Title: Dog Day Afternoon
Fandom: Kuroshitsuji
Author: kira
Words: 300
Rating: OT
Summary: Pluto being Pluto…
Warnings: none
For Kat with love…
Pluto ran out behind the manor house, the sun warm on his bare skin and the green grass was soft and inviting beneath his feet. It also had an odd smell, prompting him to think about what a lucky dog he was as he rolled in it. He felt like all he needed was a tin of dog biscuits and his day would be complete. He was so happy to be at the Phantomhive Manor, that he no longer missed Angela or the physical relationship they had. He was sure that pretty young maid liked him. She did after all give him plenty of belly rubs while in his dog-form, something he wished she would do when he was like this.
But as he lay there, dozing in the afternoon sun, he wondered if he could get the gardener to throw some sticks for him. Pluto loved playing fetch and the boy did too. Even the young master would throw a ball for him, when he sure no one was looking. And the cook always made him the best meals and all he had to do was sit there and look pathetic and a veal chop would be his. If Pluto was having an exceptionally lucky day, the cook would burn dinner and he could feast on the charred remains. Or the old guy would take him on walks around the garden, before sitting down to a cup of tea for himself and saucer of milk for Pluto along with those yummy tea biscuits the old man loved. But when the dog-like man thought about it, the only one who really couldn't stand him was the butler. Then again, the man was a confirmed cat lover and as such, barely tolerated him, not that Pluto cared. Life was good here…