Ok, so how did everyone handle last nights episode? I'm still in tears after what happened! Poor Lori and T-Dog! I actually felt for Lori's character last night and Iron did an amazing job as well. The Talking Dead had me crying too. Melissa McBride is a wonderful actress as well. EVERYONE did fantastic and with Carol missing… I'm a little devastated. But it sparked a fanfic in my head and I can't wait to post it on here.
With all that said –here is the FINAL chapter of "It all makes sense when it's the end of the world," it's been such an AMAZING ride with you all and I cannot thank everyone enough for all their support with my story and my personal life. This story has gotten me through a lot and so have you all with your awesome positive reviews! I'm still battling my cancer and I hope to have a good update one day for you all but until then… please enjoy this last chapter of my first Caryl Fanfiction. (and if you want more check out my Caryl one shots as well!) Also I'm SO sorry for any type'o's. I went back to re-read and edit and I'm all misconbobulated right now, I have a terrible cold on top of all this treatment crap. Talk about feeling lowsy!
Chapter: 35
We've come so far;
It had been a several months now since their attack at the prison.
They stayed at the house on the hill for a few weeks and then loaded up the vehicles again and started their way towards another new beginning.
Before they got too far a few people of the group went out to scout out new land and after it was all said and done they had found a new place to stay. About ten miles west of the town they were in there was a gated community with large houses. A lot of them hadn't even been lived in yet –it was a new development that had only had a few houses that had been bought. It wasn't completely over run by walkers which was nice –but they still had trouble getting inside. They chose a house that was close to the gates –but not too close –just in case a herd came through they could get out in time without any problems. The house was huge –almost mansion like –it fit everyone without being too crowded. Their rotation and shifts for watched stayed the same; there were at least two people on at all times to cover as much ground as they could.
Carol and Maggie had finally been promoted to take watch alone –not all the time but mostly during the morning hours. When Carol had her watch Daryl sometimes came to wherever her post was to keep her company. He didn't have to say it but she knew he worried about her being out there alone for hours at a time. It meant a lot to her knowing that he was so concerned about her –not that she doubted it or anything –it was just nice to see him so concerned for her.
Carol smiled at her thoughts as she folded up the laundry that was hanging out on the line behind the fenced in yard. They were all a family now and that was all she could ever ask for –especially in the world they lived in now. Folding up the last of the clothes she put them all into a basket and carried it up the steps on the back porch. She slid the back door open and closed it behind her as she set the basket of clothing on the table. It was almost dinner time and another shift change. Daryl would be with her for dinner tonight which was nice considering he wasn't the last few weeks.
Just a she started dinner for everyone, Maggie and surprisingly Andrea came to help out. Even though they usually only had two people on watch at a time, the others would take it upon their selves to keep look out as well. There really wasn't much to do anymore so they kept busy as much as possible. It would be another week before they made another supplies run so for the most part everything was quite around the house.
Until now.
Carol rounded the corner to let Lori and Carl know that dinner was almost ready and when she looked she saw Lori doubled over holding her stomach.
"Lori!" Carol squealed. "Are you alright?" she said rushing to her side.
"I… I think I'm in labor!" Lori said clenching her teeth together to stifle a scream.
"Here lay down!" Carol said moving pillows around the couch.
"The floor," Lori whimpered out just as Carl walked into the room.
"Mom… Mom, what's wrong?" the boy said with a worry tone.
"Carl we need Hershel… and your dad! She's in labor!" Carol said watching the boy beam from ear to ear before rushing past her to get his father off watch.
On the way out Carl ran into Glenn explaining to him what was going on before Glenn ran with him towards the gates. He knew the man would have to be there with his wife as she gave birth to their child so he would keep his watch for him.
"Squeeze my hand every time you have a contrac –ow!" Carol said painfully seeing Lori squint her eyes biting her bottom lip.
"Sor –Sorry!" Lori said.
Carol shook her head swallowing hard lifting of her knees slightly feeling Lori squeeze her hand harder. Carol took a deep breath –for a small woman Lori sure did have a death grip!
"Lori!" Rick said rushing into the room to his wife's side.
It had taken a few months but they finally patched things up –put their differences aside and realized that they were all each other had now. Carl and this new baby was all they had left other than the group. Staying mad at each other was pointless anymore –this was Rick's baby regardless of what she and Shane had before.
Rick knew in his heart of hearts –this baby wasn't his.
It had taken so long for her to get pregnant with Carl –and one night with her wouldn't have done it, he knew this. But he was man enough to put that thought aside –he was going to love this child either way.
Carol watched the way Rick stroked his wife's cheek and looked at her –she almost melted at the touching moment. She had never seen this side of Rick before and she had to admit it was sweet. She made a motion to get up and leave them two alone just as Hershel walked into the room but she felt Lori pull her hand closer.
