So Dead Space has been done with My Little Pony, but I love them both, so I wanted to do a story with them. This is a bit different because there will be no Issac or Ellie or Nicole, or any humans. It's simply ponies with the Marker.
NOTE: This is based loosely on Dead Space 2. There will be differences.
Again, thanks to GhettoMole for allowing me to use his image, and please visit his DA page here; .com/
Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide
No escape from reality
-Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
Twilight Sparkle awoke, her head throbbing and an intense light flashing in her eyes. She looked around for a moment, waiting for her view to adjust before everything became clear. The room was dark, except for a large flashlight that was lying a few feet in front of her. She sat up and instantly regretted it as a sharp pain went through her spine. When she glanced over her shoulder, her eyes were met with a large meter, running down the length of her spine. At the very bottom of it, a small amount of red energy blinked on and off. Her whole body in fact was covered in a black suit that contoured to her body.
"What the hay?" She murmured groggily, standing up as best she could.
She felt beaten and fatigued. Her body was sore and her legs felt as though they were recovering from sprains or some other attack on their otherwise healthy natural state. She stepped forward and noticed that the flash light had a clip on it, capable of being attached to something.
She looked at the strange suit she wore, and noticed on her shoulder there was a clip. Picking the flashlight up in her teeth and doing a few trick maneuvers with her neck, she managed to set it into place, until a click sounded, and it stayed. She then looked around the room again, this time with aid from the light.
It was a small, cramped room with nothing in it other than few boxes. She glanced down at her feet and saw pieces of different sorts of metal, that appeared to be of the same type as the rest of the room. Looking up, she saw what remained of an air duct. Apparently she had fallen straight through, though she couldn't recall what had happened.
She approached one of the boxes and studied it. It was green in color and looked to be easily breakable. With a hard stomp from her hooves, it broke open, revealing a small bottle of medicine. She picked it up and took the contents into her mouth and swallowed. Instantly, some of the aches and pains disappeared and she looked at the meter on her back to see that it had filled up a bit more, and the energy inside was now yellow. She assumed the meter had to do with her body's condition.
She broke the other two boxes and took the medicine from them, which put her health up to a light blue, and the meter was filled, glowing passively in the dark. So she had mended her body, but she was still left in the dark about what was going on. Playing it by ear would only get her so far. She had to find somepony who could give some answers.
She went over to the door and opened it. Outside it was just as dark and she shined the flashlight about to see that it was a narrow hallway. She started down the hallway, the only sound being the hum of engines and the clanking of her metal clad hooves on the floor. There was a holographic sign on the wall near the door at the end of the hall, which she approached and turned on.
"Welcome to Discord stations. Courage, Compassion, Stability. We're here to help," It said, showing a picture of Discord.
To say she was shocked would have been an understatement, but she swallowed it, knowing it was only something else to add to the strange situation she found herself in. She opened the next door and recoiled at the room beyond.
It was a large, two-story room with a walkway built in above the main ground floor. The room was dark, save a few lights that flickered on and off, revealing blood splattered floors and walls. The patterns were like strange artwork, as though cans of paint had been splattered everywhere, it ways that almost seemed precise, and yet brutal. Among the red paints, were a few corpses, mangled in different but similar ways. The similarity? They could barely be defined as ponies anymore.
The slaughters were not systematic, as each was unique in its own way, though they showed signs that the same individual had done them all. For one the brutal way that they were slashed and torn apart, missing fore legs, and even complete haunches, torn from their sockets. Tendons and shredded muscle were pulled taunt over bone, which was eventually exposed somewhere on the body. A characteristic shared by two was the head wound, which was a large hole across the back of the head, the mane, flesh, and skull all gone, revealing the dead brain.
The smell of bile and shit hung in the air over the greasy and blood covered entrails, bowels, and other vital systems in the body that had been torn out or exposed by violent slashes. She wanted to be sick, and she began to dry heave. There was nothing in her stomach, though that wasn't what worried her at this moment. What had happened here? Dear Celestia, what? The main thought that ran through her mind was how unlike every book she had read on pony anatomy these ravaged bodies were. The books always showed well organized internal organs and tissue that all seemed to have a pattern. If these bodies had ever resembled what was in the books, they were beyond repair.
She continued to dry heave and found she couldn't stop as she gasped for air, but only sucked in the smell of the gore. She reached up to hold her throat as she felt was about to choke to death on nothing, and she pressed some sort of button that caused a small touch screen panel that was attached to her chest, to activate. It lit up the darkness and pieces of the suit seemed to appear from nowhere, covering a skeleton pattern and covered her head. Her vision turned a light bluish tent, and as she glanced up, she noticed that her new mask cast light blue lines where it allowed her to see through.
The suit blocked out the smell of freshly butchered bodies and made it a bit easier to see. She was able to control her stomach's attempts to throw up its contents. As she looked down at the small panel that activated, she saw it giving details of her health and her brain activity, among other process going on in her body. As she glanced over it, she saw that it allowed her to change to different screens. But before she could, a video projection came from some sort of device in the panel. It projected an image into the air, as though it were on a wall. A small screen appeared and Pinkie Pie came into view.
