A/N: Hi. This is my second story for Naruto and I really hope you guys like it. This story has not been beta-ed for I do not know any beta so i just wish to apologize for any grammatical errors in advance :))) Yay.

Pairings: SasuNaru

Disclaimer: I do not, in any way, own Naruto...*dramatically sighs*

Pas de Deux: Dance for Two

Naruto sulked as he took the seat between his mother and father. Damn, he so did not want to be here. If it weren't for his mother's pleas and that devil sent pout, you would not catch him anywhere near this fucking theatre watching a ballet recital. A ballet recital, for God's sake! Nope, not in a million years, man.

"Awww. Come on, little tyke. It's not gonna be that bad. They're gonna do Nutcracker this year. Your favourite, right?" Minato grinned, ruffling the boys soft golden locks, trying to make his cute little son feel better. "Smile for me, okay? It's gonna be awesome. Trust me."

Naruto couldn't help but give his father a small grin in return. His father's grin was just too contagious and sunny and bright. Nobody sane would be able to resist smiling back. It was definitely one of Namikaze Minato's best and worst traits. "Fine, but trust me. It's gonna be awful, dad. And for the record, Nutcracker's not my favourite. It's Swan Lake. "

"Naruto!" Kushina shushed his son. "Be a good boy and just watch the show quietly, okay?"

"But I don't wanna watch, mom! You forced me!" The blonde boy whined, stomping his foot at the same time, making both brows of his parents rise at the act. Sure, it was childish but whatever. Desperate times call for desperate measures…even if it meant embarrassing himself in front of his parents by acting like a spoiled brat. He just wanted to go home and find peace in the confines of his room, playing video games or whatever his heart desires. Was that too much to ask?

Kushina sighed, placing both of her hands on her son's shoulders. "Naruto. Please do this for mom, okay? You know how I can't say no to Mikoto, right? And oh look, the show's about to start! You're gonna love it!"

Naruto huffed, crossing both arms on his chest as he leaned his back against the comfy and posh seat, muttering something about parents always getting what they want and children suffering. He honestly wanted to be anywhere but here. Anywhere as long as it's away from the place that would just make him remember and yearn. Away from the place that would just remind him of what he once had but gave up just because of that stupid, stupid, stupid incident.

Naruto was snapped out of his internal ramblings as the stage curtains started to open. Soft, beautiful music slowly echoed throughout the theatre as boys and girls of different age and sizes entered the stage in different costumes. Some were dressed as guards, dolls, trees and flowers. But the person that stood up the most was this beautiful pink-haired girl in a simple yet elegant tutu. She was no doubt the princess, or should I say, Sugar Plum Fairy of the story. She was twirling, turning, gliding, arching, doing perfect pirouettes(1), pas de chats(2) and sissones(3). It was absolutely perfect. Plain perfection.

Naruto couldn't help but feel a sharp pang in his chest. He missed ballet so much. Every nerve of his body was itching to do the same exact routines the ballerina was doing. Sure, he still danced. He danced whenever he had free time. It was just that Hiphop and ballet were two entirely different things. Whereas in ballet you had to be strong yet graceful, free yet in control; hiphop entitled you to just express yourself without any limitations, without any inhibitions. There were technicalities in hiphop too, yes, but they were not as strict as those in ballet. Hiphop was so very unlike ballet dancing. No, don't get Naruto wrong. He loved both genres of dance but ballet….ballet was just the love of his life…a love he had to give up…a love he swore never to seek again because of that particular incident. The blonde felt a bitter taste in his mouth as he remembered the incident that happened five years ago. He tried to suppress the memories as he forced his attention to go back to the show.

Naruto felt his breath hitch as he watched a raven-haired prince enter the scene with a perfectly executed grand jete(4). This was probably his favourite scene in The Nutcracker, the climax. The pink-haired ballerina was now wearing an exquisite pink tutu adorned with gigantic frills and shining gems that twinkled under the light. It was without a doubt expensive. The tutu itself was enough to get anyone's attention. Beautiful. The raven and pinkette were now twirling, their bodies molding together with the music as they created the most beautiful dance Naruto has ever witnessed. It was Pas de deux(5) at its finest. If only the prince weren't Uchiha Sasuke, the bane of his existence, it would have been perfect. If only…Oh, why did the bastard have to ruin everything for him?

