Yes, I liked driving in my car but trust me at midnight, alone, driving to the main city, at this freaking cold weather, was not my idea of a fun night! But the crying girl which was back in school wouldn't have let me stay either, or else I would have been warm and cosy in my bed, reading. But no. My night was ruined. "He is hurt and really sad" that is what Jill told me. Hurt my foot! I cant believe that he could be someone so self-centred and arrogant! He knew she would live through everything he was doing as well, but as always he only thought of himself, no surprise there.

By the time I arrived at the place Jill had told me he was residing in, I was fuming with anger. It took me another 10 minutes just to enter because the guy thought I was a high school student and had sneaked here to meet my boyfriend to elope! This night couldn't get any worse.

After finally checking in the damn hotel where that spoiled royal prince was having fun at, I stormed to his room and knocked ferociously. No sound. I tried again. This time I could hear disappointed groans, and god knows how much I hoped nothing was going on, on the other side of that door. After what seemed like more than a hour, the door slowly opened halfway and a head popped out peering at the intruder, which would me.

Bloodshot emerald eyes, hair which were messed up and not with their usual tidiness, skin paler then his normal and a half naked body greeted me, with the same lopsided smile that haunted my dreams these days.

"ADRIAN IVASHKOV!" I roared, surprising even myself with the sound of my voice, which showed my full contained anger, which even made him flinch.

"You are here to ruin my fun again Sage"

His seductive voice made me realize that the horrible feeling in my stomach can only mean that this night could get even more worse...

Please REVIEW!

This is my second story on here! I need your comments and criticisms and even opinions on what should I write next xD!