Her fur was matted and stained with traces of blood. Her poofy hair seemed to be in the middle of going back into its original straight texture, and going completely wild. Her eyes were just as wild as her hair, and she looked frightened, as though she had seen Nightmare Moon around.
"Pinkie Pie!" Twilight said in surprise. "What's going on?"
"I don't have time to explain!" Pinkie Pie said in a worried voice, and a scream erupted in the background as though to emphasize this. "Meet by the civilian exit! In the government sector!"
Twilight had never heard Pinkie Pie sound so panicked, or sound like she knew what she was talking about. Unfortunately, the one time her words made a bit of sense, Twilight was the one who could not understand them.
"I don't understand! Where am I?" Twilight Sparkle asked, as Pinkie Pie's panic passed into her.
"You're on the..." The communication of the call faded to dull, buzzing, static and then returned a few seconds later. "- straight forward until you get to the..." another cut out and then, "- I'll be waiting for you there! Get moving slow poke!"
And the call ended, the video projection turning off, and Twilight Sparkle was once again left alone in the dark. She didn't know what to do. Pinkie Pie had instructed her to do something and then go straight forward until she got to something. There she would be waiting for her. But from the way things sounded in the background of the call, it didn't sound like Pinkie would be able to wait around for whatever it was that was causing the screaming, and Twilight had a feeling it was the same sort of creature that had killed the ponies before her.
She had nothing more to do than to continue forward. She stepped out into the room, avoiding the blood and intestines one the floor when possible, though more than once, she heard the squishing of soft flesh below her hooves. She made it to the next door and opened it, finding that it was a hallway with many doors branching off, some of them closed, and others opened.
One that was opened had blood splattered in its wake, and she imagined that whoever was inside any of these rooms with an open door had been slaughtered. She heard frantic chatter from some of the rooms, whispers from others, and dead silence from others. She walked up to one, examining the number on the door and knocking on it.
"Go away! I'm not letting anyone in for anything!" A recognizable voice shouted back.
"Cheerilee?" Twilight called. "Cheerilee, it's me! Twilight Sparkle!"
"Go away Twilight! There's no room in here for you!" The school teacher shouted back venomously.
"Cheerilee? Please let me in. I have no idea what's going on!" Twilight Sparkle pleaded.
"You'll find out soon enough if you keep up all that noise! Go away! Don't bring them back here!"
"Don't bring who back?" Twilight called back.
Suddenly, voices from behind other doors who had apparently been listening (except for the frantic screams of ponies she couldn't identify) came up in a torrent of shouts, telling her to go away, to leave, or to die.
"Save the monster the trouble! Kill yourself!"
"Stop all that noise! You'll bring them back!"
"Shut the hay up! I hope you're dead by the time the Equestrian Gov. gets here!"
Twilight was hurt and almost pushed back by the angered shouts, and she made her way to the end of the hallway, opening the door and quickly proceeding to step into the next room, the door closing behind her and cutting off the rabid hatred being spat at her.
"What would make everypony say such things?" Twilight whispered to herself.
Despite the fact that there was some beast running around, wrecking havoc, she saw no reason for them to be so hostile. Of course, the ponies in Ponyville had a bit of a mob mentality, but she thought they were all decent people. But now that they were all panicked together, they were divided, expect for in one thought, which was that they hoped she was killed by whatever was in this place, rather than themselves.
Her thoughts were interrupted as heard a cry for help. She rushed down the hallway she was in and began rushing through the rooms between her and there. She seemed to be leaving the civilian district and heading into a hospital. Blood was splattered over the walls, and on the glass (what of it wasn't shattered). An occasional body lay in a closed off room, but otherwise, there were no corpses. This worried her. Whatever was going on seemed to have something to do with dead ponies...
She reached a surgery lab and saw Dr. Whooves standing over a patient lying on her back, her stomach open and some sort of blue lasers going into her intestines. Upon seeing Twilight Sparkle through the glass that surrounded the room, she began calling out to her.
"Help me! He's crazy! He's trying to kill me!" she shouted.
Dr. Whooves didn't seem to take notice as he looked down at the controls of some machine with a crazed expression. His eyes twitched and he began laughing like Pinkie Pie did when she was having one of her "breakdowns". He began moving controls and the lasers began moving up the pony's body, slicing through flesh and bone. She screamed as her body was sliced open further and the lasers reached her shoulders, cutting off her forelegs, which fell off of either side of the table, and blood spilled down on top of them from her severed stumps. Twilight Sparkle was already rushing into the room as he brought the lasers closer together and sliced her head into four chunks, which collapsed on the table as her neck began spitting scarlet fluid.
Twilight Sparkle couldn't believe what she had just seen. She didn't know Dr. Whooves personally, but he had always seemed like a decent pony. But this was worse than the others wishing her to be killed! He had brutally murdered a pony who had done nothing. Her mask retracted as if told to by her mind as her horn began to glow as he looked over at her, and she expected him to attack. But... nothing happened. He didn't fly back against the wall as he was suppose to. The spell wasn't working! She didn't have time to try a different one as he tackled her to the ground, laughing in her face, his eyes twitching as he stared at her murderously.
