
As promised, the first chapter of the threequel!

I had really intended to upload this earlier, so I'm sorry for that. At least I had prepared you for a few hours longer -.-

Anyway, I don't own Harry Potter :(

"So, this is it," I announced, smiling as I stepped over the threshold of Number 12 Grimmauld Place. "Remus! Sirius! We're here!"


Needless to say, I smacked Sirius in the shoulder. He nursed his 'wound' as I looked behind him to see Remus emerge from the kitchen with Kreacher.


"Get a hold of yourself, Sirius. Honestly, I didn't think Azkaban would make you that much of a wimp," I smirked. The former convict grimaced at the reminder. "Oh, relax."

"This is your house?" Harry asked, his eyes going up the stairs. I followed his eyes. The Black home looked very different after receiving care from both Kreacher and me. The dust was gone, as was almost all of the green. The snakes on the chandeliers were altered to look much less sinister, the gas lamps traded out for electric.

The wooden staircase was now lined with a royal blue carpet that matched the altered wallpaper. The spot where Mrs. Black had hung showed no evidence of the fact, something I was very proud of.

"My house. I grew up here," Sirius answered Harry, his tone darkening slightly before brightening again. "I like what you did to the place, Rosie." Earning a halfhearted smack.

"What was it like before?"

"Horrible. All green and silver, coated with two inches of dust, and rather depressing. There was a portrait of Sirius' mum here," I said, gesturing to the section of wall. "And she'd scream at anyone that came in here."

"How'd you get rid of her? I tried everything I could think of; the bloody woman charmed it to stick," Sirius complained good-naturedly.

"Easy. I cut the wallpaper out. The charm only held the painting on the wallpaper. The only thing keeping the wallpaper on the wall was glue," I shrugged. While Sirius muttered at his own stupidity, I led Harry upstairs, pointing out the various rooms.

"There are a couple of rooms you want to avoid, like Sirius' mum's. I didn't think it'd be polite to throw out the portrait, so she's in there, screaming her head off every time someone opens the door," I warned.

"Drawing room, guest room, guestroom, linen closet, my and Remus' room, Sirius' room," I continued, pointing at doors before stopping at one. "This is your room. I did some work in there, but you can do whatever you want with it. If you want to do anything serious, just tell someone.

"By the way, I need to introduce you to someone. Kreacher?" I called, leaning against the door to Harry's room. A loud crack filled the air and the house elf appeared beside me.

"Professor?" He bowed his head politely. I smiled.

"Harry, meet Kreacher. Kreacher this is Harry Potter, my sister's son," I introduced.

"Hello, Kreacher," Harry said politely. I smiled, remembering that Kreacher wasn't the first house elf Kreacher had met.

"Pleasure to meet you, Master Harry," Kreacher bowed his head again. Harry's hand scratched the back of his head and he chuckled.

"Just call me Harry." Kreacher nodded again, accepting the request. He turned to me.

"Dinner will be ready in ten minutes," he informed me. I nodded.

"Thank you, Kreacher."

He Disapparated with another crack.

"Alright," I said, twisting the door handle and pushing the door open.

I based the general design off of his room at the Dursleys. The room itself was a little bigger, and lit mainly by the window across from the door. The layout was similar to his old room; a desk lay set up under a bookshelf built into the wall, his bed in the center of the room. There was a dark wood dresser in the corner opposite the bed. A perch for Hedwig hung by the window.

I made drastic changes to the color scheme, changing the greens to reds and the silver to gold. The comforter dressing his bed was red and emblazed with a lion that was eating a vibrant green snake.

"Go ahead and unpack. I'll be downstairs if you need me," I told my nephew. He nodded absentmindedly, pulling his trunks into the room.

After the school year ended, and Harry and I had sufficiently terrorized my older sister and her husband, we went back to Little Whinging with them, so Harry could collect his belongings. He didn't have much aside from school supplies and robes, so packing up didn't take much time after I assured Harry that we'd go shopping for clothes that actually fit him.

I shut the door behind me and descended the stairs, heading straight for the kitchen. I opened the swinging door and saw Remus and Sirius sitting at the table, talking.

"So, how does he like it?" Sirius asked, a touch of anxiety in his voice. I smiled.

"I think he expects us to ship him back to Dursley. I think he'll be fine as long as we don't act around him. He's in uncharted territory, especially with you, Sirius. He's at least had the year to get used to Remus and myself."

Both nodded, accepting my judgment.

"Oh, I went by Gringotts today," Sirius said out of the blue. "Kreacher officially belongs to you."

"Great. No trouble in Diagon Alley?"

