him on the shoulder before standing and approaching me.

"What does he mean?" I asked.

"Well, we've been watching the games. Johanna thought it might trigger something if he watched them." Effie said, "I thought it was a barbaric idea. He says he remembers things differently, that certain things didn't happen or happened differently."

"Is that a good thing?" I asked.

"I think he's starting to realize things aren't the way he remembers them to be." Effie stated, "But it seems to be pushing him away more than helping. Or at least making him close in how he's feeling. How about some lunch?"

If she had asked me merely seconds earlier, I would have said yes. Now, not so much. My appetite disappeared the moment I heard what they were doing to him. "Not hungry."

"But sweetie, you haven't eaten in nearly four days." Effie complained, "You need to eat something."

The door slid open and Johanna walked in, "He said he's not hungry, Effie."

"I'm starting to not like that woman." Effie grumbled, returning to Peeta's side so Johanna could talk to me.

"How you feeling?" she asked.

"Much better." I answered. I cut right to the chase, I wanted to know more. "Did he say anything about it—"

"He did." Johanna interrupted. "He said seeing you there triggered something. He doesn't know what it was. All of a sudden he was fighting the people he was previously leading into battle."

"He had to realize what he was doing after that." I commented. How could he not? Initially maybe, but after the battle and storming into the mansion, some clarity had to return.

"Personally, if you want my opinion?" Johanna asked as if I could have denied it. "Think he was thinking clearly. Don't think he expected to survive through it. I think he was trying to take himself out the best way he could, let you move on."

I didn't say anything, only mulled over the thought. It didn't fit to me. Why not just take me out with him? He was supposed to hate me. Peeta had to know something and wasn't sharing it. I was tired of the infirmary, to many times I woke up in this room thinking of him. I needed to leave, and if it was what Peeta wanted, I'd move on. Or at least try to.

"Can I leave?" I asked Johanna. "I can't take this room anymore. Spent too much time in here."

"Why are you asking?" Johanna answered, "Just get up if you want to."

I shot a glance at Effie, picturing her scolding me for trying to leave. Johanna was right, I felt fine and I needed some air. "Is it safe outside?"

"Yeah, it seems the last of them surrendered as well. Think it's finally over." Johanna confirmed.

"Good, I need to get some fresh air." I stated, draping my legs over the side of the bed. I disconnected myself from the machines and stood, feeling more grounded and in control than last time. My legs did what I told them to. I looked over at Effie who was scolding me from a distance. It didn't matter, I was up and I was determined to get some air. My eyes drifted past Peeta who seemed to shuffle uncomfortably in his bed. Without even thinking about what I was doing I asked, "Would you like to come get some air?"

Effie gasped, "Cato, I don't think that's such a—"

"I'd like that." Peeta answered cutting Effie off. I heard Effie mumble under her breath about people having more manners and let people actually finish a sentence. "Promise not to pick my brain?"

"Promise." I replied. At least he was able to stand being around me.

"Keep an eye on him; don't let him escape if he makes a run for it." Johanna answered, "There's still more we need to know."

I brushed off her comment and waited for Peeta to stand up and join me. We silently walked to the balcony, looking out across the Capitol. It seemed demolished, many soldiers left, a few staying behind to help rebuild. I somehow expected it to be the same the last time I was on this stage, when I accepted the crown as the victor. It's all changed.

"I expected you to jump right into questions." Peeta admitted. "I should have known you wouldn't."

"What do you mean?" I asked feeling slightly hypocritical for asking a question right after what he said.

"I was used to torture, but even after it all I'm still being tortured. Mentally rather than physically." Peeta admitted, "My head doesn't know what to think anymore."

"I know the feeling." I admitted having fought my own head before. "But it was you that freed me from my own mental prison."

"Don't." Peeta replied, "From what I saw, I already know that. Please don't push that on me now, I'm not ready for it."

"Sorry." I apologized. Something I learned to do more easily since I met him as well, but I wasn't going to tell him if he didn't want to hear it.

