Sooo, final chapter of the war

Enjoy if enjoyable, all reviews welcome

"Can you still fight, you two?" asked Ace, who was wreathed in fire.

"Sure I can!" laughed a cheerful Luffy.

"Heh, of course," smiled Naruto.

As soon as Naruto said that, a hail of bullets came from all sides, forcing him to dip weave and spin to dodge the deadly storm, throwing the odd kunai or shuriken to deflect the bullets he couldn't avoid. Naruto couldn't help narrowing his eyes in jealousy as Luffy simply bounced back the bullets while Ace let them pass through him.

The instant the volley had stopped, swordsmen came towards the three of them, intent on finishing them off. Two of them headed for Luffy, who simply ducked while Ace balanced on his back, allowing the hits to pass through him while pummelling the two marines, and the unfortunates behind them with an explosive flame attack. Luffy carved his way through the path opened up by the attack, knocking down anyone still able to stand. Naruto couldn't help but admire the fantastic teamwork of the two brothers as he smashed his fist into the gut of a poor marine.

"Execute Firefist Ace and Straw-hat Luffy, and the orange guy!" shouted one marine.

'Eh, orange guy?! Dammit, I'll go tell him who I really am!'

'Don't, idiot! You don't want to attract attention…orange guy,' smirked Kurama.

Naruto angrily whipped a kick to the back of the loud-mouthed marine, ignoring the old fox. Feeling a rush of cold, he saw Aokji sending a wall of ice shaped like a peacock at Ace, only for it to be stopped by a wave of fire. Looking forward, he saw Kizaru heading towards Luffy. He just managed to stick the Samehada in the Admirals path as he flashed towards Luffy in a beam of light. Naruto could feel the massive force of what would have been a powerful attack reverberate through his arm. If it wasn't for the fact the Samehada absorbed energy, Naruto could tell that his hand would have certainly of broken, not that it wouldn't heal in a matter of days. Pumping his arm full of chakra from both the Kyuubi and the Samehada, he fired Kizaru, who was already slumped over the huge sword into the ground.

With most of his energy taken away from him by the Samehada, Kizaru crashed into the ground defenceless with a huge gash across his chest from where the Samehada had shaved his skin off. Not letting up, Naruto came crashing down from above holding in his hand a rasengan. Kizaru was too weak to use his fruit, and so put up a shield of Haki the instant the attack hit. While it deflected the worst of the attack off, the energy ball still bore a hole in his searing wound, knocking the Admiral unconscious.

Naruto fell down, panting in exhaustion, tired from the surprise encounter with the Admiral. Looking round he saw a huge ship crawling towards him with bladed wheels.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" Naruto screamed as he scrambled away. Looking round he saw the unconscious Admiral lying right in his path.

'Kit…what are you doing?'

'Shut up godammit.'

Naruto whisked Kizaru away before he was crushed by the ship. Laying him down he looked round for Luffy and Ace, but instead was surprised to see Whitebeard, bloodied and wounded, stop the huge ship with one hand.

'No way…how strong is he?' wondered Naruto.

Naruto went wide eyed as Whitebeard shouted for them to retreat, proclaiming it as his last order.

'Eh?! No, he can stil-'

'Naruto, look at him,' Whitebeard was covered in wounds, some simple cuts, while others beyond fatal, any lesser man would be dead, 'even if he escapes, he will not survive for another hour, there's nothing you can do.'

'But what about doct-'


Naruto gritted his teeth, realizing that nothing could be done. Closing his eyes he calmed himself down.

'Look for that straw hat kit and his brother, they may need help,' suggested Kurama.

Agreeing, Naruto quickly scanned the battlefield, and spotted the familiar sight of bright flames accompanied by a straw hat. Naruto started to run towards the pair, whacking the odd marine here and there. He noticed a huge red fist burn through a group of pirates attached to the powerful Akainu. Naruto scowled, not wanting to fight the absurdly powerful man in his exhausted state.

However what really caught his attention was the fact that Firefist Ace had stopped in his tracks.

"Eh…what's he doing?" Naruto murmered to himself. Realizing what Ace was doing, Naruto started to sprint towards him, but there were too many marines in the way.

Naruto saw Ace get knocked down by Akainu's power.

He kept running.

Naruto saw Luffy bend over to pick something up.

He barreled into some marines, and kept running.

He saw Akainu ready a fist of magma, intent on finishing Luffy.

He changed into Kyuubi mode, and flashed towards them.

He saw Ace get in the way.

He leapt.

He was too late.

Naruto crashed into Akainu just as his fist burst through Ace's chest. Shouting in fury, Naruto punched and kicked Akainu, pushing the Admiral back under the flurry of blows. Akainu gritted his bloody teeth and smashed Naruto to the side, intent on finishing Luffy, who hd just suffered a mental collapse. Before he could, Jimbe leapt in the way, stopping the raw might of the magma with his bare hands. Luckily for him, he didn't need to do it for long as claws of pure chakra burst out of the ground, knocking Akainu to the side before smashing him into the ground. Naruto prepared a huge rasengan and aimed it straight for the admiral's head, but Akainu simply produced a huge fist of magma, and countered he energy ball.

