A/N: Ack, I'm sorry for not updating in three—almost four—months. At least now I have an update.

Aria's POV


"Ugh, w-what the hell?" Dean whined from his bed.

"The fuck? What a ridiculously loud voice!" I yelled. Whoever this bastard is, his voice was loud as fuck.


'If you stop yelling, we'll get up!' I thought angrily.

"The Guildmaster has a nasty temper. So if anyone misses the address..."

He paused for a second then said, "That would be really scary. Urk, I'm not going through that again. I'm not going to get in trouble because YOU ROOKIES woke up LATE!"

After a few seconds, Dean spoke up. "What'd he say? Waking up late?"

Then Dean and I stood up in a jolt. He looked at me in panic. "Oh, yeah! We joined the Guild!" He looked out the window in thought. "But that must mean..." He went into panic mode again. "Ack! We really did over sleep!"

"Then quit panicking, dumb A. Let's go!"

Dean's POV

I don't blame Aria for calling me a dumb A. When she panics, she gets angry. I don't know, it's just how she is.

We saw a group of Pokémon and went into our position.

"YOU NEWBIES ARE LATE!" a Loudred yelled. I'm guessing this is the retard who woke us up.

"If you wouldn't have kept yelling at us, we would have woke up sooner," I heard Aria mutter sourly.

"Oh, hush now! Your voice is ridiculously loud!" Chatot scolded at Loudred.

"That's what I said," Ari retorted again.

I touched her arm in order to calm her. She looked at me with gentle eyes and smiled appreciatively. I felt my stomach churn as I smiled back, hoping it won't look stupid.

"Guildmaster, everyone is present."

We all waited for awhile before Wigglytuff's door slammed open. "Guildmaster, you may address the crew."

He looked straight ahead and said, "Zzzzz...hork."

I sweat-dropped and turned to Aria. "He's sleeping with his eyes open." Aria looked creeped out. "That's...disturbing," she said slowly, one of her ears twitching from her ponytail.

"Thank you, Guildmaster," Chatot said when the murmuring of the apprentices ended. "We all savor your...words of wisdom."

"Oh, yeah, 'cause those words were really valuable," Aria muttered under her breath sarcastically.

"Let's begin the morning address!"

Then all the apprentices, except me and Ari, shouted, "ONE: DON'T SHIRK WORK! TWO: RUN AWAY AND PAY! THREE: SMILES GO FOR MILES!"

"Alright, Pokémon, let's get to work!"

"HOORAY!" Then everyone dispersed.

"Um... So what do we do?" I asked stupidly.

Chatot, seeing my confusion, hopped over to us. "You two, come with me. I will give you your assignment."

Aria and I looked at each other then followed Chatot up the ladder.

Yeah, I don't feel like mentioning about Chatot's lecture about how time's jacked up and shit. It was bad enough we had to suffer listening to him.

Chatot was currently scanning the bulletin board for our job. "Hmm... Let's see..." He then perked his head up. "Aha! This will do." He grabbed it and handed it to us. "Dean, please read this aloud."


I need help from an exploration team to get my scalchop back. I was sharpening it against a rock and it slipped off my hand, landing in the pit of Drenched Bluff. Please, I need my beloved scalchop back!

Maggie the Oshawott

"Wait a second," I began, feeling myself getting angry, "we're supposed to get something that someone lost. It was her fault for getting it lost in the first place! She should've been more careful! Every Oshawott knows how important their scalchops are!"

"Hush!" Chatot scolded. I let out a yelp. He continued. "You must accept it because it's your job as an Exploration team! You two are new, so it's the simplest job I can give you! Now, do you remember what happens when you're in a dungeon?"

"Yes," Ari and I said in unison.

"Good. Now, get to work!"

"Alright, pushy," the Pikachu muttered.

We just got a few apples and Oran berries from the Kelceon market and were now at the entrance of Drenched Bluff.

"Ok, the request said it's at the pit, right?" Aria asked as I skimmed through the letter. "Uh...yeah, the scalchop's there," I replied.

"Alright, let's go," Ari said before we walked in.

"Wow, it's so moist here," I commented.

"No duh. That's why it's called Drenched Bluff."

I chuckled sheepishly. 'Smart comment, Dean-boy.'

All of a sudden, electricity passed me. I looked behind to see a fainted Shellos behind me. "Dean, pay attention. You wanted to join, now focus."

I blushed in embarrassment and shame. She's right; I should focus and do a good job. Ari's not usually demanding, but she has the right because she's the leader.

I grabbed my scalchop in defense. I slashed the Chingling who tried to attack me. "Let's roll."

"Ugh, this is getting annoying," I commented as I used Scald on a Lileep. "Yeah, but keep it up! We're almost at the pit," the Electric-type said as she used Iron Tail on an Anorith.

I finished the Lileep off with a Razor Shell before it fainted. Ari was struggling a bit, but she finished with a Thunder Bolt.

"The stairs are right there. Let's go." Aria motioned to the stairs. "That was annoying. We were almost at the stairs when these goons stopped us."

I nodded in agreement as we walked towards the stairs.

"Now, where is that scalchop?" Aria thought out loud.

