Review :D

Harry James Potter was, laying down on the lawn of 4 Privet Drive looking up towards the sky, thinking about everything that had happened at the end of last year he had realized that Ron, only wanted him for his money, and fame and his so called fans.

Deep down he knew he shouldn't be that surprised Ron, was always getting jealous of him for his fame; or money, or anything that turned up wrong he certainly didn't ask for Ron's fucking jealousy.

He also found out that Dumbledore, was giving money to Ron, to spy on him the worst part you could say is that it was his own money, that Dumbledore was giving Ron.

What he didn't know was if Hermione, was also spying on him or getting money, from his vault. One thing he did know that he was going to get to the bottom of whatever was happening with his money.

He felt betrayed knowing he had once called Ron his best friend. What kind of person, would even do that? He felt something harden his heart, once he had found out everything it had hit him hard.

The first thing he had to do was get out of 4 Privet Drive without the Order of Phoenix seeing him hopefully Tonks, was on guard she never came to check on him if he was even really there.

He also had to get his stuff from the cupboard under the stairs which included his invisibility cloak and his wand not that he even needed his wand. He loved using wandless magic ever since he messed with the so called wards the headmaster had placed. It was almost child's play for him now. But before he could do anything else he had to send a certain letter to someone very important. Someone who could change his fate. Power is everything.