"Don't leave…" Lori said with a struggling tone.
Carol furrowed her brows together –her expression read sadness. It wasn't that she wasn't happy Lori wanted her to stay it was more of she didn't know if she could.
Watching Lori go through this reminded her so much of what she was and would be missing out on with Sophia.
She had carried her daughter for nine months and took care of her for the first twelve years of her life –she would never get the chance to watch her grow up into a young woman. Although it had been a year –maybe longer –since her daughter's death, Carol still couldn't get it out of her head what happened.
She never would.
She would never heal that open wound; but she was strong enough to carry on. Just as she had been the last ten months since it happened. She had people around her she cared about –people that might have even cared about her back.
More importantly; she had him.
Daryl was the center of her universe, her reason for living. He showed her that he loved her everyday even if he didn't say it all the time –she knew he did.
"Have you ever delivered a baby before?" Rick asked in a happy –rushed tone.
Hershel smiled slightly, "I delivered my Beth." That was all he said –it had taken him months to get over his daughter's death and although he'd never get over it –he was moving on with her not far behind in his every thought.
Lori was in labor for hours.
They were already on their second shift change for the evening when Carol emerged from the room with a tiring smile on her face. At one point they thought they were going to lose her –there was a lot of blood loss but Lori pulled through it. Hershel suggested they take the next town run a few days early to maybe find her some vitamins –she was going to need them if she was going to keep going and especially breast feed the baby.
"Well… is my mom ok? H –how's the baby?" Carl asked all at once staring up at Carol just as Hershel emerged from behind her nodding to everyone.
"Everything is fine…" Carol said with a sigh looking up at Daryl who was leaning up against the wall not far behind the boy. Before Carol could even get another word out she got tackled with a slight hug from Carl before the boy rushed passed her into the room to meet his new baby sister.
Carol turned to watch as Carl approached his smiling parents with caution. Carol hugged herself watching as Lori motioned her hand for him to come closer. She could faintly hear what they were saying but when she heard her daughter's name she felt tears sting her eyes instantly.
"Can we name her Sophia?" Carl asked. He had asked months ago back at the farm but his question was never answered.
Carol closed her eyes for a moment with a frown and when she opened them she could see Rick and Lori looking at her through the door. She gave a faint smile and wave before ducking her head and turning away from the scene. She glanced quickly at Daryl –she didn't want him to see the tears in her eyes –as she nodded to him before making her way back into the kitchen to help clean up from dinner.
Noticing the kitchen had been cleaned up already; Carol made her way up the steps to her and Daryl's bedroom. She knew T-Dog and Michonne were keeping watch tonight but with the new baby they might need others. When a baby cries it carries and they didn't need any walkers following the sounds –especially now that they had established a good life at this house. Carol wasn't sure if Daryl was one of the people to volunteer to keep extra watch tonight or not; all she knew was she was tired.
She sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed her eyes with the palms of her hands before cranking her neck from side to side. She stood and slowly started to pull her top up over her head and just as she did the door opened. She squealed slightly covering herself before she saw a blushing Daryl close the door quickly behind him. She relaxed and bit her bottom lip –she would never tell him this but she found it so adorable that even after all this time he still blushed when he saw her undressing or naked.
"Sorry," he mumbled setting his crossbow down against the wall before walking over to the other side of the bed.
Carol unsnapped her bra and shimmed out of it before removing her pants leaving her only in her panties. She could see Daryl eyeing her up and down from the corner of her eye before she walked over and opened the dresser to pull one of his flannels out to put it on.
Daryl cleared his throat looking away from her for a moment –the tightening in his pants was getting greater and greater –almost unbearable. He watched as she slid her long arms through the sleeves and turned to face him with the shirt hanging in front –unbuttoned.
"Carol…." Daryl said almost in a whimpering –warning tone.
She was genuinely confused right now –his tone wasn't one she had heard in a long time –not since his angry farm days. She watched as he slid his shirt up over his head and threw it to the ground and then started to work on his belt. She swallowed hard watching him carefully before she walked to the bed slowly buttoning up her shirt. She pulled the blankets back and crawled onto the bed and before she could even turn to her back she felt Daryl crawl up behind her and pull her flush against him –back to chest.
"Daryl what –oh that feels good," she moaned out feeling him nibbling on the lobe of her ear. Suddenly she forgot how tired she was. She felt his hands run up along the fabric of the flannel before he started to pull on it. She worried for a moment of him popping the buttons off but then when he busted the shirt open and kneaded her breasts in his rough hands –it didn't matter anymore. She closed her eyes throwing her head back against his shoulder feeling him peeling away the fabric of the flannel. His lips touched her shoulders and the base of her neck –kissing every possible spot he could. She didn't know what was going on with him –he'd never been this animalistic with her before.
