Last Chapter and Yes it is rushed, thank you for noticing.
Thanks for all the reviews/follows/favourites.
There will be no sequel to this in the near distant future so please don't expect one.
I in no way own PJatO or HoO
Enjoy and farewell.
He drifts in and out of consciousness when he hears them talking over his bed, he can't exactly understand what they are saying but he knows who they are, well he thinks he knows who they are. He can hear Gaea's voice like a soft rumble and beside her he can hear Circe's sweet voice almost lulling him to sleep.
He doesn't remember what he is doing here, no, he can't really remember much, when was his last mission? When was the base attacked? And who in Hades name was that girl with the silver eyes? And why does he keep forgetting her name?
There is another rumble in the distance and the women stop talking for a moment, he wonders if a Cyclops or giant has stepped into the room, and is talking to his leaders.
But there is a wailing in the distance and it sounds familiar and he doesn't know what it is but he gets the urge to get up and run for his sword and armour, he knows this sound he does.
Gaea is talking louder and the rumble grows he doesn't know what she is saying or anything but there are footsteps and he thinks someone has left him, but not both because there is a soft hand on his arm and another on his cheek.
Slowly he drifts back into a deep sleep.
He dreams of the silver eyed girl, her name on the tip of his tongue and he can't say it, almost as if someone is holding his tongue whenever he tries to speak.
She is glaring at him and walks around him like he is a piece of meat and she is a hungry animal, she stalks around him and he has to turn around to look at her, there is a man beside her and Percy thinks this is what he will look like when he is older, well except the angry look n his eyes. He stands still on the outside of where the girl is walking, his arms are folded and he looks like he has payed money to watch this show.
He is about to ask who they are when the man speaks his voice a low rumble and reminds Percy of the sea.
"Do you really think we loved you." He laughs in a cold and calculating way that sends shivers down his spine.
"Who are you?" he asks, refusing to let them know that they have gotten to him.
The girl laughs and her eyes shift to watch him the silver glints in the moonlight and Percy feels intimidated.
"I am the one that will kill you."
And she lunges.
"This way!" Apollo shouts racing down a hallway, his bow in one hand as he signals which way they are going with the other.
Artemis follows behind him and beside her is Hermes who blasts any and all monsters who get in their way or threaten them.
He jogs at a slower pace than usual beside Artemis who carries the vial in her jacket pocket, she is careful not to jostle it too much in fears that it will fall out and smash, then they would have to detox Percy the old fashioned way, by locking him in a room by himself for either a few months or anywhere up to years.
She hopes it doesn't come to that.
They all reach a door in which Hermes shoulder charges open the door turns into splinters as the god steadies himself on their feet, what they find is worse than they imagined.
Percy is still on the bed his eyes closed and his breathing steady, beside him stands Circe who glares at the three as if expecting them all along.
Artemis figures she probably has been especially from the look she gives Artemis.
"Hello." She greets with a slight wave of her hand.
Hermes covers his eyes and turns towards the hallway.
"Don't look; her ugliness will turn you into a pig!"
Artemis has half a mind not to beat him over the head, because right now is not the time for joking. Circe glares at the god and removes her hands from Percy where she points her finger towards the trickster.
"I will end you, messenger."
Hermes looks up with a slight quirk of his lip. "Are you sure you won't turn me into some form of animal."
She growls and lunges at him ignoring the two beside him, okay so maybe she won't end Hermes, because his plan was actually a good one, she hates to admit that.
Artemis' hands grip Percy's arm and then all Hades breaks lose.
Percy's eyes open wide and he lets out a loud battle cry before thrashing on the bed, Apollo pushes a shocked Artemis out of the way and pulls Percy into his lap his arms like a steel cage wrapped around him.
He grunts in pain as the younger god throws his head back, hitting his collar bone and just missing his chin, Artemis is frozen solid in shock watching the two her eyes sting from hurt as tears threaten to spill over her lids.
"Artemis! Hurry!" Apollo calls in between grunts of pain and surprise as Percy thrashes violently, his eyes located solely on the goddess beside him.
She doesn't see joy at the prospect of freedom in those eyes, no, all she can see is recognition and hatred, and she wants to cry, well after she pokes out his eyes for looking at him like that.
What? She is a goddess and deserves respect.
"I hate you!" He spits at her, like literally spits it lands just a few feet from her but she is too dumbfounded to do anything.
