"Stop fighting will you? I'm TRYING to get my homework done before class!" Harry scolded Herry and James who were fighting about who was better, "Ugghhh, how can people survive with Charas floating around!" Harry sighed angrily and slammed his fist onto the table, "I'm going, we're late enough as it is anyway" Harry stuffed his books into his already ruined bag and stalked out of the Common room with Herry and James following not far behind.

"Mr Potter, You're late," drawled Snape as Harry stormed in, "fifty points from Gryffindor" he glared at Harry one more time before continuing with his work. Harry glared before moving over towards Hermione and Ron. "So what are we making?" Harry asked as they moved around to make more room for him, "The draught of the living dead" Hermione said not looking up from the instructions book.

"Ah, Okay. What do we need?" Harry said while scanning the list of ingrediants.

1 powdered pixie

1 bezoar

3 moonbeam slugs

Unicorn's blood (Harry shuddered at that)

2 lava lilies

one drop of the maker(s)'s blood

Harry walked into the storage room and reached out to grab the powdered pixie when the sky and darker blue egg floated in front of his vision. "Oh joy" Harry said sarcasticly as the egg cracked open the reveal a tiny Lily Potter.

"Eh?" Harry stared confused at the tiny Lily, "Hello! I'm Lily! Dream to be more like your mother Lily! I hope we become best friend!" Lily smiled at Harry so cutely that he melted. "So, you're making potions today? Your mother was great at that! let me help you!" Lily said, "Chara Change!" A tiny lily clip appeared in Harry's hair and he quickly grabbed everything they needed.

"Hermione! Ron! We're going to make the best potion Hogwarts has ever seen!" Harry beamed at the other two as he careful dumped the items on the table in front of them. "That's the attitude Harry!" beamed Hermione as she lit the cauldron. Harry carefully powdered the pixie happily and dusted it into the potion carefully. Harry took the spoon from Hermione and said to her surprised face "Leave it to me!" and winked.

Hermione and Ron stared as Harry mixed, powdered and did everything to the potion perfectly. By the time Harry was done, Snape was coming around to look at the potions. Snape took one glance at the potion and said in a surprised tone, "It's perfect."