A/n: I love writing fight scenes. I've decided to keep this one general bromance but no slash. I do think that I am going to do a slash version though so stay tuned. And thanks to CinderH for the suggestions ;)

Good as I was to you, is this the thanks I get? Are all the years we shared so easy to forget? Is this the way it's done, looking out for number one? Did you think it through? –Lori Morgan, Good As I Was To You

Danny had just finished his second beer of the night when he heard the knock on the door. He sets his drink down on the side table as he peers through the peephole.

"Well well well, look who finally decided to show up." He exclaims, not bothering to hide his bitterness as he opens the door for his partner. It had been nearly three weeks since Steve had left that stupid letter on his desk and now here he was, standing at his door with his tail between his legs.

"Danny," Steve frowns at his friend's tone.

"Did you have a nice trip? See some nice places? I hope you took lots of pictures." The shorter man mocks.

"Danny!" Steve shouts, irritated at his behavior. Danny stops talking and settles for just looking at his partner.

Steve looks down at his feet with an unsure expression on his face. Danny waits until he looks up again before striking. He thrusts out his right fist and connects perfectly with the taller man's jaw. Steve's head snaps to the side violently and a trickle of blood appears where he has bit his lip. Danny lets out a deep breath as a feeling of satisfaction settles over him. He's been waiting to do that for weeks now.

"Ow! What the fuck, Danny?" Steve exclaims, eyes wide with indignation. "What was that for?"

"Are you serious?" Danny blinks as he shakes out his hand. "That's for being an asshole!"

"What are you talking about?" Steve questions as he wipes at his bloody lip.

"I'm sorry, did that punch knock-out your short term memory? You know exactly what I'm talking about." Danny insists. "You left and sent everything into a tailspin."

"What?" Steve asks. His tone suggests that he doesn't quite believe his partner's dramatics.

"Everything fell the fuck apart Steve! And I was stuck picking up the pieces to a million different puzzles without any kind of guidelines as to how to put them all back together! And what the hell kind of bullshit were you spouting about 'not being able to lead this team probably until you had answers'? I thought you were doing a pretty damn good job even if you were faking your way through it!" Danny shouts. His anger towards his partner has been building for days and now that he's started yelling it's like the flood gates have broken and he can't spit out the words fast enough.

"Are you done yet?" Steve wonders. His tone sounds slightly bored and Danny has to resist the itching in his fingers to reach out and punch him again.

"I am not even close to being done screaming at you yet!" He yells instead.

"Look, I know you're pissed—" Steve tries to appease him but it's a moot point. There's no stopping him now.

"I am way beyond pissed! I am downright livid. What the hell kind of thing is that to do to your partner, to just leave me with a 'Dear Danno' letter on my desk with no clue as to where you might have disappeared to. For fuck sake, even Rachel had the guts to tell me to my face that she was leaving me." Danny explains, throwing his hands out to his sides.

"Don't compare me to your ex wife." Steve growls. He hates when Danny tells him he's acting like Rachel and Danny knows. It's why he uses it. "And I had to do it." Steve adds as if it explains everything.

"Yeah yeah I get it. It was your father, you needed answers, Joe's being shady. I get it, alright. What I don't get is why you couldn't have just come to me and told me all of this to my face. Why you thought it was okay to just leave me with that stupid letter?" Danny demands, his voice rising again. He resists the urge to act like Grace and stomp her foot in annoyance.

"Because this is exactly what I was trying to avoid! I didn't want to get into a screaming match with you." Steve declares, mimicking his arm movement.

"Who says it would have been a screaming match?" Danny yells.

"It always turns into a screaming match." Steve throws back at him with a knowing look.

"Are you saying this is my fault? That I'm such a hot head that you can't talk rationally to me and explain yourself?" Danny points to himself, not quite believing what Steve was trying to say.

"I'm saying that I shouldn't have to explain myself to you." Steve replies defiantly. "I can make my own decisions about my life."

"It wasn't just your life that was affected! 5-0 needed you. I needed you. And for all I know, you needed me. But you made your decision and everybody suffered." Danny states, trying not to show how much Steve's words had hurt him.

"I don't need your permission to do things that are my business." Steve says, not willing to give up the fight just yet.

"No, Steven you don't." Danny responds, suddenly deflated. "You can do whatever the fuck you want and so can I." He reaches over to the side table and pulls out his shield and gun before slamming them down on the table.

"What the hell are you doing?" Steve demands, a slight bit of panic creeping into his voice.

"I am done being your loyal sidekick. It is clear to me that this relationship doesn't mean a damn thing to you. I thought being partners meant something—at least it meant something to me." Danny says, trying to keep the emotion out of his voice. He hangs his head so Steve can't see his eyes and then drops his voice down low before speaking again. "Tell me something though, is that one of the special tricks they teach you in the Navy?"

"What's that?" Steve manages to choke out.

"How to walk away without feeling a goddamn thing."