Author's Note: Did I make you guys wait that long? O.O I'm so sorry, I was out of town and if my laptop hadn't had broken, I would have updated faster. Even now it's still broken. Forgive me :(
Also, I'm sorry it's a bit short. I promised it will be longer next time. And one more thing, I don't think I'll be able to update regularly for the next few months. I'll be busy preparing for the final exams and getting into university.
Thanks to those who have read, reviewed, favourited, and followed this fic xD
(Sorry I can't reply your reviews at the moment. I'm in rush right now)
Special thanks to Clarice who pointed out my mistake (again -_-), I'm really grateful. As a prove, I've edited it. I hope you're satisfied with this one and doesn't get confused anymore (as well as the others who noticed my mistake) :)
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Prince of Tennis.
Enjoy this chapter :)
Visiting Ryoma
Echizen Ryoma was walking home alone, deep in thought. That noon, Shima-sensei―the councilor had told her to rest for the following day. She really didn't want to, but she knew her body had weakened and if she resisted it any longer, she'd collapse. However, in her mind, she didn't want to worry her brother. She shouldn't have overworked herself. And now she received the consequence.
She let out a sigh and looked ahead. Without realizing it, she had arrived home. She pushed the gate and walked to the front door. Right before she could open the door, it was pulled from the inside. The figure's shadow was looming over her. All she could do was looking down at her feet after she saw the stern look on her brother's face. She felt like she had done something really wrong which she probably did.
Suddenly she felt a hand on her head, but she still stared at her shoes. Ryoga bent his knees, so he could look at his sister's face.
"Chibisuke?" he called, but he got no response. He sighed, "Ryoma, look at me."
Ryoma immediately looked at the older man in the eyes due to the demanding tone he used. The brother's eyes softened as he looked at the possibly fearful look on Ryoma's eyes. He then ruffled Ryoma's hair, trying to assure her that he's not mad which he successfully did.
"Ryoma, I got a call from your teacher that you're not feeling well. That's why I rushed home. Are you alright?"
Now that Ryoma took a good look at him. Indeed, Ryoga's appearance was in disarray. His black suit which looked new that morning had crumpled. His hair's in a mess too. He's wet from sweats.
"Ryoma? Are you alright?" Ryoga repeated as he saw her in a daze. In reply, she nodded her head slowly.
Unconvinced, Ryoga touched her forehead. It felt a bit hot. "I think you have a fever. Change your uniform and take a rest. I'll bring you lunch later, understood?" He said in concern.
"I got it."
After Ryoma changed into casual clothes, she laid on the bed. Getting bored, she checked her email through her cell phone.
1 New Mail
Hm? I wonder who sent it. She then clicked the button.
To : Echizen Ryoma
From : Kevin Smith
Subject : Yo!
Yo, Ryoma! How are you? I have great news! I'll be going to Japan for the upcoming holidays next week. I think it's a good chance to meet you, Ryoga, and Bunta. I've told Ryoga about it too and he said that I'll stay in your house. I can't wait to play another match against you guys. This time I won't lose to you!
Miss you,
Kevin ;)
Ryoma smiled as she read the mail. She missed him too and just as she was about to reply, the door creaked open and she looked at the direction to see Ryoga coming in with a tray of food on his hand. He smiled then put the tray on the bedside table before taking a chair so he could sit next to the laying teen.
She then sat up and gazed at her brother, "Is it really true?"
"What about?" Ryoga asked as he took a thermometer from the cupboard.
"That Kevin will come here," Ryoma said as she let him put the thermometer in her mouth.
"That's right," Ryoma brightened up after hearing those words which in turn, made him smile. A beep from the thermometer was heard before he took it out and read it.
"Hmm, 39°C. You really need to rest. Should I call a doctor?" Ryoga said in concern.
Ryoma shook her head and said, "I'll be fine after a bit of rest," she tried to convince him then continued, "Don't you still have works? Just do them first, okay?"
"I said I'd be fine. Just go to your office, or else!" She threatened which magically worked because Ryoga soon stood up and left the room. She giggled at the sight. Just before the door closed, Karupin got in the room and jumped on the bed. The Himalayan cat licked Ryoma's cheek as Ryoma giggled at its action.
