Chapter: I

Scotland's P.O.V.

"Damn, those two, leaving me with the little kid!" I mumbled, as I walked in the woods. I felt a tug on my cape; I looked behind me, seeing the little England crying, again.

Well, he cried earlier when Cymru and North went to Eire's place and would be staying there for a week, leaving me with the little kid. 'Damn those two! When they get back I'm going to kill them. Why can't I go with them? Why do I have to stay here with the kid?'

I was in deep thought, until I realized that little England was crying and dripping snot over my favourite blue cape.

"What the-what did you do to my favourite cape?" I yelled. "I-I-I, Big brudda! WAHAHAHA!" the England cried, as he let go of my cape; he ran to hug my leg, still crying, making my pants wet from his tears. ' I should wash my clothes, later.'

"W-what's the matter?" I asked, restraining my anger. He looked up and started to tear up, again. "I-I-" 'Just spit it out already!' I yelled in my thoughts. "I-I thought you left me! Wahahaha!" he cried. 'Such a cry baby' I sighed. "I was just having a walk in the woods and I told ye to stay at the fields, ye could have gotten lost here in the woods." 'Since you're so small and little'. "But it's boring there, and I won't get lost, because I have you big brudda." He smiled at me. 'Why does he have to be cute? Why?' I sighed. "Come on, let's get out of here." "Okay!"

We got out of the forest, and went to the fields. "We're back, everyone!" England shouted. 'Well, look at that, he's friends with the fairies and pixies. Ugh, if I weren't stuck here, I would have spent my time with Nessie.' I sighed. 'Oh, how I missed her so much.'

"Big Brudda!" I heard him from the hill, as snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him. "What?" I replied. "Come here, I have to show you something!" he said. I walked up the big hill, and saw him sitting on the grass. "Can you carry me up the tree?" he said pointing up. 'What? I just walked up this big hill and he asked me to climb up the tree, carrying him? Can't I rest?' "Oh, fine" I said. "Yay!" I carry him up my back and started climbing. "So, what is it that ye'r going to show me?" I asked. "Mhm? you'll know when we get up to this tree." He replied.

We are reached the highest tree branch and sat down carefully with lil' England on my lap,I turned my head around and saw the colourful flower fields with the fairies and pixies dancing and skipping from one flower to another. The clear blue sky, not a bird in sight; the radiant sun shined down to the flowers, making them shiny and bright. "Do you like it, big brudda?" the little England asked. 'Of course, I like it! It's so beautiful; this is such a breath-taking scene!' "I love it."I said to him as I smiled. "Yay! Big brudda finally smiled!" He said smiling happily. "W-what do you mean I finally smiled?" I asked, confused and surprised. "Well, big brudda seems so upset today, so I thought if I showed this sight, you would be happy." I looked at him, then I smiled. "Thank you" I said, ruffling his already messy blond hair. He giggled. "I love you, big brother!" I chuckled and said "I love you, too."

We got out of the tree, as the sun starts to go down. Little England tugged my cape (again),and slowly taking my hand. "Big brudda, don't tell the others about the view we saw up the tree." He said holding my hand. "Oh? Why?" I asked. "Because this will be our own little secret, only you and me knows about it! Promise me you won't tell? " he whispered. "Sure, lil' boy, I promise."I whispered back.

This is my first fanfic, I hope it's good~ Oh, and please Review, I would like to know your opinion about it, and tell me if it's crappy or not, 'cause I suck at writing (I don't really suck at it, It's just that it consumes too much energy...)