You know, I probably should have done this a few months ago, but honestly I either didn't have the time to, or I forgot. And you all probably figured it out a while ago, but I may as well make it official.

I'm cancelling The Lonely Fox. Why? Because I just don't have it in me to write for it anymore. Maybe the ending of Naruto pissed me off that much, or maybe this story has just taken too long and has since lost any worth to me. Though trust me that pairings had nothing to do with why I hated the ending... Mostly. Wasn't Naruhina that pissed me off, I'll tell ya that much.

It's honestly a weird feeling, giving up a story that until a few months ago, I spent two (one and a half technically) years of my time writing. Maybe I'm gonna regret it but honestly I'd rather just move on from this, than leave it as a what if in the back in my head.

For those who stuck with this... Rather messy story I apologize, but at the very least I hope you enjoyed the ride.

As for the future... I might do some short stories every now and then, depending on if the mood strikes me. A long term one? Probably not.

Until then, thanks for the ride, it was fun while it lasted.