Okaay, Reading Nut Cassirole asked for how Dick was captured. So here is a prologue. I know it's a little vague, but bear with. If you really really want to know how Dick was captured, feel free to read. If you're reading this for the first time… I strongly suggest that you skip to chapter 1, and come back here after finishing the story. Thanks so much! Please leave a review.

Dick was bored. There was just no other way to put it. He was bored, bored, bored bored BORED. Yes, he was the one who came up with the idea of having a surprise birthday party for Bruce, but he didn't mean for it to go this way. Giving Alfred free reign on the guest list had been a terrible idea.

"Keeping up appearances is key, Master Richard. Every year on Bruce's birthday, people expect a big party."

"But Alfie, I wanted this between friends! Not… those friends, actual friends!"

"You mean Master Clark, Master Barry and the others, yes?"


"Richard, please. It's 'yes' not 'duh'."

"grmpfh," he had muttered, and stalked off.

So now he was stuck waiting for the after party – the actual surprise party up in the Watchtower. Knowing Batman, Dick had spoken to the Leaguers in secret – not even Wally knew about the party. God, this has to be the most boring thing I have ever been to, he thought as the wandered faaaaar away from the creepy women.

Suddenly, he spotted Talia Al Ghul entering the ballroom with three bodyguards. Hello, what are you doing here? Alfred didn't even invite Catwoman, so why would you come here?

He watched as Talia made her way straight to Bruce. Obviously, she caught his attention immediately. Her face was anxious, as she grabbed Bruce's arm and dragged him to another room. The door shut behind them. Okay then, going to eavesdrop, said Dick to himself as he worked his way around the crowd, trying to make himself invisible to the throngs of the rich and famous.

He grabbed a drink from the passing waiter and pretended to lean against the closed door. He was about to take a sip when a hand came out of nowhere and grabbed the drink from him, "Now, son… I know Daddy Bruce drinks and all, but I tell you, you're far too young for that."

What's he talking about? Dick wondered when he looked at the glass and realised he had picked up a drink that looked and smelled like some sort of whiskey. Oh great. Thanks for that, Murphy's law.

"I-uh- Didn't notice, Sir… I wasn't going to – I mean-"

The old man grabbed the glass out of his hand and shoved another that contained what looked like orange juice, "That is what boys your age should drink. Now let me see you drink that up."

Anything to get you away from me, old man. Got some first-class spying to do, Dick thought at he downed the glass in one gulp. Too late he noticed the tell-tale smell of chemicals in the drink.

Almost instantly, the room began to swim in front of Dick's eyes. Aw… shit… some… sort… of… sedative… He felt his legs give way, but he didn't hit the ground. The man caught him and pulled him behind the banquet table, laying him in a large container that had been used to bring food inside. The man crouched down, and removed his blazer and tucked it under Dick's head. The shirt and waist jacket allowed him to blend in with the service staff.

Nobody noticed anything unusual the waiter rolled the now-sealed container out of the ballroom.

Bats… going… to… kill… me… Dick thought, as darkness closed on him from all sides.