A/N 01-27-03 It took nearly forever, but I finally got all the chapters back up and, yes, in the correct order. I was very happy when I learned that girl on had her account deleted That is what happened, right...?. So my fanfic is back up again... I just recently printed my own copy of the thing, lol. Annyywaayy... for anyone who is planning on reading this... er... well, I hope you like it!
A/N Okay, this is my first Zelda fanfic ever. Currently, I'm on chapter 15 but I just started typing it up, so here's chapter one. I know it's pretty boring, but I promise you it gets so much better! Lol. Yah, and these " " are people talking, and these ' ' are people thinking. Please r/r! I'll have the other chapters up soon.
Disclaimer No, I do not own any characters, except those that I made up for this story, like Marissa, Chiro, Tadashi, ect. And if you really want to sue me, all I have are my digimon cards, my Zelda fanfic, and an old peanut butter and jelly sandwich. :P
Chapter I Lonely
"I found the chair's weakness!" Jacob yelled. He began to inhale deeply, sniffing the kitchen chair.
"Knock it off, Jacob! Are you ready to leave?"
"Yes mom! But look-it! I beat up the chair!!"
"That's wonderful dear, where are your bags?"
"Dad's putting them in the car."
"Oh. Right. Now, Marissa..." she turned to look at her daughter. "You've got all the phone numbers, right?"
"Yes..." she sighed.
"And the hotel address?"
"And you know what to do in case of an emergency, right?"
"Call 911..." Marissa rolled her eyes.
"Good. Well, we're gonna be late if we don't get a move on... C'mon, Jacob!" Marissa's mom grabbed the nine year old, and guided him out the front door.
Once the cobalt van had drove out of sight, Marissa ran to the phone. Her family would be gone for three whole days. She was going to have a party! Well, not really a party... just a few friends over. Maybe to spend the night. She punched in her best friend's phone number, and heard it ring. Her mom answered. "Hello?"
"Hi, is Gwen there?"
"No, she's not. She went to see her great great aunt at the convalescing home. Can I take a message?"
"Umm, yeah... can you tell her Marissa called?" "Sure!"
"Okay, thanks. Bye!" Marissa hung up, slightly disappointed. Then she dialed more numbers.
To her dismay, all of her friends weren't there. Two were on vacation. Three were at camp. And the others weren't home.
'Great...' she thought. 'Nothing to do...' she strode into the living room, and opened a window. The summer heat was making the second level of her house unpleasantly humid. After she plopped down on the plush divan, she clicked the television on. It was a Friday night. Surely something good was on.
She was wrong. For some odd reason, the only things on were the Disney channel, which was playing some show called 'Bear in the Big Blue House', a bunch of cooking shows, some program called 'Why Pudding is Important to Life', and there were baseball games on about ten other channels. The others weren't working. "Stupid Cox..." Marissa muttered as she began to brainstorm other activities that would keep her busy.
The computer had at least seven or eight viruses on it, and froze every five seconds, so that was obviously out of the question. She began to look around the room for any ideas.
Her gaze suddenly fell upon the Nintendo 64 unit. 'Why not?' She saw the game inside the slot was The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time. This was her brother's favorite game, the one he snuck up to play at three in the morning. 'Let's see just how great this game is...' she thought, turning on the console.
With the game up and running, she chose to play her brother's file (which was the only one there) he entitled 'LINK'. 'Link must be that weird robin hood guy's name...' Marissa decided. When she opened the file, she saw that Jacob (who was now greatly annoying his parents, while they drove to the huge soccer championship) had already ready beaten the game, since all the items were collected. She decided she would just beat it again.
The game began as Link stood in the Temple of Time. She moved the camera around until she had a clear view of his face. Marissa spotted the player's guide in a pile of N64 games, and pulled it out. The sun was setting, and it was getting pretty dark, so she switched on a small glass lamp and began flipping through the pages.
She heard a noise. Looking up, she saw that Link was moving. He looked left, then right. Then he put his hands at his belt, and squirmed every which way, as if he were adjusting his clothes.
"Oh... my... God... what a freak..." Marissa said absentmindedly. Then she cupped her hand over her mouth and started giggling, ashamed that she was talking to herself. "I hope no one heard that..." she said to herself, knowing that no one had. She looked at Link on the screen again. He looked back at her. Their eyes met. "I did."