"Not too much. Spotted Lucius Malfoy; didn't seem too pleased to see me," he reported, a sly grin on his face. I rolled my eyes.

"Just let him have his fun," Remus advised me, teasing in his eyes. The joke was lost on Sirius. I smiled sadly as an image- a memory- came to the surface of my mind.

It was so different but so similar. During our years at Hogwarts, we'd always gather around the coffee table in the common room to plan our next prank. There was a specific order to how we sat: James, myself, Remus, Sirius, then Peter. Always.

Now, without James or even the rat, the formation felt a little empty.

"Just like old times," I murmured to my husband. He glanced at how we were sitting- myself, then he, then Sirius- and nodded to me as Sirius continued talking.

I jumped back into the conversation until I noticed Harry come in quietly and sit beside me, startling me slightly. I recovered quickly, telling myself to look at his eyes, and smiled at my nephew.

"Hey, kid," I greeted. "Do you like your room?"

"It's great, thanks," he said honestly.

"Glad you like it." I smiled at the teenager. "I was thinking that we could go clothes shopping tomorrow, if you don't mind coming with me to the Auror's Office."

"The Auror's Office?" Sirius asked curiously. I nodded.

"I have some friends I'd like you to meet. A bit quirky, but that comes with the job. Most Aurors have something that makes them different, it helps them cope with the job."

"Who do you want him to see?" Remus asked. I looked back at my husband.

"I was thinking Tonks, Shannon, and Mad-Eye."

"You're taking him to Mad-Eye? That man's a nutter!" Sirius snorted. I leaned over the table and flicked him on the temple.

"He's also one of the best Aurors that ever came out of the Ministry. He's doing everyone in the Wizarding World a favor by staying on as long as he did to train the fresh meat. Also, Dumbledore's been dropping hints at who he's gotten to be the next DADA professor."

"You're not teaching again?" Harry asked me. I chuckled.

"Dumbledore and I decided that it's better if I just assist, not be the sole teacher. There have been rumors flying around that job for years. They've needed to replace the teacher just about every year. If it really is a curse, I'll be protected from it and be able to help out around the school."

"What do you mean, cursed?" Harry asked uncertainly.

"Look at yourself. One of your teachers died, another lost his memory, and the last resigned after being found to be a werewolf. That's normal for a DADA professor at Hogwarts. Each year, something terrible happens to the teacher, something bad enough to get him out of Hogwarts. Occasionally there's someone lucky that survives the year without anything really bad happening, but if they stay for the next, they're gone by the end of term," Remus explained.

"...So who's the next professor?"

"I'm not a hundred percent sure, but Mad-Eye seems to be in the running."

"Really? That is gonna teach children? God, Rosie, I hope nothing bad happens to you, otherwise those kids are dead," Sirius said, his tone dark. I flicked him in the temple again.

"I told you not to call me that," I complained. "Anyway, do you mind coming with me to the Auror's Office, Harry? It's up to you."

"I don't mind," he shrugged. Kreacher walked up to us and asked us to wash up for dinner.

When dinner was over, I pulled Harry aside.

"Harry, what do you know about underage magic?"

"Um... Don't do it?" he summarized. I chuckled.

"Personally, I don't believe in limiting underage magic to everyone. For example, Hermione should be someone who can use her magic freely. She understands why the laws are in place and understands the risks. Fred and George Weasley...? Not so much. I just wanted to let you know that if you use magic in this house, the Ministry won't know about it. The trace- the enchantment they use to see if you are using magic- only applies in areas that are generally devoid of other magical beings. With you living with Remus, Sirius, and I, the Ministry won't be able to tell your magic from ours', so they won't punish you for it."

"Why's it like that? Couldn't they set up a spell that only traces one person's magic?"

"They probably could, but it would be more difficult to cast. So, they just warn all kids not to use their magic after they get a wand. Those who live without other witches and wizards are punished by the Ministry while they expect wizarding parents to keep their kids in line."

"That seems a bit unfair."

"It is. I don't believe in it. That's why I'm telling you, it is okay to use your magic around here, especially if you're studying. Now, off to bed. Busy day tomorrow."

"Goodnight, Rose," Harry said, turning to the stairs.

"Night, Harry," I said, yawning before heading for my own bed.


Simple chapter. A bit short, but not too bad for a prologue-ish beginning.

Yes, Rose doesn't have any qualms about underage magic. After what Harry's been through, I think he's not going to go out and hex random strangers on the street. Said underaged magic will not actually be seen, just mentioned.

Hope you liked the first chapter!

^.^ Susie ^.^