'Kit, calm down! Look around, the straw-hat kit is still in danger!'

Naruto, broken out of his rage by Kurama's voice, whipped his head round to see Luffy knelt over Ace's corpse, unconscious and broken.

'You're faster than that lava guy, get Luffy out of here!'

Naruto agreed, and flashed next to Luffy, and tried to wake him up by shaking him.

"Naruto-kun, get him out of here, make sure he stays alive!" shouted Jinbe.

Naruto simply nodded in agreement as he grabbed Luffy and started flashing towards the sea. He was already behind the pirate's lines when and almighty shaking caused a rupture between the marines and the pirates. Naruto allowed himself a smirk at Whitebeards power, but it disappeared as images of Ace flashed through his head.


Naruto's kneecap burst into agony as it burst from the yellow laser that pierced it. While it would heal, Naruto found himself unable to run at full speed, although he could still go faster than most others.

"You don't think I'd let you go without repaying you, did you?" said a quiet, furious voice. Naruto used his whole body to shield Luffy as a bloody Kizaru kicked him in the back. Naruto managed to regain his feet before he landed, but wasn't able to deflect in incoming punch. However, Kizaru was struck down by a wave of blue flames. In his already weakened state, the admiral slipeed back into unconsciousness.

"Get going, keep Aces brother alive!" Naruto barely saw who had saved him, and instead kept running. It wasn;t long before he felt intense heat on his back. He didn't even have to turn to know who he was. Naruto cursed his persistence as a fist of magma came crashing down on his back. Blocking the attack with chakra, he kept running.

"Hell wink!" a large explosion boomed metres from where Naruto was standing, stopping the deadly Admiral from getting any closer.

"Keep going, orange guy!" shouted pirate. Whitebeards crew allowed a passage through their ranks while shielding Naruto and Luffy from Akainu. It took all of Naruto's will not to slap the man who had shouted 'orange guy' as he passed him.

"Get Ace's brother to a boat!" shouted one pirate.

Naruto headed towards the nearest boat, hoping that their was a crew ready to set sail. His heart sank when he saw the sea-water turn to ice. Looking to his left, he saw Aokji heading towards him. Not able to fight him in his state, Naruto kept running forward.

'I'll walk over the sea if I have too dammit,' shouted Naruto in his head.

Stabs of pain flared from his leg as he felt something crunch in his kneecap. He stumbled, giving Aokji time to catch up.

"I'm sorry, but you're too slow, Uzumaki!" Aokji shouted, "Partisan!"

Dozens of ice spears flew towards Naruto and Luffy.

'Shit…I can't block in time…'

Naruto grinned when he saw the blades shatter as they were cut up by familiar claws.

"Hmmm, miss me much Naruto? Hehehe," smiled Takki.

Naruto simply nodded in approval, to tired to form words.

Turning, Takki smiled at Aokji.

"Hmmm, I guess I gotta deal with you now, huh," said Takki.

Naruto continued forward, barely holding on to Kyuubi mode. Despair filled him as he realized how difficult it would be to escape on a ship. Running onto the water, he searched for a safe boat, finding none. But before he could do anything else, a strange ship burst out of the water form beneath him.

"EEHH!?" shouted Naruto in surprise. Looking up, he saw the owner of the submarine. A young man, with well trimmed beard looked at him in surprise. He wore a fur hat and a hoodie, and sported a large sword, with a furry pommel. Not knowing whether he was hostile or not, Naruto raised his fists.

"Hey, don't worry, I'm gonna get Mister Strawhat out of here," the man smirked, "don't worry, I'm a doctor."

Naruto felt no ill will in the man's aura and collapsed in relief, and allowed the strange bear man thing to take Luffy away. Looking outside, he saw Kizaru aiming his finger at the submarine, while a marine boy was all that stood between them and a raging Akainu.

'Oh, damn.'

Before Akainu could kill the poor boy, a red haired man stopped him with his sword. Kizaru simply put his hands up, although Naruto couldn't tell why. Pirates and Marines both started to shout in surprise, but Naruto didn't have enough strength to push himself up to see what was going on. Someone landed next to him, or rather, on the wall next to him.

"Hmm, so, that didn't end well, huh."

Naruto sighed unhappily, unble to fully process what was happening. Before he could say anything back, a straw hat landed on his head, covering his eyes.

'Aahh, that's nice,' thought Naruto, as he fell asleep, not noticing the small disruption in the air above the submarine.

So, finished the war. Haven't updated for a while, been abroad for quite a bit :D.

Soooooo, who's gonna be mad about ace i wonder...

Review if u want, all are welcome.