A/N: Ok, so this is my first try at a Pokèmon fanfic, so don't blame me if its rubbish.  I'm going to try my best and make this as interesting as I can, hopefully (sound doubtful don't I?).  Well here goes…………

Disclaimers: I own Pokèmon!!!! Yes I doooooo! [dream ends] Awwwwwwww, I don't own Pokèmon unfortunately so don't tell anyone that I used their ideas to make my Fanfic. [cries] Now its time for the show…………


By Chocobo-the-chocobo

Chapter 1- The Unveiling

Times do get hard sometimes, but your entire life?  That just can't be right can it??  I mean there has to be something worth living for, but when you were made in a lab of some crazy scientist what is there to look forward to in life?  Some people have goals in life, sometimes many goals, but what about me?  What goals do I have? I have only one goal.  FREEDOM.  Yes, to be free, to run through fields of green, to see the sky, to feel the wind, to be able to do what I want without the fear of the 'torture'. – Reflection by Amoura

"Are they complete?" asked a dark and sinister looking man in a white lab coat.

"Yes sir, we only lost one and he was predicted to die anyway," said a much smaller man in large rimmed glasses and lab coat.

"Good, good, but it would have been much better if he had survived though.  So how many are there Professor?" asked the dark man.

"I'd say about fifteen," replied the Professor.

"And our precious little one?"

"Survived as well, even though she too was predicted to never have survived."

The dark man laughed and looked at the large cylindrically glass pods that held sixteen strangely shaped bodies.  One however was being removed from the pod by a group of scientists.  The man walked towards one that held a female creature.  Placing his hand on the glass he spoke softly to the girl inside.

"You my child are the greatest creation of this day and age.  No one has ever before thought of creating something as ingenious as you until now and I will have all the glory."

The man laughed and turned to the Professor.

"Well this a great day for us all Professor.  Now humans and Pokèmon have something in common.  They are one!"

He laughed again and walked away leaving the Professor with his creations.  He looked at them and a small grin spread across his face, but it was quickly replaced with the sign of shock when one of the creatures moved.  Running towards the third pod away from the one the dark man had spoken to, the professor looked inside at the creature.

His eyes were closed, his mouth covered with a mask to help him breath.  His skin was a pale purple, but in places he had strange markings of different colours.  He also had a long purple tail.  His hair was purple too.  The Professor stared in at him, and the tail flicked slightly.  The Professor jumped up with delight.

"He moved!  He moved!!!  This is truly a great day!  The first of the Anthro-Pokèmon will be released today!"

Other scientists ran towards the professor, all trying to look in at the creature.

"What did he do Professor?" asked one.

"Yes sir, what did he do?" asked another.

The Professor pushed them all away and looked at each of them in turn.

"Prepare to have him removed.  Our Arbok boy lives, his tail moved meaning he is sensing the world around him.  We must remove him for further study.  Now go, and hurry, I want him out as soon as possible!"

The scientists scurried off in different directions, gathering equipment to remove the Arbok boy from his pod.

A/N: Yea I know its kinda short, but its more like an intro than a chapter, sorry.