Operation Reaper
Pain. That's all Danny felt was pain coming from his head. He opened his eyes and saw Graces face above him and she was saying something. "Danno! Danno are you ok?" He shook his head yes and heard Gracie yell again "Uncle Steve he's ok!"
Then he felt big hands under his arms pulling him into a sitting position and he heard Steve say "Danny are you sure ok? You hit your head pretty hard" before he could protest Steve's hands were running through his hair, messing it up and making it stick up everywhere.
"Damn it, Steve. You know how long it takes me to do this and then like you freakin own the place, you just run your hands through it messing it up". Danny winced at how hard his head throbbed after yelling.
Steve chuckled and pressed a kiss to Danny's temple "Just looking for any bumps or blood" apparently finished with his exploration, Danny felt Steve's hands slide down his sides and settle on Danny's hips.
"What happened?" Danny managed to say without receiving to big of a throb in his head. And it was Grace who answered "We were playing fetch with Reaper," and for the first time Danny noticed the creature sitting beside Grace with his tongue lolling to the side, "and I threw the ball to you but you didn't catch it in time and Reaper jumped at you and knocked you down. You hit your head on the lanai stairs and passed out, so Uncle Steve went inside to call 911" Grace sat back and started petting Reapers head.
"I always knew that dog had it out for me" Steve laughed and hauled Danny to his feet, "He didn't mean it, your reflexes weren't fast enough and he couldn't stop"
They all went inside and Steve dumped Danny on the couch and said "So what do you want for dinner since you were supposed to be cooking and now your barely able to stand without getting dizzy"
"I was just gonna make spaghetti for dinner, nothing fancy, while your up grab me some aspirin" Steve rolled his eyes, smiled and went to the kitchen.
"I'm really sorry Danno" Grace said and looked almost in tears. "No monkey, its ok, it's not your fault. Tell you what since I can't get up right now why don't you go pick a movie and we can watch movies all night" Danny already felt his head getting better just seeing Grace smile and run upstairs to get a movie. "Hey Steve! Pop some popcorn and grab some beer, we're having a movie night with Grace"
Steve came back in the room with 2 aspirin and a bottle of water "No beer" Danny just glared and took the pills, swallowing some water with them "your dog is the one who did this, I should at least get what I asked for" Steve laughed and said "You love Reaper".
"Incorrect my friend, I tolerate him, I do not love him" Danny mumbled and curled up against Steve's side as Grace came running down the stairs "we're gonna watch 101 Dalmatians!"
"Good choice, Gracie. Put in and lets begin" Steve said. 2 hours later Danny looked at Grace on the floor, asleep about halfway through the movie and looked at Steve who dozed off about ten minutes ago, arm around Danny's chest and head resting on the couch. Then he saw Reaper curled up beside Grace, protecting her. "Good Dog" Danny said and smiled, then nodded off against Steve's chest. Steve smiled, only pretending to be asleep, kissed Danny's cheek and said "I knew you loved him"