AN: I have so many ideas running through my head that I had to start another multi-chapter story. Here it is, Only Place I Call Home chapter one!
Warning: Explicit content.
"…And cosecant is the reciprocal of sine, as is secant to cosine and cotangent to tangent. So looking at this graph, is this trigonometric function a reciprocal and which function is shown?"
"Uh, yes and I think its cosecant."
"Yes! I don't understand how you struggle with this, Trigonometry is super easy," Clare teased, walking out of his room. Eli looked up from the textbook and rolled his eyes. He couldn't believe his sophomore friend was helping him with his junior work. Then again, she is in almost all of his classes. She walked back in with a can of Dr. Pepper, which she and Eli split.
"It's only easy because you're great at everything you do, Edwards. I think I'll stick to my one true passion— writing."
"Okay, whatever you say Elijah." Clare put the now empty can on the night table and fell back, landing on his bed. He put his homework on the floor and copied her actions, staring at her. He was glad their parents didn't mind that they would sleep over at each other's houses, knowing that they're incredibly close.
"Can we do it now?" Eli asked, knowing his parents wouldn't be home for another three hours, although it was already eight at night.
"Sure, I think you earned it." He leaned over Clare and reached into his night table, pulling out a brown paper bag. He poured out the contents, revealing a purple lighter and a small bag of marijuana, along with a pack of papers. He began the process him and Clare had been used to for the past year. He threw his trash back into the brown paper bag and into the garbage can on the other side of the room. They went out to his back porch and sat down on the swing. Eli placed one end of the joint in his mouth, lighting the other end. He inhaled smoothly, taking in a reasonable amount of smoke and holding it in for a few seconds before exhaling slowly. He sighed in relief and took two more pulls then passed it to Clare. She raised it to her pink lips, closed her eyes and inhaled a larger amount of the smoke than Eli had, which didn't go unnoticed by him.
"Had a long day at school?" She exhaled.
"Yeah," she took two more like Eli had and passed it back, "just the usual rumors. People are getting much more creative."
"Enlighten me," Eli chuckled, exhaling his second pull.
"People think Alli hooked up with Drew in the girl's bathroom during first period. She was really upset."
"I thought she didn't care about that kind of attention. Anyway, what's creative abo-"
"They said she played with herself while he screwed her doggy style with one leg up as Drew shoved his cock in her vagina and a dildo in her anus… at the same time." He passed her the joint and she inhaled, waiting for his reply.
"…Wow. Sounds like a lot of work."
"Yeah but it sounds kind of fun if you think about it. The position itself, I mean." She finished off the joint, putting it out and throwing it between the wooden planks that formed the porch floor. He nodded in agreement.
"We still have two hours before my parents get home." He noted. Clare smirked and ran upstairs as fast as she could, which wasn't very fast considering she was tripping with every other step she took. Eli processed everything a few seconds later and got up, stumbling up the steps in his house. He ran into his room and shut the door, locking it just in case. He turned around to see Clare holding her lavender dress, covering her body. "You act as though we haven't done this before, Clare." She looked up and pretended to ponder over what he just said.
"Yeah, you're right." She giggled and threw her dress on the floor in front of him. Eli watched as she walked around to the other side on his bed, swaying her hips. She got on the bed and crawled in his direction, laying down and raising her legs while resting on her elbows. Her cleavage was practically bursting out of her lacy black bra, due to the position she was in and the fact that it was strapless. He felt his cock twitch in his tight black jeans, and he knew he couldn't resist much longer.
He pulled off his Dead Hand shirt, dropping it on top of Clare's dress. She crawled to the edge of the bed and got on her knees, using her finger to call Eli over. He walked up to her and instantly placed his hands on her waist, kissing her intensely. Clare cupped her hands behind his neck and felt Eli's hands roaming her back, travelling up to the clasp of her bra and unhooking it. Due to their close proximity, it stayed on her and Eli's hands travelled back down, holding her thighs. She broke away from the kiss and started kissing around his chest, sucking and blowing on his nipples. She smirked against his stomach as his moans echoed in the room. She went lower and sucked on his hip bones, leaving a hickey on each one. Her bra had fallen off in the process, but Eli still couldn't get a glimpse of her chest because she was hunched over, unbuttoning his jeans. She pulled down the zipper and quickly slid up his body, pressing her chest to his. He felt her erect nipples rub against him as she initiated another heated kiss between them. Eli stepped out of his jeans, only struggling slightly at the tightness of them. He cupped her butt and pressed his lower half into her gently, resulting in them moaning into each other's mouths. This time, Eli had broken the kiss so he could lay her down.
He crawled on top of her and took her nipple into his mouth, sucking and nibbling gently on it. The quick rise and fall of her chest told him that she was enjoying the way his tongue swirled around her nipple as his other hand pinched and twisted her neglected breast. Her short breaths continued as his lips ghosted down her body along with his hands. One finger hooked onto her matching black thong and he pulled it off, seeing how wet she was. Smirking, he rubbed her clit with the pad of his thumb and watched her juices drip out of her hole.
"Eli, don't tease me," she whimpered. He decided she'd had enough of his torture and removed his hand. He ordered her to turn over and get on all fours and as he shuffled around in his night table for a condom, Clare stopped him. "Birth control, remember?"
"Oh yeah, sorry." He got off the bed and stood behind her, holding up one of her legs while lining up his throbbing member with her soaked center. The tip of his cock was resting on her core and they once again moaned together as he pushed in slowly, and then pulled out at the same pace.
"Faster," she whimpered, and Eli complied. He thrust in and out quickly and hit a spot deep inside Clare, making her scream, "Oh God, right there Eli!"
Right there, in the midst of screwing Clare's brains out, Eli had decided he loved this position. If it could get her to scream this loud and him to go this deep into her, then they were definitely doing this more often. To make matters worse, as if screwing her wasn't enough for him to get off on; he almost came on the spot when she started using one of her hands to rub herself. He contained himself, wanting to last for her and was thankful when her walls started clenching around his cock. Clare's orgasm ripped through her as her whole body shook viciously and she fell onto the bed while Eli almost collapsed on the floor, but instead fell on top on Clare, landing on his forearms to prevent crushing her. After catching their breaths, Eli pulled out and lay beside her on his back. Clare was the first one to speak.
"That was…"
"Amazing," Eli finished. "It sobered me up for sure. We have to do that more often."
"Definitely, but right now we have," she looked at the clock on his table, "a half hour before your parents come home. Plus, we have to wake up early for school tomorrow. I guess we can shower together… to save time and water, of course."
"I know you just want to keep me naked for as long as possible, so I'll ignore your reason and turn the shower on." Clare stuck her tongue out at him and followed him into the bathroom.