"And were on in 3,2,1..." a girl with bright green eyes held up her hand and counted down the fingers before clicking the Off-air button switching it to On-air "These are your Radio Rebels live from the underground, you don't know who we are, but we know who you are. Because were one of you"

the other girl said over the small mic "So we had our report cards today, and both me and my partener got minus's, I mean you can't give us minus's just for who we are..." she said "So since grades are being handed out we think that all of us at Lincoln Bay High should get an F for labeling each other, jocks, outcasts, dorks, queen B's and their fellow pops. And of course, new born pops"

Green eyes said over her own mic "See these are all labels, not who we really are, once upon a time being different was a good thing, now those differences just divide us, you deserve to embrace your awesomness, stand up for who you are, reject the status quo. We dare you" the other girl said...

The Next Day At Lincoln Bay High...

"Okay last night the Radio Rebels..." Audrey started "Were awesome?" Cleo asked tilting her head slightly "...As usual, reject the status quo is my new life motto, their both so inspiring, so...theirself" Audrey said before sticking the red lollipop back in her mouth "I wish I could be more like them" Tara said looking off to the side "You should talk to your step-dad" Audrey suggested "What? Why?" Tara asked "Uh he runs Slam FM the biggest radio station in Seattle..."

Audrey said in a duh tone, Cleo rolled her eyes "...Maybe he could get you girls an internship, that would be a big confidence booster for you "Are you kidding me? He's been married to our mom for like two months, and he probably thinks I'm a total step-freak" Tara said sighing "I freak out whenever he asks what kind of cereal I want" she added, the three girls started down the hallway "I just wish I could talk to everyone the way I talk to you two" she said

"Guess that's why were your BFF's, well I'm your sister but still" Cleo said "BFFTLEWE" Audrey corrected, the other two girls gave her a confused look "Best friends for totally like ever without exception" she explained, they both nodded "Catchy" Cleo said repeating the line in her head "You should try my relaxation technique, when I'm memorizing lines for drama I imagine that I'm breathing in the words"

Audrey said, Tara stopped walking and faced her friend "Audrey what does that even mean?" she asked confused, Audrey cleared her throat before taking a deep breath "You need to breath your words" she said while breathing out so that she sounded as though she was going to pass out, Cleo laughed in amusement "You even breath at a time like this" Barry said pushing the girls forward

"Problem Barry?" Cleo asked as they started walking again "Last night the Radio Rebels revealed the biggest clue of their identity's, they go to our school" he said in awe "She mentioned it and then at 14:30 on Tuesdays Podcast" Larry added, they walked into the lift "Wow obsessed much Larry?" Audrey asked "Obsessed? Please I would hardly describe myself as obsessive" he exclaimed,

he pulled out a wet-wipe from his shirt pocket and cleaned the lift button before pushing it, they all gave him a disbelieving look "What? It's flu season" he said defensively, Cleo rolled her eyes as the lift doors shut.

The doors opened and to the girls annoyence both boys were still talking about The Radio Rebels "So exciting, someone on radio who's actually one of us" Larry exclaimed as they exited the lift "Oh it could be those girls...no those two...or those two" Barry said pointing at random girls "No those girls are too tall, The Radio Rebel's voices sound about 5'6 to me and while one has red hair the other had brown"

Larry said, Cleo once again rolled her eyes while Audrey and Tara watched the boys bicker "Like Tara's or Cleo's" he said "No way they are nothing like Tara and Cleo" Barry said "Hey" Cleo exclaimed as they stopped walking "What's that supposed to mean?" Tara asked "Oh girls we deffinatly love you but your nothing like the Radio Rebels who are blonde and black haired"

Barry said turning to Larry "And you know this how?" Larry asked "The Radio Rebels are my soulmates, I too got a minus in participation" Barry replied "How can that be you never shut up" Larry said "Exactly" Barry replied as though it was obvious, Cleo sighed and noticed her twin sister staring at something, she turned around to see one of the youngers boys accidentaly drive his small remote control car in front of Stacy,

the school Queen B's, feet and she kicked it away before walking on with her posse, Cleo sighed and turned back to the others who were watching Stacy speak rather meanly to her friend "How are we supposed to reject the status quo when the status quo is...well status quo" Tara said "It's like what the Radio Rebels said, just be ourselves"

Audrey said rather confidentaly before, to the horror of Cleo, heading over to Stacy "Hi Stacy how's it going?" Audrey asked standing to Stacey's left "See this is what I'm talking about, everybody thinks they can just talk to us because of that eternally lame radio babble" Stacy said "We thinks she protest too much" Barry said "Yeah we thinks...wait what do we thinks?" Larry asked in confusion

"That she's one of the Radio Rebels" Barry said "Please like I would ever encourage people like you to talk to us" Stacy said motioning to her and her friend who was being very quiet "Ah ha, so you admit you listen to her" Larry exclaimed, Stacy scoffed and began texting again "This one's staring at me" her friend said turning to Barry who was staring at her intently "Please don't stand do close to us"

Stacy said in disgust "You and I aren't any different, like the Radio Rebels said..." Audrey was cut off when Stacy put up her finger signalling Audrey to be quiet "No words, you don't think were different? Watch and learn, principal Marino..." Stacy said looking behind us, the principal soon popped up inbetween me and Audrey "Is everything alright here?" she asked "Actually no, Audrey was trying to get me to listen to some pod cast in class, but of course I said no"

Stacy lied, I gaped "What?" Audrey asked in disbelief "You know that there's an anti-distraction policy, let me see your bag" the principal said, Audrey huffed and handed the principal her small bag "But I wasn't even listening to it" she said "Well now you can't can you" the principal said in a voice to mock Audrey "You too young lady's" The principal said holding out her hand to me and Tara, we passed them over without any hesitation "Thank you for bringing this to my attention Stacy"

she said before walking away "Get it now? Your little Dj hero's don't know what their talking about" Stacy said, I noticed Tara struggling to say something but her shyness prevented her from it "Oh I'm sorry, does her royal shyness wanna say something?" Stacy asked with attitude, Tara tried really hard to say something but she couldn't "I thought not"

Stacy said before walking off followed by her little friend, Cleo sighed again and turned to her sister "You okay?" she asked in concern, Tara nodded "Yeah I'm good" she said, Cleo knew it was the opposite but she didn't press the matter any further.