A/N: This story came around because I feel like the only one who wants Gibbs and Ryan to work. I mean she is not my first choice, but we barely know anything about her to hate her. She seems so far a good fit, I will judge later if I think she should really stay. So, this is my Pro-Ribbs story.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. sadly.
Family vs. Relationship
He heard her walk through the door. He smirked when he heard walk past him and to his fridge. She came back and handed him a beer. "Thanks".
"What are you doing?" she asked looking over his shoulder.
"No it looks like you are stuck on your floor looking at pictures."
He chuckled.
"Help me up Doc, and I will cook you food." He reached his hand up and she pulled him up. He kissed her lightly before pulling away.
"No need, I had some Thai with Parker before I came here."
Gibbs nodded, and held his lips in a thin tight line. They stood together drinking their beers just staring at each other. Ryan eventually broke the silene,
"Jethro, does your team hate me or something?"
"Would it matter if they did?"
"Yes. They are your family."
"I don't think they hate you," he paused "You haven't really done anything wrong to them for them to hate you, maybe take me away from them, but that's my own fault I should have told you, they come first. They're my kids." He paused again, staring at her again, trying read her, then laughing him to himself, wow I must really like her if I am going into a monolouge. "Just like kids, they are not going to be too thrilled when their dad starts dating other women. Just bare with me. Maybe they will like you, maybe not, but don't worry too much. They are only looking out for me. I am sure Parker won't really like me when I meet him." He finished with a small smile. She laughed.
"You are a strange man. I never heard you say that much out side of the office. Thank you for confirming my fears of being rejected by your family, and denying them as well."
Jethro rolled his eyes and pulled her to the couch. They sat in realitive silence for awhile. She tilted her head up to his making eye contact, "If you are their dad who is their mom?" She cocked her head and raised an eyebrow.
"Don't worry." He said with a sad smile, thinking of when Abby called him and Jenny, mommy and daddy. "I am sure Abby will tell you, once she stops hating you." He chuckled and she slapped his leg. This will either end really bad, or this will be a real good thing for me.
The end.