Well, originally this was just supposed to be a one-shot, but I got the idea for this second chapter awhile back, and just now got around to writing it. Enjoy!:)

"It's going to be a girl?!"

Temperance Brennan cringed as Angela's excited squeal split through the room, but she nodded all the same. "Yes."

"Oooh, I know!" Angela said excitedly, the hologram that the two women had been looking at long forgotten. "Maybe Michael-Vincent can marry your baby girl one day!"

"Angela!" Temperance laid a protective hand on her swelling stomach. "Let's at least get my daughter born before you start trying to marry her off, please."

"Oh well," Angela said with a shrug, managing to calm down. "You know Michael Vincent and Baby Girl Booth-Brennan is bound to happen eventually."

"No, I don't."

"Well, I do," Angela said resolutely.

Temperance inquired patiently, "And what if it doesn't?"

Angela paused before saying, "You need to think more positively."

"I'm just posing a question in the same hypothetical manner that you just used with your statement. The logical argument to your saying that they will get married is my saying that they won't."

"But this isn't an argument, sweetie; it's just a conversation."

"But what if they don't?" Temperance persisted. "There's got to be some sort of a positive spin that you could put on that too, since you want me to be positive."

"Okay…" Angela thought this over. "If they don't – and I still say it's inevitable that they will – then at least this crew has one more girl to add to its ranks; goodness knows we need it." Angela turned back to her hologram and made a couple of changes to the image while she thought some more. "Oh! And, as a girl, she might be less likely to pick up on some of her father's character traits, and therefore be less like Booth; hallelujah. You've got to admit that we couldn't handle having another one of him around."

"Hey!" Temperance slapped her best friend's shoulder lightly, both of them grinning. "I happen to think that Booth is very nice!"

"Obviously," Angela said drily, gesturing to "Baby Girl Booth-Brennan."

Heat flooded Temperance's cheeks as she yelped, "That is not what I meant!"

"I know," Angela smiled, reverting to squealing again as she said, "But can't help teasing you; I'm just so excited for you two!"

"Thanks, Ang," Temperance replied, giving her friend a tolerant smile and a loving side-hug. "Booth and I are excited for ourselves too."

Reviews make my day full of rainbows and unicorns if you feel so inclined to drop me one! Thanks!:)