Rude Awakenings

*beep beep* *beep beep*

Kurt groaned and rolled over to press the snooze button on his alarm. He waved his arm vaguely in the air for a few moments before realising his clock wasn't there. He opened his eyes blearily.


Rachel was leering over him, the ringing alarm clock in her hands. "And a good morning to you sleepy head, what were you dreaming about hmm?"

"Go away you lecherous creep", Kurt growled pulling the pillow over his head. Rachel yanked the pillow off him and fell into the bed, "tell me what happened!"

Kurt smiled to himself, the kiss.

And the world froze.

The room seemed to swirl around them; they were the centre of this universe. Everything else was in a rush and they were still, cemented in this moment in time. The kiss was urgent at first, anxious. Kurt had been confident when he'd pulled Blaine into him but it faded almost instantly. But Blaine put his hands on Kurt's waist to hold him steady while Kurt wrapped his around Blaine's shoulders. The kiss grew longer, Blaine's hands trailed up to Kurt's hair. His tongue just grazing Kurt's lips, and then his teeth. Kurt's hands found the bottom of Blaine's shirt and began to trace the delicate line of hair.

"So, Mr. Schuester, can we discuss your team's plans for the next event?"

A voice in the hallway forced them to pull apart. "You are phenomenal", Blaine said, grinning against Kurt's neck.

"Nothing happened Rachel".

Kurt was ready at around nine for Blaine to come tapping on his window. Maybe finish what they started yesterday. But he didn't come. Kurt stared at his clock, and then back to the window. What was happening? He was pretty sure they'd established their genuine liking for each other last night. Or was it just lust on his part? No. Absolutely not. Definitely not. Probably not. Kurt glanced at the clock again, eleven, he wasn't coming. He slammed the window shut and locked it. He thought about throwing the key away but decided against it.

There was a tapping at the window. Kurt opened his eyes weakly. Still dark. No looming Rachel. What's happening? The tapping persisted. Kurt switched on his bedside light and looked towards the source of the noise.

"Blaine?" he looked at his clock, "it's two in the morning?"

Blaine smiled apologetically and tapped on the window again, very softly.

"Alright, alright, I'm letting you in." Kurt hastily pulled on his dressing gown and unlocked the window and let a shivering Blaine collapse into his bedroom.

"S-s-s-sorry ab-b-b-out how l-l-late I am, it was the only time I c-c-could come".

It was only now that Kurt realised what a state Blaine was in, the angry speech he had prepared vanished immediately. He was wearing his glasses but Kurt could see his eyes were bloodshot and there was a small cut on his left cheek. Kurt brushed it with his finger, "what happened?"

Blaine put his hand on his cheek, "oh"; he attempted his cheeky grin but only managed a grimace, "you know, arguing about the rubber ducks again".

Kurt took off his dressing gown and wrapped it around the still shivering Blaine, "your dad did that?"

Blaine looked up at him with horror, "he just gets a bit mad when he's had a drink you know, it's nothing serious." There was nothing but sheer desperation in his voice.

"Okay, sure", Kurt smiled, this was not a conversation to have at two in the morning, "do you want to stay here for a while?"

Blaine nodded faintly and allowed himself to be pulled into Kurt's bed. It was unbearable for Kurt to be so close to Blaine and not get to touch him, to feel the muscles underneath his t-shirt, to make him purr like he had at the competition. To be called phenomenal.

A sleepy voice came from next to him, "I knew you'd fall in love with me one of these days Inspector."

"You're the worst Romeo ever".