We were currently looking around the pit of Drenched Bluff for the scalchop. Fifteen minutes had already passed and the Pikachu was getting irritated. "Arceus dammit! I just wanna find that damn scalchop," she yelled as she lifted rocks to check behind them.

"You and me both, Ari," I agreed as I moved rocks as well. I saw Ari go up to a pond. "You don't think?" Aria thought out loud as she went near the pond.

It clicked in to me and I dashed to her side. We looked down and we saw something that was tinted pink and blurry. "I'll check," I volunteered.

I jumped in the water and swam towards the item. Once I was close enough to see it, I realized it was, indeed, a scalchop. Though, I was a bit confused. Why would a scalchop be peach instead of pale yellow?

I just shrugged and went back up towards my love—er, friend. I popped my head up and waved the scalchop in front of Aria, "It is her scalchop!"

I walked out as Aria walked towards me. "Thank, Arceus. Here, let me have it." she held her hand out.

Usually, if an Oshawott loses their scalchop, another fellow Oshawott would keep it until they find the owner. But with Aria looking at me with wide, grass green eyes, I couldn't say no. I gave it to her with my arm shaking nervously by the adorable look on her face.

Aria took it and placed it in the Treasure Bag gingerly. She flashed a white smile, causing my heart to thump. "Thanks. C'mon, let's get back to the guild." she walked towards the exit.

I smiled, seeing how making Ari the leader was a good choice. When on a mission, she's commanding (in a good way.), strategic, and focused. But at the end of a mission, she was back to her old self.

We were back at the guild and, next to Chatot, was an Oshawott but in different coloring. Her ears and tail were a navy blue and her torso was a cerulean instead of aqua. Her nose was a dark shade of pink. Her eyes lit up when she saw us.

"My scalchop!" she exclaimed excitedly as she ran towards me.

When she looked at me confused, I pointed to Ari, signaling that she had it. When the Pikachu gave Maggie the scalchop back, she put it on her torso. "Ah, my beloved scalchop! Thank you so much...um..."

"Aria, and this is Dean. We're Team Thunder."

"Oh, well." she looked at me and walked towards me, flashing a smile so seductive that it made me inwardly cringe. "I can't thank you enough," she purred, placing a paw uncomfortably on my scalchop.

I looked at Ari, about to mouth 'help' when I saw the look on her face. She smirked, a devious glint in her eyes as she looked at me then at Maggie.

Oh, great, she wants me to get together with the girl. Still, I shot her a pleading look. She got my message and was about to say something, but Maggie beat her to it.

She reached into her pink bag and pulled out 2,000 poké. She handed it to me. "Here, it's the least I can give you for returning my scalchop." she then bowed at me and Ari. "Thanks again." she left.

I turned to Aria, face beaming. "Can you believe it, Ari? We're rich! We're rich!"

Aria's face was also bright. "I can't believe it! This much poké over something simple!"

Chatot then hopped over towards us, face also beaming, his head note and tail swaying. "Well done you two! Absolutely marvelous on your first day! Now, please hand over the poké."

Ari and I shot him a bewildered look. Aria, face still in shock, raise an eyebrow and said, "Say what?" Nonetheless, I still gave him the money.

Chatot took it and gave us back 200 poké! What a rip! Aria saw the amount and got pissed. "What? This is all we get?"

Chatot simply shrugged and said, "Those are the guilds rules." and hopped down the stairs.

"Ugh," I grunted before we went to the second level.

Ari and I were just talking before Chimecho came in. "Everyone, dinners ready!"

Everybody cheered, the Pikachu and I pumped our fist in the air yelling, "Hell yeah!"

Ari and I scrambled to the end of the table, anxiously waiting for everyone to sit their asses down so me and Ari can eat.

One the last person, the Guildmaster, sat down everyone ate like Tepigs, scarfing down food down their throats.

I grabbed some blue gummis and apples, hungrily shoving them in my mouth. I looked at the Electric-type. She was stuffing so much yellow gummis in her mouth that she looked like a Watchog.

In about 30 minutes, we were done. "Ah, I sighed, "I'm stuffed."

Loudred belched. "Ditto here."

A Sunflora shot him a disgusted look. "That's disgusting."

Aria then yawned. "Well, I'm beat." I nodded in agreement. "Goodnight everybody!" we yelled, getting a few goodnights in return.

The Electric-type and I were just lying on our backs, gazing out the window. "Today was a good day," I broke the silence.

Aria hummed in agreement. I continued. "It was actually kinda fun looking for the scalchop if you think about it. I was really pissed when Chatot took away most of the poké."

Ari huffed. "Humph, what a rip. All that hard work and we only get a lousy, freaking 200 poké." she lied on her side, facing me. "Still, I'm glad I signed up with you. The look on Maggie's face made me happy."

Yeah, me too...before she started flirting with me. I faced Aria. "Yep, some first day, huh?" I let out a yawn. "Well, let's go to sleep. We have to get up tomorrow."

Ari nodded. She took off her hat, placing it on the side, and lied on her stomach.

I shut my eyes as well, anticipating for tomorrow.

A/N: Well, this was a long chapter for me to write. Still, I hope it makes up for the lack of update.