"Midlife crisis, later Artemis." Apollo says dodging a punch to his chin. "This isn't easy!" he yelps in pain as Percy manages a blow, instinctively his hand moves up towards his jaw, Percy takes this as his opportunity to attack the goddess.
Artemis stands still and watches him rush her, Apollo screams out a warning and Hermes dives on top of Percy, the two wrestle on the floor before Hermes kicks the younger man in the shin, Percy lets out a cry and starts up his assault again.
Hermes manages to grab each of his wrists in each hand as he pins the boy to the floor, his knees on Percy's thighs.
"Artemis, hurry."
She shakes her head in shock and pushes the tears back as she rushes towards the two on the floor she kneels down beside Percy's head as he tries to somehow bite her hand as it reaches towards his face.
"I hate you!" he cries again. "You won't kill me!" he screams.
She unscrews the vial quickly as Apollo jumps to the other side, to keep his face angled up, once the vial is unscrewed she places one hand on his nose, to open his mouth after a few moments and a purple faced Percy, his mouth opens wide and she pours the liquid down his throat.
He tries to spit it out but Artemis' hand on his mouth, clamping it shut makes it impossible. He glares up at the goddess and slowly she watches as the thrashing and movement stops and his eyes grow glassy and the lids begin to drop slowly.
His breathing evens and they all sigh in relief, well up until Percy throws up all over Apollo.
Artemis sits down in her step mother's garden, the one that was built when Zeus had an affair with Leto, her mother.
No one visits this garden, well except Artemis and Apollo, they would visit here when they were children and get lost in the rose bushes and try to destroy as many plants and statues as they could, just out of spite of their step mother.
"I thought you would be here." Artemis looks up at Percy and she smiles slightly.
"What are you doing here?"
It had been close to a year since Percy had been captured by Gaea, no one knew what happened to the primordial, or where she went but when she asked about it everyone just said that she 'Didn't want to know what happened to him.' Poseidon would then smile and sit up straighter with a proud smile on his face.
Since then Percy had either been at camp, in Atlantis or just basically avoiding her.
"I was uh" He sits down beside her and she notices the small box in his arm. "I was actually looking for you." He looks back at her and nods his head.
She can tell what he is thinking because she is thinking it too.
"Well you found me." She prompts and he smiles and laughs at nothing.
"I'm sorry I'm not good at this sort of thing."
"Trust me neither am I."
They both laugh slightly before he hands her the box.
She looks at it and then back up at him with a concerned look.
"What is this?" He looks at her and laughs awkwardly.
"It's a gift."
"I can see that."
He shakes his head looks at her with a slight smile. "Well are you going to open it?"
She smiles and looks at him with a mischievous look. "What's it for?"
He frowns slightly and purses his lips as he tries not to laugh. "It is a 'Sorry for scaring you and throwing up everywhere' present."
She nods her head and looks up at him. "You don't need to apologise for throwing up everywhere." She states and he gives her a look and is about to reply when she interrupts him. "You only threw up on Apollo and he deserved it."
They both laugh and Percy stuffs his hands deeper in his pockets to stop the nerves.
"Open it."
She rolls her eyes and slowly undoes the bow, she takes her time and offers Percy the occasional sly glance, he grows frustrated and she tries not to laugh at his face.
The bow falls off and she opens the lid, inside is a small shell, it is nothing great, but the colouring. It is silver on the inside with a slight green around the edges.
"It's not the best looking thing, but in Atlantis it is one of the finest shells." She picks it up and examines it with a careful eye, it feels weak but she knows if she dropped it off Olympus it would still be intact when it would land on earth.
"It's beautiful." She says and Percy smiles slightly.
"It's a promise shell." she looks at him and blushes, her stomach does flips when he looks back at her and she can tell he feels the same way.
"A promise for what?" she asks and he looks over the garden his leg bouncing slightly, he smiles and looks back at her, it is now or never.
"I promise to wait for you until you are ready." He swallows loudly and looks at his hands. "And I hope you to will promise to wait until I am ready."
She knows what he means, he is still plagued with nightmares and she can see it in the bags under his eyes and the way he has been avoiding her for the past few months.
She places her free hand on his bouncing knee, he turns to look at her and she smiles.
"We have an eternity, to wait."
He smiles and she grabs his hand, she gives it a light squeeze and he does the same.
She will wait until he is ready to get over his past, and so will he that is what makes them a perfect couple.