We silently stood on the balcony. I wanted to ask him so many things, but didn't want to push him further away.

He turned to me smiling. The first time I saw him smile since after he died. The heat inside me ignited and I could feel him coming back to me. "I want you to have this back." He dropped the marble into my hand. I shook my head and made him take it back. He needed it more than I did right now. "It probably saved me from myself back there. You know, when you pulled that out on me before they tortured me, I hated you for it. It only made my head spin with conflicting memories. After you released me, Snow captured me and did the same thing. Except this time, you weren't there to free me."

"How did you get out of it?" I asked.

"At that point, I started to think. If the person I hated freed me, why would the person I feel most loyal to torture me? I kept you from him to spite him. After a while it became tiring, so I made some bogus excuse. Little did I know it was actually a different safe house. Snow put me back in charge after that."

I didn't know what to say to him. He turned towards me, "I don't get it; we're supposed to hate each other. At least in my head, yet you were the only one that gave a shit. It makes my head hurt trying to make sense of it."

"No offense, but it makes my head hurt too." I agreed, "I don't know what to expect anymore, you threaten me one moment and what seems like the next, here we are; standing on a balcony looking over everything that seemed to start because of us."

We didn't speak much for a while after. I attended Finnick and my dad's memorial and watched someone new take power. Their first announcement was to unify everyone and to rebuild what was lost. Not only so we can move on, but to remember those who died for our new country.

Peeta seemed to have disappeared, along with Effie. Johanna went back to District 7 to help them rebuild leaving me with only Tigress for company. Tigress was busy rebuilding, taking over as the Capitol's own architect. I was amazed at how much she knew, making her even more of an enigma. It was hard to see her as the cat she used to be, becoming an outspoken and knowledgeable person.

I dreamed of going back home, not knowing how much longer I'd be stuck in the Capitol. I played my part, helping rebuild but found myself drifting in my thoughts. I asked Tigress when she was free if I could home soon. She confirmed that I'd be able to soon.

Effie walked into my room soon after telling me that Peeta returned to District 12. Many of the survivors were back rebuilding, he wanted to see his family and see if he could figure things out on his own. She told me he wanted to say goodbye but part of him didn't. His memories conflicted and he didn't know what to say, better to leave in silence. She also added that he came a long way, now being able to pick out his true memories from the ones altered.

I was happy for him, but I was still hoping that he would have found his way back to me. At least he was rediscovering himself; now it was my turn to do the same. I couldn't do that here, I had to be back home. Like Peeta, I had to bring what was left of my family back together, make things right with my mom.

I found myself on the next train back to District 2. Walking off the train, I didn't even recognize my own home anymore, the mountain in the center crumbled, homes destroyed, streets uprooted. I wasn't the only one who to had to rebuild myself, everyone did. I made my way down the seemingly familiar but destroyed beyond recognition, road home.

My home still stood, beaten by the war, but still there. I walked through the front door and found my mom sitting at the table alone. "Mom?"

"Cato?" She stood and ran towards the door grabbing me in an embrace. "You're finally home!"

"I am." I repeated, hugging her back and whispering more to myself, "Finally home."

Over the years, the district grew and became livelier. People had their homes again and a reason to be happy. Johanna and Tigress stopped by every once in a while to check up on things. Tigress was moving up in the Capitol's ranks and assured everyone that history wouldn't repeat itself. Johanna was asked to become the first official general of the new army, but declined. She told me she had enough of war and suffering already in her life. I didn't blame her, my past mirroring hers to an extent.

Even Effie dropped by every now and then, filling my head with her latest news. She seemed to have fallen back into her old ways, still being the gossip filled overly sophisticated woman she used to be. As nice as it was to see her, I also hated it when she visited, always reminding me of Peeta who I haven't heard a single thing from him since the balcony.

I started a new life for myself, but never really moved on completely. I found that I was a decent carpenter and worked repairing homes and building new ones. The switch from sword to hammer was surprising easy and I enjoyed what I was doing. My relationship with my mom grew, even after I moved into my own home; one that I built for myself next door. I lost my childhood with her, I didn't want to lose anymore time to learn who she was. She doted, something that always annoyed me as a kid, but now made me realize she always cared.