Ryoma then picked it up and said, "Say, are you worried about me too?" a meow came out from the cat. Ryoma smiled, "Arigatou, Karupin. I'll be fine."
She then put Karupin down and ate the lunch her brother brought to her. After eating them all, she put the empty plate on the tray and drank the next thing she did was lying still on the bed, sleeping.
Meanwhile, Karupin went to Ryoga's office and let out a meow sound as if reporting something to him. Ryoga only smiled in return then stood up. Before leaving the room, he patted the cat's fur in thanks.
Ryoga went to the kitchen and took out a cloth from the counter; he also took a basin and poured water into it. He was walking upstairs to Ryoma's room with the things. Karupin followed not far behind him.
When Ryoga entered the room, he saw his baby sister was already asleep peacefully. He put the basin on the table, next to the tray. After fixing the blanket to reach her shoulder, Ryoga put the cloth in the basin. He compressed it before putting it lightly on Ryoma's forehead.
While he patted Ryoma's hair as if soothing her, Karupin had taken the liberty to lie down on the bed, right beside Ryoma, curling up. After a while, Ryoga took the cloth then compressed it again. This repeated for a few times before Ryoga went back to his office.
The day after, the door bell rang in the Echizen residence."Hai! Please wait a minute!" shouted a manly voice from inside. Before long, the door's opened, revealing the tennis club members.
"Ah! Ryoga-san!" an excited voice called out. It was from the red-headed.
"Bunta? I see you've gotten taller and your habit with the bubblegum hasn't disappeared either," Ryoga stated as he looked at the gum Bunta chewed.
The others facepalmed.'So he's been like that since he was a little kid,' they thought.
"And you guys are?"
"We're Ryoma's teammates. It's a pleasure to meet you, Echizen-san," said a blue-haired guy with matching sapphire eyes. "I'm Yukimura Seiichi, the buchou, do you remember me, Echizen-san?."
"Well, of course I remember you. Especially if it's you, Yukimura-kun," said Ryoga.
The regulars then took this as a cue to introduce themselves to the older man in front of them. After all of them finished the introduction. Ryoga eyed them with something akin to amusement. He grinned, "Well, nice to meet you guys. I've heard about you guys from Ryoma. Specifically you, Yukimura-kun,"
Seiichi was quite surprised to hear that but he hid it well and smiled instead, "Is that so?" even his tone didn't give away the interest he got from the statement.
Ryoga's eyes twitched before sighing and opened the door widely before ushering them inside. He told them to wait in the living room as he went to his sister's room to inform her about their visit.
Entering the room, Ryoga could see that Ryoma had changed her clothes and was brushing her long hair. He frowned, "Chibisuke, why are standing up? You need more rest!"
Ryoma sighed, "I'm fine now. I've been asleep since yesterday's evening. You can't expect me to just lying around all day, doing nothing! That's totally boring!"
"Now, don't talk to your brother like that," he said as he walked up to Ryoma and let his hand rest on her forehead, "Well, your fever has gone down, but it's still a bit hot. Don't strain yourself, okay?"
Ryoma just shrugged.
"Don't give me that! I want your answer," he said more sternly as his brows furrowed even more.
Ryoma sighed again, "I got it. Happy?"
"Very," Ryoga smiled before, "Oh, yeah. Your friends are here,"
"Your seem worried about you,"
"Eh? They're here?" she put down the brush before pushing her brother out of the room, "I'll be down in a second!"
Ryoga looked at the closed door before sighing and went for the kitchen to make the guests some beverages. He touched his chin with his forefingers in thought. 'I wonder what they's like? Tea?' shrugging the thought off, he continued on his way and decided to just make whatever's in the kitchen.
At first, the regulars only sat in silence with wondering eyes. Then they got bored and walked around the house, looking at the pictures on the wall and table in the living room. After looking around for a bit, they saw Ryoga walking down the stairs and told them to just wait while he made some drinks for them. Waiting for Ryoga's figure to disappear into the kitchen, they made themselves comfortable by sitting on the couches and talked about things which most likely related to tennis in some way. Well, except Akaya.
The used-to-be-youngest regular in the team stood in front of a glass of what seemed to be a showcase. Akaya was still, soundlessly staring at the thing in shock. He snapped out of his shock only to let out an amazed shriek. This caught the others' attention as they neared the second year.