The dance for two continued, leaving the crowd in awe as they did lifts, jumps and supported pirouettes. The prince and his muse were a heavenly sight. Minutes passed, 5 heavenly minutes that Naruto and everybody in the crowd would never forget, before the show finally ended with a bow.

The whole theatre was silent...and then there was a thunderous applause, the crowd giving the performers a standing ovation for their breathtaking performance. As the applause and delirium finally died down, Naruto found himself assaulted with his mother's gushes. "Oh, oh, oh. Wasn't it just beautiful? It was….It was…."

"Breathtaking." Minato supplied dreamily. Naruto rolled his eyes at his father's tone. His parents can really be cheesy at times. God.

"Oh yes. Absolutely. Now it's making me regret ever agreeing to pull Naru-chan out of ballet school. If we didn't, he would've been up there with those kids." Kushina sighed wistfully.

"Well, sorry mom. Too late for-"

"But it's never too late, dear." Minato interrupted his son's soon to be long speech, grinning.

Kushina's and Naruto's ears perked up.

"What do you mean, dad?"

"What do you mean, dear?" Both asked at the same time. Kushina with enthusiasm, Naruto with wary and caution. He did not like the weird glint in his father's eyes. Nope, not one bit. The last time he had that glint in his eye was when..when…when…Naruto shuddered at the memory, not wanting to remember it any longer.

"Well, I mean, we could always enrol Naruto to ballet school again. Five years couldn't have rusted our son's ballet skills, right?" Minato chuckled as watched the two completely different reactions from his wife and son. Kushina looked like she was just given a divine revelation while Naruto, on the other hand, looked like he just swallowed something awful.

"Oh my. What a great idea, dear. We should do that, shouldn't we?" Kushina giggled, lost in her daydreams. "Oh, it would be wonderful to see Naru-chan perform on stage again."

Naruto choked. "Wh-what the hell, mom? No way. No way in hell am I going to take ballet lessons again. Not after that incident!"

"Oh, come on, Naruto. It's been five years already. Surely you have forgotten about it by now. Grow up and suck it up like a real man, son." Minato slung his arm around his miniature self. "And how ever could you say no to your mother's puppy dog pout?" Naruto looked back to his mom and surely, she was there, wearing her super deadly pout, a pout that even the stoic Uchiha Fugaku cannot resist.

"Pretty please, Naru-chan? For mommy? Please?"

Naruto groaned because he simply could not resist. Damn.

And that was how Namikaze Naruto found himself standing right in front of the magnificent three-story building of Konohagakure Institute for Ballet and Arts. Eyeing the building warily, Naruto gulped. It's been a long time since he danced ballet. Would he be awful? Or would he still remember everything he was taught?

Oh, Naruto just prayed for the Heaven's to be on his side today because he had one wish. Just one tiny eety bitty wish.

Please don't let Uchiha Sasuke be here. Because if he was..then it sucks to be me.


To see how these ballet moves are executed, I will provide links from youtube :) Hope you enjoy them and hope they help you visualize the scenes in the story more. Just attach the things below to youtube . com

1. Piroutte - /watch?v =fm-XZCi9skQ

2. Pas de Chat - /watch?v=XAsMB3eRe6g

3. Sissone - Can't find a nice vid :(

4. Grand jete - /watch?v=y-PJAFn2lNg

5. This is the Grand Pas de Deux in Nutcracker, if you're interested to see it - /watch?v=9gz9PG3Fu0g&feature=relmfu

A/N: Uhmm, hey guys! So...what did you think? Should I continue it? :)) Well anyway, I'm so sorry if my references to ballet are not really accurate. Sad to say, I'm not a ballerina so I don't how things in ballet work, but i really did my best with my research. And i did no hiphop bashing, okay? I personally love both genres but for the sake of this fic, Naruto favors ballet more :)

I hope you guys loved it and for those readers who are familiar with ballet, please correct me if i have made any mistake. Reviews and constructive criticisms pls! And oh, lemme ask again: Should I continue it?

Lovelots :*

~ Violetkisses