Hello everyone! I had to write this story for my good friend, prooobie, and I knew that she wouldn't leave me alone until I wrote it so I did. I hope that you all enjoy it and please drop me a review if you want me to continue, if you have ideas for arenas or any other aspect! I hope that you like it!

"Okay, guys, we are all here now. I'm going to say what I do every year, there are fifty states, there is only a 1 in 50 chance that Ohio will even get picked, and there are a million high schools in Ohio, and even if McKinley does get picked, we aren't the only club in the school. We will be fine." Mr. Schue said giving his pre-reaping speech the same way that he did every year.

It was reaping day and the New Directions were on edge. About twelve years ago someone had come out with a book series called, The Hunger Games, it was a bestseller, then about ten years ago America had turned into a dictatorship. The dictator of America, George Altman, had decided to turn the Hunger Games into reality. Ever since then, he has selected a state, then a high school in that state, and then a club from that high school, and then twelve people out of that club. Freshman, and people with disabilities weren't reaped, because Altman thought it made the games uninteresting.

When Altman first started the Games, none of the people in the club wanted to kill each other, so he threatened their families, and it worked. Everyone in America was forced to watch the sick Games. Every teenager in 10th, 11th, and 12th grade feared reaping day, praying that their name wouldn't come out of the reaping ball. Last year the group of twelve who had been selected were from some school in south Florida in some academic program called IB, a sophomore girl had won, she didn't kill anyone either, she just stayed away, very successfully. The New Directions had sat in the choir room together and watched, as they had the year before.

"I know they threaten the families but I don't know how I could kill any of you guys." Tina said as Mr. Schue wheeled the TV into the room.

"You don't have to kill to win, look at what that Emily girl last year did, she just stayed hidden. It was a really good idea." Puck said.

"Ya but she got lucky, she was fast and had good sponsors." Santana pointed out.

"I really don't want to think about it, I hate watching the Hunger Games, they are so sick." Quinn said, she was one of the lucky ones, if being in a wheelchair could ever be considered lucky. She and Artie didn't have to worry about being reaped.

"Okay guys, its starting." Mr. Schue said.

Everyone turned their attention to the TV. Rachel snuggled closely into Finn, who put his arm around her. Sugar grasped Rory's hand, Tina and Mike's hands found each other as well. Mercedes quickly grabbed Sam's hand, while Brittany snuggled into Santana's arms. Kurt grasped Blaine's hand, Puck grabbed Quinn's shoulder while she and Artie sat looking nervous, but not as much as the others. The country's seal appeared on screen before George Altman's hideous face filled the screen.

"Its that time of year again! It is Hunger Games time, I am so excited, aren't you Emily?" Altman said, asking the previous years victor. She sat stoically next to him, her hands clasped together in her lap. She didn't look happy at all to be there. Of course everyone knew that the Hunger Games changed a person, especially when you watched your friends die.

"Yes," she said flatly. "Very exciting."

"Well, now it is time for you to do the honors of selecting the state of which our tributes will be selected from, Emily." he said.

It was the tradition that the previous years victor selected the next years state. Emily stood and walked over to the giant glass reaping ball, she stuck a shaky hand into the ball and drew out one of the fifty white pieces of paper. The New Directions held their breath as she opened it and to read the state.

"Ohio." she said sadly handing the slip of paper to Altman.

"Ohio it is then, thank you Emily." he said as she sat down.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no." Brittany said while everyone else sat in shocked silence.

"May I have the reaping ball for Ohio please?" Altman asked one of the attendees on stage, the went into the back of the stage and a few moments later returned with the reaping ball with OHIO written in fancy golden letters. Somewhere in there was McKinley, Dalton and all the other schools around them.

They all held their breath again as they watched Altman stick his hand in and pull out one of the slips of paper. He opened it and smiled as her read the name, he was clearly excited to get the games started and selecting the school meant it was one step closer to them beginning.

"William McKinley High School, Lima Ohio." he read.

"NO!" several voices shouted and were heard not only in the choir room but echoed throughout the entire school.

Everyone in the choir room grabbed someone's hand, or arm, or leg, or some part of their body so they could all stay together for this moment. As they did this Altman called for the reaping ball including the names of all the clubs and teams in McKinley, and of course there was the slip for those who weren't in a club or on a team.

"And this years tributes will be chosen from McKinley High School's," he said as he stuck his hand in the glass ball and drew out a slip of paper. "Glee Club, the New Directions!" he said excitedly.

Everyone in the choir room went numb, they didn't know what to do, they didn't know what to say. Everyone dropped each others hands, no one wanted to look at each other knowing that they would all be killing each other in a matter of weeks. But there was one more reaping to endure, there were fifteen kids in the glee club, two were in wheelchairs which made them ineligible. Only twelve tributes were needed so one of them would be spared. The silence in the choir room was pierced by celebratory yells in other rooms. The other students were celebrating that they didn't have to compete. They never had to worry, the same school couldn't be picked more than once until every school in the country had been chosen.

"Okay, I have been informed that the Glee Club of McKinley High only has thirteen eligible tributes, it will be hard luck to the one who is left out, now may I have the New Directions reaping ball please?" Altman asked and the reaping ball was placed in front of him, it looked so empty with only 13 slips of paper.

"Our first tribute is Noah Puckerman!" he said and Puck's eyes closed. "Second we have, Brittany Pierce!" Brittany buried her head in Santana's shoulder, while the later muttered something in spanish. "Our third tribute is Mercedes Jones!" She let out a sigh and closed her eyes. "Fourth is Sugar Motta!" she let out a squeal. "Tribute five is Finn Hudson!" Rachel hugged him tightly. "Sixth, Sam Evans!" he stared blankly ahead. "Seventh, Blaine Anderson!" he sighed heavily. "Eighth is Tina Cohen-Chang!" she muttered a quiet 'no' before turning into Mike's arms. "Ninth, Rachel Berry!" she let out a sob. "Tenth, Kurt Hummel!" he didn't even react, it was scary. "Eleventh, Michael Chang!" Mike shook his head. There were only two names left, it was either going to be Santana or Rory. The majority of them were honestly hoping for Rory, no one wanted to face Santana Lopez in a fight to the death. "Our, twelfth and final tribute is, Santana Lopez!" she like, Kurt didn't react, she just kept rubbing her crying girlfriends back.

"And that is that, we have our twelve tributes! Someone will be there to collect them in a matter of minutes! You will get to meet them in a days time! I am so excited, aren't you guys excited?" Altman said.

A man in a peacekeeper uniform entered the room, quickly followed by a bunch of others. They called for Puck, Brittany, Mercedes, Sugar, Finn, Sam, Blaine, Tina, Rachel, Kurt, Mike, and Santana and led them to twelve separate rooms were they could talk with those who came to say their goodbyes to them.

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