Time to Respawn
Alright, so this story, Time to Respawn, is inspired by Mellifluousness's 'The World in Which We Fail' Story. I consider Melli (Hope its okay I call her that) a good friend, and dearly hope she'll enjoy this story. So, read on, and discover all the moments I have had to face palm myself.
I tapped my fingers on my desk as I waited for my new world to load. I didn't bother entering a seed or switching to creative or flatland, I wanted to play good old survival. Suddenly, I heard the crunch of leaves and I focused my attention on my computer screen, seemingly blending my mind with my character's mind…
I looked around, I had spawned in a jungle biome. I stumbled through a vine that was hanging down from a tree, and widened my eyes as I emerged on a pristine beach. I walked onto the sand and looked around. I seemed to be on an island, made up of beaches and the jungle. 'Wonderful' I thought to myself. I walked across the beach and back into the jungle, intent on getting wood. I hit about five blocks of wood, before giving in and opening my inventory.
I turned my logs into planks, and made a workbench, leaving myself with sixteen wooden planks. I put the workbench into my hot bar and held it in my hand, admiring my craftsmanship when I stupidly let go of the crafting table and it tumbled down into the leaves of an unsuspecting tree, below the one I had started cutting down.
I growled and almost punched myself, but not actually punching myself because I didn't want to lose a heart.
You can't punch yourself you idiot!
My consciousness other wise known as my writers block, Ricky, tells me. So I tell him back, 'You just shut your flapper and watch me prove you wrong!'
So I look down at my feet, trying to see them and punch out. And punch, and punch and punch and punch.
Told you.
'Shut up.'
Make me.
I ignore him and leap down to collect my workbench. After I collect it, and cradle it in my arms, I look to my right and notice a small cave. My throat constricts but I want to explore it. So, gripping my workbench, I venture forward.
I'm waiting for you to die, seeing as you don't have a weapon. But of course, you are an idiot.
'Oh Ricky, why do you insist on insulting me?'
Because your just so simple to insult.
'Wow. You're helpful.'
I shake my head and Ricky falls silent, though I'm almost positive he's laughing at me. I want to punch him so badly, but I have no idea how to reach him.
I'm in your head, now focus on the cave so you don't run into a wall.
Why would I run into a wall? I frown and walk forwards, bumping my face into a block of stone jutting out of the ceiling. I promptly ignore Ricky's obnoxious snickering and look around the cave. It isn't really a cave, its just a small hole. But it's a nice hole, because it will be my temporary home. I set my crafting table into a nook in the wall and then quickly made myself a wooden pickaxe. I mined away the stray stone blocks, the first being the one I ran into, and made the ceiling higher. Satisfied, I walked over to my workbench again, and made a furnace, set it directly next to the my crafting table, and put some wooden planks on the bottom and my three extra logs on top.
While the logs cooked up into charcoal, I used the remainder of my wooden planks to make a door, and used it to block off the entrance to my rabbit hole. I filled in the few open spaces with a block of dirt and the rest of my cobblestone. Suddenly my cave went dark and I momentarily freaked out.
Your charcoals done, don't be a baby.
Ricky oh so helpfully said.
'I knew that.' I replied to him, walking over to my furnace and collecting the three charcoals, and the one wooden plank that was left. I used the charcoal and some sticks I made earlier to make torches. I then proceeded to place two torches on the wall and once more, my home was filled with light. I smiled, satisfied with what I've done when Ricky ruined the moment by saying,
So, you found a cave, mined away a few blocks of stone, made charcoal because you're too lazy to go find and mine some coal, and made torches. Oh, I am sooooo proud of you!
Obviously, him being proud of me was him being sarcastic. But I chose to believe he meant it.
'Thank you Ricky.'
What ever.
I sat in the corner as I heard the clink of skeletons and the hiss of spiders outside. I closed my eyes and curled up into a ball.
Until tomorrow.
Until you respawn.
Yay! So, there we have it, the first chapter of Time to Respawn. Ricky is like Melli's conscience in her story, and she gave me her permission to use it as an inspiration. Please review! Chapter 2 will probably be up tomorrow, but I can't promise anything. Ricky controls the flow of words which I type into Microsoft Word.