Today was a regularly scheduled visit from Tigress. I enjoyed our visits, hoping she had more architecture for me to critique and potentially build. I pulled out some finger food for her visit when I heard the knock at the door. I walked over to the door, opening it.

"You're early, Tigre—" I stopped. I was expecting the familiar sight of the catwoman, but only saw someone I haven't seen in years. "Peeta? What are you doing here?"

"Figured it was time for a visit." He answered. "Gonna invite me in?"

"Uh, yeah, of course." I stepped to the side and waved him in. "Feel free to have a seat."

"I heard you built this." Peeta spoke, seemingly nervous. "It's nice."

"I did." I answered, "Uh, thanks."

We sat in silence at the dinning table.

"Whats new?" I awkwardly asked. "Been a while."

"Yeah, I went home and helped rebuild my families bakery." He answered, "Stuck around for a bit, trying to work things through. Not really sure how I was convinced I liked my mom more. She's kind of a bitch."

"So you've said before." I laughed.

"Got me thinking. If I loved my mom that much and she treated me like that, yet hated my dad who was almost as nice as you; where does that leave you?" He asked. "Been thinking about it a while. Those memories are still there, but they're easier to filter. And from what I learned with my dad, after I make more memories, the old ones become less prominent."

"What are you trying to say?" I asked, "That you want to try and create new memories with me to erase the old?"

"Something like that." Peeta answered. "You loved me once. Apparently I did to at one point."

"Not sure if I can go back to it, Peeta." I answered. "You weren't the only one that was hurt. I tried to win you back. You come here years later and expect to pick up where we left off?"

"No." Peeta shouted at me, "Not pick up where we left off: start over. There has to be a reason you're always in my head. That day at the battle still haunts me, something in me told me not to kill you."

"No offense, but you're not really convincing me to try again." I stated.

"It's all coming out wrong." Peeta looked frustrated. "I was working up the courage to do this, had a speech and everything, but now there's nothing."

"It's okay." I answered, "I know what you mean, I was never good with words if you can remember that. Pretty sure I've said more stupid things to you than that."

He looked up at me. "Even in my twisted memories, I remember it being so much easier to talk to you."

"Try this. It always helped me when I didn't know what to say." I grabbed his hand. "Back then, knowing you were there always helped me talk."

Even after all the years, the heat that filled me was still the same. He was always in my mind, but I don't know if I can actually go back to things. I started over, even if he was always in the back of my head. He seemed to pull away at first, but kept his hand under mine.

"What is this?" He asked me.

"What is what?"

"It just feels…" He stopped looking at the ground. "Right."

"You can feel it too?" I asked, "That warm feeling at our touch?"

"Something like that." He answered, "It feels familiar, but at the same time not. I can't remember feeling it, but its there."

A knock at the door surprised both of us. "Cato?"

Tigress voice came from behind the door. "Just a second, Tigress." I shouted to the door. I stood, regretfully taking my hand from his. "Hold that thought."

I opened the door to Tigress holding blueprints. "Now a bad time?" she asked peeking into the room and spotting Peeta. "I can come back later."

"No, no, it's fine Tigress, come in." I answered. What was I doing? I didn't want to be rude, I was expecting Tigress, but I didn't want her to be here right now.

"It's okay, I'll come back." She answered, "I'll see if your mom's home. Have some tea or something."

I mouthed a thank you to her before closing the door and returning to the table.

"I didn't know you were expecting someone. I can go." Peeta mumbled and stood from the table.

"Don't." I answered, grabbing his hand. "It's okay."

He sat back down at the table, confusion clouding his blue eyes. His mask was peeling, but still there. Even after all these years, it remained. I urged him to continue.

"I wasn't expecting you to be so on top of things, honestly." He stated.

"Kind of had to make the best with what I had." I answered. "Didn't think I'd ever see you again, honestly."