The lab coat he wore was covered with splatters of blood, one of which looked like a a hoof print. He grinned and breathed in her face, as she struggled to move but to no avail.
"They told us to...kill all the patients..." He giggled. "You...You're one of our prized...weapons..."
"Doctor!" Twilight Sparkle cried out pleadingly. She didn't know why her spells were not working (she had tried at least four times to throw him off of her with magic), but she hope that she could reason with the insane pony. "Please! Let me go!"
"You were supposed to be dead!" He chuckled. "I can fix that though! You won't escape me like...Pinkie..."
He seemed to become angry as he thought of Pinkie (who Twilight assumed was Pinkie Pie). He slapped himself once, making a growling noise deep in his throat before smashing the nearby glass with his hoof, not even seeming to noticed the lacerations that the shards dug into his hoof. He picked up one of the larger pieces in his mouth, and smiled down at her.
"It's better dis way..." He said through the glass being clenched in his teeth.
"Doctor Whooves, please!" Twilight cried, tears rolling down her cheeks. "I haven't done anything!"
"That's where you're wrong, Mrs. Sparkle!" He laughed and brought the shard of glass down.
Twilight Sparkle closed her eyes and let a small squeak leave her mouth. She felt something yank at her hair and a slicing sound. She opened her eyes and saw Dr. Whooves still standing over her with the shard of glass. He moved back from her and she looked to her side to see that her mane had been cut short.
"You'll be better off without dat," He said, still holding the glass in his teeth. "Trust me."
She stared at him in shock for a moment. Was this a joke? He killed Celestia knows how many ponies and then pretends to kill her and just cuts her mane short? She sighed and shook her head. He was insane. Of course his actions wouldn't make sense.
"Okay, thank you..." She said slowly. "So what's going on here?"
"You should make use of what's around you, as I have," He said, ignoring her question. "Dhere's a flashlight over dere," He nodded toward a gadget on the counter. "And you can attach the dissue lasers to it."
Since he spoke of the "tissue" lasers, and she didn't think she would be able to prompt him to answer her question, she simply tried to get a different set of answers... after all, she needed a lot of them.
"Why did you kill that pony?" she asked.
"Dhey told me to," he said simply, frowning.
"Who told you to?"
"Equestrian Gov..."
She knew nothing of this Equestrian Government, but if they had anything to do with Celestia and Equestria, then they would certainly never order anything like this.
"Who specifically?" She asked.
"Discord," he said. "He ordered us to kill all patients."
"Could you please take the glass out of your mouth," Twilight sighed in frustration, tried of all his "T"s become "D"s, and his muffled voice.
"I can't," he said, his expression becoming a smile as he laughed. "I have to fulfill my last step...after I kill all the patients."
"Why didn't you kill me?" She asked. "Not that I'm not grateful but..."
He smiled wider. "I like you Twilight Sparkle. You were my favorite patient... Which is why I'm going to burn in hell for what I did to you."
Before she could question what he meant, he gripped the glass between his teeth and swallowed it. She stepped back in horror as he began coughing and choking, spitting blood in a foot-long radius. He coughed and gag for a few more moments before he eventually fell to his face, his eyes wide open as he finally choked to death on the glass and his blood. She stared at him in disbelief for a few more moments before sighing. He was crazy. He had done all the damage he could do. But he had given her a little bit of information and it was something (however small). She looked to the flashlight he had mentioned.
It was much bigger than the one she had hooked on to her shoulder, and it looked like it would connect to a different part of her suit. She went over to it, and picked it up in her mouth. Well... all she could do was try what he had suggested and see what it made for her.
After close to an hour of kicking things down with her back hooves like Applejack, and working as best she could with her mouth, she had managed to attach the tissue lasers to the large flashlight. She had studied the place it hooked on to her suit and found that she could control it by a trigger system that was built into the hoof of the right fore leg of the armored suit she wore. After several long minutes of tediously trying with her mouth, she had hooked it up.
The flashlight cast a beam of light while the tissue laser could fire a beam of energy that could cut through flesh and bone. She could trigger the firing on the laser by pushing a button in the hoof of her boot, which she could keep from pressing if she didn't want to (placed just out of the way of her hoof). It needed to be reloaded, which she could do by bending at the knee which would eject the energy clip this strange weapon took. She found that she also cycle between it and other weapons (if she had them) with a button on her shoulder, which pushed the current weapon to her side and would bring the next one up.
This weapon was also fitted with an alternate button that she could work by stepping back inside of her boot on another button which changed the angle of the energy, therefore she could cut different things with precise cuts. While all this technology was all well and good, and it was quite interesting, she didn't want to have to use it. She didn't want to kill anypony, and she didn't think she could... Or any other creature, really. But...if she needed it, it was there. And if she found the strength to survive, she could use it. Plus the light was useful.
She stepped out of the surgery room, giving Dr. Whooves and the mystery pony one last glance before going to the next door and telling it to open. As her light shown into the next room, she began wondering what was ahead for her, and what these creatures had against her and the ponies they had slaughtered.
End of the prologue. Please read, rate, and comment, and I hope you've enjoyed.