A/N So here's the Second half Of the date , I'm not sure about it went over it heaps but i just couldn't change it so you get it as it is!

Thanks to Castlelover222 for her brainstorming sesh :D and the lovely PenguinOfTroy

Disclaimer: Unfortunately I Own NOTHING!

Re-entering the lounge room after a quick shower and a change of clothes Kate finds him sitting on the couch holding a Chinese take-out menu.

"I already ordered." He says when he notices her looking at him standing in her yoga pants and a baggy T. "I wasn't sure what you felt like so I got a bit of everything, shouldn't be longer than 30 minutes."

"Mmm that sounds great, I'm actually starving, didn't get to eat much over lunch" she says giving him a small smile as she walks over to sit next to him on the couch. "Why don't you choose a movie for us to watch while we wait for the food to get here?" picking up the remote she presses a button, and a list of movies pop up onto the screen.

Grinning at the neat trick her TV does he makes a mental note to ask her where she got it, He definitely needs one.

"Fancy" is all he says before he starts scrolling down the lists of movies. He gives up trying to choose one and hits the random button letting the TV choose its own.

"The Titanic? Really Castle?" She says as she rolls her eyes at his selection "That's the last time I trust you with movie selection"

"It was a random selection Beckett, besides The titanic is a beautiful movie."

"Gosh your such a girl castle!"

"It is a beautiful movie, you scared you'll cry? I won't think anything less of you if you do, knowing me I will be deduced to a blabbering baby by the end of it"

"I'm not going to cry Castle."

"Ha! You think so? You've obviously never seen this movie before, care to put your money where your mouth is?"

"Absolutely, if I win you have to do everything I ask at the precinct for a week"

"Deal...and if I win you have to…..ah..take a couple of vacation days I know you have plenty racked up, to take a real break and relax."

"Isn't that what I'm doing now? I have the whole weekend off"

"I said a REAL break, this does not count; we could go somewhere, go on vacation..." sensing Kate's discomfort he realises that he is getting ahead of himself and subtly changes the subject. "Or you could just relax here, all day catch up on some reading? Anything, I don't know. Think of it this way, either way you win?"

"Castle…" she says contemplating it for a moment, "Okay fine, you're on!" She watches as the joy rises back into his eyes.

"Yes! Great. I've totally got this one in the bag." He says with excitement grabbing her hand linking their fingers giving it a squeeze. Staring at the linked hands she smiles broadly loving the part of him that can get so excited over something little. "So what is Alexis and Martha up to tonight?" She asked bringing her eyes back to his.

"Ah Alexis is at a study group/sleepover at Paige's tonight and as for my mother she is probably off at some function looking for a hit on her Greydar."

Kate laughs "Her Greydar?"

"Who knows, this is my mother we are talking about."

"So you'd be home alone tonight Castle, I guess you're lucky I'm gracing you with my presence."

"I am lucky" he replies as he pushes a loose hair back behind her ear, before leaning in to bring his mouth slowly to hers; the kiss starting off slowly until their bodies are ignited as it becomes more passionate. Falling back onto the couch Kate situates her body over his deepening the kiss as a loud ding is heard from the door. Groaning into the kiss he pushes her up before stealing another kiss, missing the fire that they feel when their mouths are brought together.

"I guess dinner is here, brilliant timing" she says sarcastically as she looks through peephole in her door, Rick quickly stands reaching into his pocket grabbing a couple of notes from his wallet quickly handing them over. "Keep the change" he says as he shuts the door fare-welling the delivery guy.

Kate gives him a glare, placing her wallet down on the counter before bringing the food over to the bench.

"So did you invite another 10 people over that I don't know about? Because this is A LOT of food"

"I didn't know what you felt like! Besides, leftovers are always handy."

Kate shakes her head holding back a grin as she empties the bags contents, laying them out in front of them.

"Mm this smells divine" she moans as they start eating.

"Oh gosh I'm so full. I don't think I could eat another bite." She says as she starts putting the lids on the containers and stacking them up in her fridge.

"I agree" Rick replies patting his stomach "I don't even think I'd be able to fit in popcorn for the movie!" he jokes back.

"Wow you must be really full than; even if you weren't I don't have any anyway."

Shaking his head he opens his mouth mockingly. "I can't believe any women I love as much as you doesn't have a steady supply of popcorn! What has this world come to" he says before throwing his hands up in mock disgust before looking up to notice the shock covering Kate's face, his mouth drops as he realizes his slip.

"I…Oh…Kate..I didn't mean it…I mean I did mean it; I meant it very much…I didn't mean to say it?...i mean not right now? Because were at a good place and I…I didn't want to move to fast and ruin it…because I don't want you to run…and.."

She silences him with her lips hard against his, taking his breath away as she bites his upper lip kissing him forcefully as her tongue slides besides his. Moaning slightly into the kiss she draws away. As quickly as she started the kiss she ends it, before running her hand through his hair and over his cheeks before giving him a peck on the lips. She brings her eyes to his and stares into them. "I..I Love you to Castle…and I'm not going anywhere." She whispers clearing what ever doubt he had in his pretty little head.

A huge smile breaks out on his face at her confession; he loves her so much it hurts and is glad the feeling is mutual. He pulls her to him giving her a warm embrace, unable to sum this moment into words.

"So do you want to watch the movie now? Cause I still have a bet to win." He says trying to take the pressure off them. Words can come later.

"Yeah" she whispers still dazed from both there confessions and the kiss. She snuggles into his side "you don't stand a chance Writer-boy"

He grabs the remote switching on the TV and starting the movie, laying his arm over her shoulders holding her close.

The movies off when she opens her eyes having fallen asleep towards the end, looking up at the clock it reads 11:45pm, She groans stretching out her arms. Looking up at the sleeping Rick she reaches up softly tracing the contours of his face with the tips of her fingers, ghosting them over the lips she'd come to love; had come to need. Slowly rising from her position she throws a blanket over him not wanting to wake him from his peaceful slumber, kissing him goodnight softly she makes her way to her bedroom.

Lying in bed she hasn't found sleep. Unable to find comfort and warmth, and unable to take her mind off the man sound asleep in her living room. She glances at the clock, an hour and a half has pasted. She misses his warmth, the warmth he gives when he wraps his arms around her, nothing in the world compares to it. She wonders when the moment came that she needed someone, needed him to get a good night sleep.

Before she changes her mind she gets up and crosses the barrier into the lounge room where he is sprawled out on the couch, squeezing in next to him under then blanket he automatically wraps his arms around her pulling her tightly to his chest, "I love you Kate" he whispers into her hair half asleep.

She sighs into his chest, content. Whispering "I Love you to" before quickly drifting off to sleep.

A/N Hoped you liked it. Leave me a review. Tell me what you think whether you liked it or you didn't! Don't be Shy! and if you have something you think i should touch up on in the next chapter between the two let me know :)