This morning, like every other, I got up at the glimmers of light. Even though I was tired, I left for the simulation room. After the ride down the elevator, which always makes me feel slightly queasy, I walked down the long hallway. However, before I could get past the entrance hall, a sharp noise rang from the luxurious double doors. I turned and opened the door, but couldn't believe what message my eyes brought me.
"Good morning. Is this the Legion's headquarters «asked the lady in white, accompanied by several officers from what seemed to be a branch of the science police.
"It is" I replied, effectively masking my shocked expression. "Please come in. What can I assist you with, Mrs. President?"

She entered and simply told me to rally the others, and then she'd tell me. I did as she asked; coming back with what legionnaires we had in HQ: Brainy, Violet, Cosmic Boy, Cham, Triplicate Girl and Bouncy Boy.

"I roused at such an early hour to ask a service of you... Well, ONE of you that is"
"Who?" asked Bouncy
"Whoever that will do"

She then took a holotablet and read to us conditions to fulfill to help her, as we lined up.

"I assume all of you can fight multiple assailants?" she asked.

Right then, VI and Bouncy backed up to show this wasn't their strong suit.

"The remaining can track if necessary?"

Trip and Cosmic Boy backed up, leaving Brainy, Cham and I.

"You don't mind being in someone else's personal space?"

Brainy and I backed up, leaving Cham. She didn't look pleased with the remainder.

"This will not do..." she muttered to herself
"Why not?" asked Cham, a bit insulted
"I'm sorry; I'm looking for a bodyguard for my daughter during my campaign. And with a small lad like you, people will be trying, we can't have that"

As soon as he had heard the word 'bodyguard' Cosmic Boy stepped up and puffed his chest.

«If you are looking for a bodyguard for your daughter, I strongly suggest Timber wolf. There is a strong possibility he will simply scare away attackers by the way he looks" commented Brainy, pointing out my wolfish appearance. I let out a small growl.

She approached me, and examined me. She let out a small sigh of satisfaction and put her hands on my shoulders:

«May I see you in action?" she asked

Brainy nodded and brought her and the other legionnaires into the observatory for the simulation room. I entered the room, and waited for the simulation to start.

The dome shaped room fazed into a busy street with about twenty or so thugs surrounded me, all holding knives or crowbars and such. I smirked and leapt forwards. The only time I feel alive is when I'm fighting. It's when I know I'm doing what I can to help the world. I grabbed one by the neck and threw him so violently and three others that they must have flew five meters or so. I punched, leapt, kicked and slashed so fast that the fight was over in less than a minute. Although I stopped them, I had caused them serious injuries: heavy bleeding, broken bones and perhaps some concussions. The street faded back into the room I know as the simulation room and exited.

I had barely left the room that I could hear the president walking (very fast) over to me, she shook my hands and told me to follow her, I was perfect.

No later than five minutes later, we arrived to her mansion in her fancy limousine.