He wasn't rough at all –but the things he was doing and the way he attacked her would suggest otherwise.
Carol turned in his arms slightly to capture his lips with her own –sucking on his bottom lip hungrily before scraping her teeth against the juicy flesh. She stiffened a moan into his mouth feeling his hands slide into her panties from the front, his fingers just barely brushing along her swollen nub.
"Yer' so wet," he whispered huskily against her neck as he nipped at her pale flesh. He slid two of his fingers further down and rubbed against her wet entrance before he slipped his fingers up inside of her. When he felt her shutter against him he smirked pumping his fingers in and out of her –steady –yet slow. The sounds she was making right now could cause him to release at any moment –but he knew he had to hold back.
He wasn't planning on attacking her when he walked into the bedroom but seeing her standing there naked putting on one of his flannels –it was the sexiest fucking thing he had ever seen. Something about her in his clothing turned him on –he couldn't explain it and hell he didn't have to explain himself all he knew was this woman was a God send.
Carol felt him push up against her from behind, his erection separating their bodies as his fingers worked their will inside of her. She jerked forward removing his hand before turning around pulling his flannel completely off and pushing him back onto the bed. The wide eyed look of surprise on his face caused a chuckled to part from her lips. In one quick motion she yanked his boxers down, "of all the times you decide to wear boxers!" she said with raw seduction hearing him growl slightly.
"Come 'er." Was all he said in response before feeling the length of her body cover his. He moved his arms around her shoulders pulling her down into him as he assaulted her mouth with tender, hungry kisses.
He arched up into her body sliding his hands down her naked back and into her panties once more but this time he slipped the down as far as his hands let him go. He broke lip contact watching her struggle to kick off her panties before averting her attention back to him with a soft giggle. He couldn't help but smile in that moment –he loved it when she was happy.
Without warning Carol sat up on top of him, gripped his length in her hand and slid herself onto him. Her slick cavern swallowing him whole as she lowered herself slowly –teasingly onto him. She watched him close his eyes and throw his head back slightly while gripping her sides –the look of pleasure on his face was enough to satisfy her. It was then she started her slow and steady pace on top of him, her walls clinging to him with his every upward thrust.
"Fuck," he cursed softly looking up at her beautiful face. His hands had a mind of their own in that moment as he felt her breasts beneath them suddenly –her nipples hard from pleasure.
This was the first time she had ever been on top –in all the times they made love this was a first for this position and he had to admit he was a fan. He always figured her body issues she seemed to still have (but tried to never let show) had something to do with it –even if she didn't say anything. He loved that she tried though, he had already let it be known that he loved her the way she was. She didn't need to change anything about herself inside or out because she was perfect in his eyes.
Carol watched as the emotions played on her lovers face; it was an arousing sight to see him so turned on in that moment. Carol never would have thought in a million years that she could make someone feel the way she knew Daryl felt for her. Ed was nice in the beginning but never in her years of marriage with him did he ever show the kind of affection that Daryl Dixon had showed her. It was funny because if you asked members of the group a year ago they would say he was mean like Ed was –but thankfully Carol saw right through that.
Even from the start.
Even when he was being a total ass –Daryl would never compare to Ed. Ed was much worse in every way possible.
Carol seized that thought at that moment –Ed was a long gone distant memory and that was all he ever would be anymore.
Daryl could see the pleasure written all over her face –he could feel it wrapped around his girth –it was a beautiful sight right now watching her body bounce on him. When she started to slow and stroke slowly on him he took that moment and flipped them over. No caution in his motions at all –the squeal that emitted from her lips caused him to smirk. Looking down into her eyes he cupped her cheek and stroked his thumb along her cheek bone before assaulting her mouth with his own once again. His thrust caused them both to groan in pleasure as he started a steady pace in and out of her.
Breaking the kiss, he rested his forehead on her shoulder feeling her nails scraping up and down his back while her legs wrapped willingly around his waist pushing him in deeper. He lifted his head at that moment moving his hands beneath her, gripping her ass as he started to pump in and out of her wet core faster. He could feel the tightening in his balls –he was ready to release at any moment.
"Daryl," she moaned out moving her arms around his neck pulling him down into her. She captured his lips for a moment before breaking apart to throw her head back –she was so close she almost couldn't stand it. It was then she felt Daryl's thumb press onto her sensitive nub, rubbing it slowly as he slowed his pace.
Daryl looked down to see her mouth open wide and before a loud noise could emit from her lips he slipped his tongue into her mouth to quite her as they both released together. He sometimes forgot how loud she could be –and with a house full of tired people –not to mention a new baby, he knew risking her being heard right now was a bad idea. He growled into her mouth feeling her sweet liquid coating his cock as he spilled his warm seed inside of her –the moment was euphoric.
That was the one thing about making love to Daryl –it felt like the first time –every time.