"Sorry about that." He apologized, "I wasn't really there that day. I wish I had said goodbye to you instead of just leaving."

"It's all good; I can understand where you were at." Part of me just wanted to ask, Why are you here? Did you really come back just to win me back? There's nothing to win back, you always had me; even now, his touch reminded me of that.

"Can I do something?" he asked, "It's kind of a strange request, but I want to see what it doe; what memories resurface."

"I guess." I answered, I didn't know what to expect from him.

He stood up, walking towards me. His eyes seemed to clear, showing me the deep blue I remembered. He leaned towards me, our lips gently touching. In shock, I felt myself pull away.

"I'm sorry." He pulled away embarrassed.

"Wait." I answered, pulling him back down and letting myself melt into the kiss, feeling the heat build in my stomach. The feeling I've been missing for years returning to me, making me feel more alive than I've felt in a long time.

It vanished as fast as it started as he pulled away from me, his eyes regaining their cloudiness to match his confused expression. "What? Am I that bad?" I asked.

"No." He answered, "Just that feeling, mixed with memories that shouldn't have that feeling."

"Did you enjoy it?" I asked. "The kiss I mean."

"At first." He admitted, "Then those memories…"

"Then shut your mind off, don't think." I told him. I reached up for him again, but he pulled away. "You want to forget? Make new memories? This is the first step."

"Moving kind of fast, aren't you?" He asked.

"The last time, I was the one that said that." I replied, "I was the one who thought we went to fast, but I was also the one trying to break free from myself. Now it's you that needs to break free."

I pulled him back down, meeting his lips again, this time he let himself melt into me. I pushed myself further away from the table and pulled him onto my lap to deepen our kiss. The fire inside igniting again, the warmth I've craved was in my grasp, I was determined to have it back. He pulled away gasping, still seated on my lap.

"Turn your mind off." I whispered, finding his lips again. I was met with more passion this time, feeling him pull me closer to him. Our tongues met his battling for control. My hands found their way to his back, feeling the muscles I still remembered ripple beneath his shirt. His hands found my hair, pulling it making the heat inside me spread. I moved my hands lower, grabbing his ass and pulling him up further on my lap and heard him moan into my mouth.

He broke our kiss, looking down at me with his deep blue eyes, no longer clouded. He untangled his hands from my hair and moved them to his shirt, pulling it free from his body. His beautiful body before me, almost exactly the way I remembered it except covered in small scars. "Are you sure?" I whispered to him.

He nodded before reconnecting our lips. I ran my hands down his naked back, feeling the heat inside grow even stronger at the touch. I broke our kiss only to remove my own shirt and toss it aside, finding his lips moments after.

His hands returned to my hair, my own to his back rediscovering what I thought I'd never have again. I reached lower, feeling him through his pants. He broke our kiss and moaned into my neck, letting our chests touch. I moved my hands to his legs, grabbing them tightly and lifting both of us from the chair and setting him on the table, still standing myself.

"The table?" he asked.

"Room's too far." I answered, capturing his lips with my own again. He wrapped his arms around my back, hands running across my shoulders. He gently laid back, pulling me along with him. His hands moved from my back to my belt, forcing it from its buckle; his fingers making quick work of my pants and pushing them down, releasing my hardening member. I pulled away from him to slide them further down before moving back in to devour his lips, my fingers trying to unbuckle his own pants.

Fumbling with the zipper for a moment, I finally was able to pull it down and reach my hand in. I pulled him free, running my hands up and down his length and feeling him moan against me. His hand reached down, grasping the hem of his pants and pushing them down. I broke away from him to fully remove my own pants allowing him to take his own off.

Tossing them aside, I crawled back on top of him, attacking his neck. I bit into his neck gently, grinding into him pulling groans from both of us. "Cato." He whispered, grinding back up against me.

Hearing my name from him drove me further, kissing down his body like he did to me so long ago, stopping to lightly nibble at each scar I passed on his chest. I reached his cock and looked up at him. "Glad you're still with me, didn't shut your mind off completely."