What they saw made them gape like fishes, except Seiichi. What about Sanada and Yanagi, you asked? They too was frozen on the spot, but their expression were priceless as their jaw dropped to ground. Really unlike their usual selves.
Meanwhile, Bunta was watching them with amusement in his eyes as he tried to hold his booming laughter. He even almost choked on his bubble gum so he immediately wrapped it on the unused paper and threw it to the garbage can. However, after looking at the vice captain and the data master, he couldn't control himself any longer. The next thing in the neighborhood knew, there was a maniacal laughter booming loudly, making them winced and covered their ears.
This action caused the other regulars to snap out of their trance and glared at the red-headed. Bunta whose laughter had turned into a slight chuckle rubbed his eyes from the forming tears. Looking at his friends, he explained about the things which was inside the showcase.
Turned out that all of the things in there were the trophies, medals, and similar related things. It would seem that the Echizen's family has received many great things in their short lives. One thing they immediately noticed was they also had won something not related to tennis.
They were awed by the show case. They realized that although Ryoma might not show it, she had amazing skills, either it'stennis or arts.
'I didn't know that she had such skill,' thought Seiichi as he looked at the showcase in wonder,' I'm sure she still has some other things that she didn't tell me−no, I mean us.'
"What's wrong, Yukimura? Your face is all red," asked Sanada who had seen Seiichi looked thoughtful, "You're getting redder by thes econds. Are you okay?"
Seiichi couldn't believe this. His bestfriend had seen him blush like a girl in love, though it's the opposite, 'NO! What am I thinking?'
"No, I'm fine. Don't you think it's a little hot in here?" Seiichi said as he walked away, avoiding the vice-captain. Sanada got a little confused by what Seiichi said because the room had an air conditioner in it.
Seiichi went back to sit on the couch. He touched his face to decrease the hot temperature his skin emitted. He actually felt kind of embarrassed to be caught off guard. He came back to reality when the others all sat back down on the couches. At the same time, Ryoga got to the living room with the tea and sat on the couch with them.
Ryoga asked about whether Ryoma had done well in school and if she had made friends which was answered mostly by Bunta. Only common questions which actually should be asked by the parents. This reminded him that Ryoma's parents had passed away. He then took the cup of tea to calm him self from any thought of Ryoma for the moment.
"Watanabe Riku?" he heard Ryoga asked.
"That's right! It's her classmate and he's so annoying!" Akaya's boisterous voice said.
'Aren't you the same?' thought the other regulars. But don't worry, he's still their little brother in someway.
Seiichi realized that he'd been out of it for sometime now because when he looked at his teammates, They were all too comfortable ina house that frankly were not their own. Seiichi sighed as he saw his teammates chatted with the elder Echizen.
Suddenly all of the chatters got quiet. Ryoma appeared from the staircase with Karupin on her arms as she made her way towards them. She sat down next to her brother and stroked Karupin's fur who stared at her mistress' guests. Karupin purred as Ryoma scratched her ears. Karupin then jumped off from her mitress' lap and walked towards the dining room to get her milk which had been prepared by the elder Echizen earlier that day.
"Now, senpaitachi, thank you for coming but as you can see, I'm fine now. So you don't need to worry unnessacerily," started the only girl there. She smiled to prove her statement.
All of them sighed in relief. They really felt sad about the girl's health. When they saw her coming down the stairs with fresh look the worries perished instantly regardless of the still pale skin.
"I'm glad you're okay now, Ryoma," said the captain.
"Then you can come back to school tomorrow, right?" asked Akaya enthusiastically.
Ryoma smiled, "I will, senpai," she then turned to Ryoga, "Right, Aniki?"
Ryoga raised a brow, "Of course you will. Even if you're home, you'll just do my paperworks again. And I won't allow such a thing."
The younger Echizen smirked in return and this only made the elder more convinced of her health returning.
Suddenly they heard a person slammed against the floor after a creaking sound of the door opening. Lying on the ground was the Hyoutei's tensai.
Oshitari Yuushi.
Ayano: I hope you like this chapter. I will try to update faster. See you in the next chapter :)