As he slowed his pace and slowly removed his lips from hers he put his forehead to hers –their heavy breathing was all that was heard at that moment. Then she giggled and Daryl couldn't help but laugh lightly and pull back to look down at her flush face.
"What?" He asked softly as he started to pull out of her. He shuttered at the loss of the warmth of her body before lying next to her.
Carol bit her bottom lip and turned to face him, her face mere inches from his as he pulled her close to him wrapping one of his legs protectively around hers.
"Am I really that loud?" she whispered with a blush of her cheek.
Daryl didn't hesitate to answer that one, "when I got Glenn says somethin' ta' me 'bout it –then my guess would be ya'." He watched her frown slightly, "hey I ain't complainin' 'bout it!" he added quickly.
Carol chuckled and snuggled closer to him. It was silent between them and it was nice to listen to the thumping in his chest and his steady breathing. She felt his fingers run lazily up and down her spine. These moments were few and far between because of their duties around the house but when they did get to share them it was some of the greatest moments of her life.
"They named the kid," he said suddenly.
Carol lifted her head from his chest to look up at him; she swallowed hard and ducked her head back down once more.
"W –what did they name her?"
"Judith Marie."
Carol's breath hitched. Marie was Sophia's middle name; but she had never told anyone that before?
"Rick asked me what I thought 'bout them namin' the baby after Sophia," he said softly pausing his fingers at her lower back. "Told 'im it wasn't up ta' me," he carried on. "But I remember you callin' Sophia by 'er middle name once," he said with a deep sigh. It was then he found Carol's watery, smiling eyes looking up at him. He smiled faintly to her and leaning down to kiss her forehead before feeling her cuddling back into his body.
"That was my mother's name," Carol said softly. "She died before Sophia was born." She added softly.
It was silent again between them and for a moment Daryl thought she had fallen asleep but when she moved her body to look at him better he saw her eyes were still watery –but no tears seemed to slip out.
"It's ok ta' cry ya' know."
She smiled at him sweetly –she knew he didn't like to see her cry and sometimes she needed those moments. He let her have them when they happened, which wasn't much anymore but she knew that crying about the past would do her no good. She missed Sophia and seeing Lori today with her family made her miss what she would be missing out on if Sophia were still around. She shook her head slightly and cupped his cheek –Daryl was her everything now.
In some weird way she thought maybe he was sent to her. She still believed in God –even with the way the world went. Her losing faith was no more –no matter the road she was on before she met him, for some reason she felt that she was right where she was supposed to be. It had taken years –she had been through good and bad –more bad then anything but she had finally found her purpose. Whether anyone else felt the same about their lovers she didn't know.
All she knew was Daryl Dixon was her God send.
He had come a long way as a human being –he was nothing like the Daryl she first met.
"What ya' thinkin' 'bout?" He said breaking into her thoughts suddenly.
She looked at him and licked her lips, "how far we've come," she said softly tracing circles along his chest.
He chuckled pulling the blankets from up behind her to cover her shoulders, "we've come a long way," he added tracing his pointer finger along her jaw. He tucked his finger under her chin lifting her head slightly as he pressed a soft sweet kiss to her lips. When he pulled back he saw her smile –the one he loved so much. They had all come a long way as people, friends, and lovers –as a family together. Daryl would have never thought a year ago he'd be where he was now. In his world growing up, everything was too good to be true, he wasn't a man of many emotions nor did he care about anyone but himself. No one ever showed him love or affection so he just thought that was what life was about. But she had changed that –maybe the world being overrun by walkers was a good thing –he'd never be the person he was now without her.
He smiled faintly to himself watching her struggle to keep her eyes open now –he was so whipped. But he honestly wouldn't want it any other way –Carol was his everything.
He pulled her closer to his body seeing her eyes finally lose the battle to stay open; her breathing was steady and calm and it was a beautiful sound. Daryl rested his face close to hers and closed his eyes –this was the most peaceful he had felt in a long time and that was because of the woman in his arms.
"I love you," he whispered finally.
So did it end the way you all wanted it to? Better ending then last night right?! I want to personally thank everyone for sticking by me –there are so many names I fear if I start typing everyone in I'll forget someone and I don't want to do that!
So to you all… THANK YOU SO MUCH, from the bottom of my heart! You all are so amazing in every way possible!
I hope to post my Season 3 fanfiction soon. If you all want to read it that is? I also have a short few chapter Season 2 fanficiton but I don't know if I'll post that or not… Season 3 seems to be what everyone is wanting but who knows I may post if I get jonsin' for everyone to read it =)
I'm off to ride on the back of Daryl's Triumph and find Carol!
Until next time my awesome friends, this is Monique –over and out.
Positive reviews would make this girl happy! =)
**Also I'm getting to my reading and reviews here in the next few days, I'm SO sorry that I'm behind!