I smiled up at him before taking his length in my mouth, swirling my tongue around the head and feeling myself grow harder at his moans. "God, Cato." He moaned.

I slipped further down, taking more of him into my mouth. I ran my tongue up and down the underside of his member and started to bob my head up and down his length. "Fuck, Cato. Been to long, I'm not gonna last." Peeta groaned. "I don't want this to end like this, I want to feel you."

I let him slip from my lips, catching his blue eyes. "Got something in mind?" I asked.

He lifted himself up slightly and spread his legs to the side giving me more access. I ran my fingers down his length, gently pumping him before moving lower. I rolled his balls in my hand, watching his eyes close and gasp. His hips rocked up into my touch. He was spread out for me with his eyes closed, having no idea how beautiful he really was.

I let my fingers travel lower finding his entrance. I pulled my hand away and spit into my palm, letting my saliva coat my fingers. My finger circled his entrance, my eyes focused on the way he was moving under my touch. Gently, I slipped my finger in, feeling his heat surround me only adding to my own heat building inside.

I added another, trying to loosen him quickly, but not wanting to hurt him. I needed this just as much as he did. For both of us to find ourselves again. "Come on Cato, I'm good." He groaned.

I pulled my fingers out, spitting into my hands again to slick myself. I aligned myself and pushed in slowly, feeling his entrance surround me with heat. "Fuck, Peeta." I moaned.

I pushed in further, watching his face tense with each forward motion. "You okay?"

"Yeah, just keep going." He strained.

I fully entered him and waited for him to adjust, remembering how much it hurt. I reached down, running my thumb across the scar on his cheek. He nodded up at me and I slowly pulled back, feeling his insides cling to me as I pulled out.

"Fuck!" I moaned, starting a slow rhythm, trying to find that spot inside him. That spot that made me see stars. My own heat started to increase and it took all I had to keep a slow rhythm.

"Cato!" Peeta gasped, pushing back against me, "Right there!"

After finding it again, Peeta started to relax, moaning into each thrust. I was starting to lose myself, the feel of Peeta beneath me setting me on fire. I reached down, capturing his lips with mine, my hips snapping up into his.

"Oh god, Cato." Peeta moaned ripping away from our kiss, "Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

I reached lower, grabbing him in my hands and pumping to my thrusts. "Cato!"

He slipped over the edge, eyes shut tightly. His cock throbbing in my hand as he spilled his load. He spasmed around my length. Shit, so hot, so tight. "Peeta!" I shouted feeling the fire inside me explode.

I woke up, still on the table. Peeta's warmth wasn't next to me, I looked to my side and didn't see him. "Peeta?"

I crawled off the table, finding my clothes and noting that Peeta's were gone. "Peeta?" I shouted into the seemingly empty room. "This isn't funny!"

I turned back to the table and caught sight of a crumpled piece of paper. Approaching it, I noticed the black marble laying on top of it. "No..." I whispered.

I opened the crumpled piece of paper, marble in my hand.

I'm sorry, Cato, but I had to leave. I don't want you to regret what happened, because I never will. It gave me the first happy memory of you that I know is true. I've realized that asking you to help me was selfish, it's something I need to figure out on my own. You know better than anyone, you can't build a house in one day. I'll need some more time to find myself. I can tell you still love me, and it hurts me to say that everything in my head won't let me say it back. It's the reason I had to leave, watching you care so much for me when I can't return the favor. Someday, I know I'll be able to come back. Come back to tell you, to be there for you like you have been for me.


The marble dropped from my hand when I crumpled the paper in my hand; my eyes starting to water. "I do still love you."

"And I'll be waiting."

A/N: Thank you to everyone. I thoroughly enjoyed writing this and watching my characters grow. It's not the happiest ending, but I hope you'll understand why I ended it the way I did. Oh, and sorry for the crummy smut, I really shouldn't write that kind of stuff. I hope you all enjoyed everyone's journey through this story, you all made it possible. And I love you all.