Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

A/N: This is...my first story. Go easy on me D;

"When I wake up, I want to be far from here..." A brown haired maiden with odd shaped ears whispered. Her chocolate eyes were beginning to dull as she panted lightly. "I won't remember anything. Not you - Mama -, or you - Papa. Nor sister..." The black haired woman weeped as a silver haired man with a pair of dog ears held her. "I don't want the same thing that happened to her happen to me... I love you two... please..." her eyes closed.


Rain droplets fell from the sky - at first slowly, but soon it was pouring. This was definately not his day. A wet silver haired male ran through the streets at top speed and reached shelter within a store. His golden amber eyes showed no emotion but inside he was seething. How dare his parents cut him off? How dare they? His phone rang and he quickly picked it up.

"Sesshoumaru?" his father's voice rang out.

"Decided you regretted your decision?"

"No, I just wanted to tell you we decided to be kind and give you an apartment."

"Oh? Where is it?"

"It's 23rd Feudal Street. You should meet your landlady there and she will tell you the room. We sent your luggage there." Inu no Taisho said. Sesshoumaru cursed. It seemed as if his parents weren't budging from this decision.

"Hn. Whatever."

"Good. See you at Christmas." Dial Tone. Sesshoumaru twitched.

"You... ASSHOLE!" Sesshomaru growled out. "You'll pay for this, father!" The rain fell harder as Sesshomaru looked through his phone for GPS, typed in the address and followed it. It took him about 15minutes til he got to the location. Soaking wet, he barged through the doors only to be greeted by a woman with black hair and hazel brown eyes.

"Hello Mr. Tenseiga." She said and gave a slight bow. "Welcome to Sakura Apartments. I am Kagome Higurashi." She shook his hand. "I'll show you to your room. Your room number is number 204." she said as they went up the stairs. "Your father has already sent in your items, he paid your first month's and last month's rent however he told me to tell you that next month you will have to pay for it." Sesshoumaru nodded as he entered his room. Kagome bowed once more and closed the door behind her. Sesshoumaru's eyes scanned the room. It was small, not very decorated. His luggage and boxes were in the closets and in a corner of the room. The kitchen was connected to the bedroom/living room and the bathroom was really small. Sesshoumaru sighed. He hated his father.

"Not much to do now..." Sesshoumaru muttered. Sesshomaru hoped that his father had loaded his persocom but found out he had in fact not done so. Sesshoumaru sighed once more. It seemed that he would not only have to get a job to find a new one, but he would also have to do it the manual way and buy a new, very expensive, persocom. However, tonight he would relax. He looked to the table in the middle of the room, prepared to move it only to find a note.

Mr. Tenseiga,

Once again, welcome to Sakura Apartments.

Your rent is 300$ a month and your items are in the closets.

There is a futon in the left closet and you may use that.

I also provided a blanket and a few pillows.

Mr. Miroku isn't home right now,

but you should thank him since he was the one who helped me carry your things up.

- LandLady

Kagome Higurashi

Sesshoumaru took out the futon and laid it out after he shoved the table to another corner of the room. He placed the pillows on the futon, turned off the lights and laid down. Starting tomorrow he would experience something he never thought he actually would experience, being a rich boy that is. First thing's first, buy a newspaper and find a job. With the little money left he would have to go buy some food and eventually return home, hopefully, successful. Sesshoumaru closed his eyes and drifted off into sleep.


The next morning, Sesshoumaru was already on the move. He had woken up at 6 AM and began looking for a job. Sesshoumaru, as much of a rich snob he could be was not, instead he was a gentleman. Through out the whole day, he was job hunting. The day had quickly passed and the sun quickly began setting. Sesshoumaru wasn't exactly tired but he wasnt energectic. Sesshoumaru looked at the newspaper and crossed out another location.

"Hmm... maybe if I - " before he knew it he had been splashed with cold water. Sesshoumaru stopped and looked at the girl who had splashed him. The red-haired female seemed dazed. Her green eyes looked troubled but as if something clicked she looked up at him with worry.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry!" She said, "Please, come inside! I must replace your clothes!"

Sesshoumaru wasn't sure if it was a stroke of luck or bad luck that had hit him. The girl had silently listened to his story about how his parents stopped giving him money and kicked him out and how he was now looking for a job. She merely smiled and handed him clothes to change into. However, once she left he was taken away by one of the employee's telling him he had to work. Sesshoumaru, confused, nodded and off he went. It was only 15 minutes into his serving "Yorokonde!" when the girl, who he later found out was Ayame, came and fetched him and streamed out a long list of apologies.

"I'm so sorry Sesshoumaru." she said and bowed again. The manager was behind her and smiled.

"So, I heard you needed a job." Sesshoumaru gave a slight nod. "You know, I noticed you working out there. I do believe you are an excellent worker. Would you like to have a job here?" the manager asked. Sesshoumaru smiled for the first time in a while and nodded. The manager gave Sesshoumaru an application, the files were quickly signed and put away for safe keeping. "I expect you here Monday afternoon. We will talk wages and hours then." With that, Sesshoumaru bowed and left.

The moon was bright and looked like the prussia blue crescent moon on his forehead. He smiled and looked up. Things seemed like they would be working out for him. All he really needed now was a per-. He stopped infront of a pile of trash and noticed a girl laying on it. She had long brown hair that reached her ankles and bangs that covered her face ever so slightly and she had side pigtail. Is she dead? he asked himself as he stared at her. Should I call the police? Maybe it was a homici- oh. He looked at her closer and saw she had two oval like shapes for ears. Oh... a persocom. Sesshoumaru thought. Maybe she's broken?

He inspected her but found nothing wrong. I'll take her home. Maybe I can fix her up. he thought to himself as put her into his arms and lifted her up. Boy, she was HEAVY. Sesshoumaru being a full fledged demon, didn't really feel a difference. He carried her bridal style back to his home.


Sesshoumaru laid her down on his tatami and sat cross legged beside her. He looked her over with his eyes and then simply pressed a button on her neck. Her chocolate eyes opened as she sat up and began floating in the middle of the room. Sesshoumaru - slightly stunned - fell backwards and sat up again but backed away into the wall. Sounds were coming out of her body as she stayed suspended in mid air for a few minutes only to float down and sit on her legs. Her face turned to look at him. She tilted her head, a bit of light brown hair covered her face. She moved the strands behind her receptors and crawled to him, her face expression full of curiosity.


"Is that what your previous owner's name was?"

"Rin..." She tilted her head as if to say 'I don't know'.

"Is that all you can say?"

"Rin..." Her expression saddened. He smiled to himself. He could make her perfect. He could teach her everything from square one.

"Oh. I see. I guess since you're going to be my persocom we'll give you a name. How about... Rin?" Rin smiled and tackle hugged him.


"I can see you like that." He said as he placed one hand on her back. "First of all Rin, here, a shirt." he said, taking off his own and putting it on her. It was a little big, but for some reason it looked like it fit her perfectly. "I'm not exactly sure what's wrong with you or what programs you already have so tomorrow we will start an OS check. Understood?" Rin tilted her head. He figured she didn't understand and would teach her later. "Alright, now it is time to sleep. It is night. At night, the moon comes out, see?" He gestured to the moon outside. "This," he gestured to his own crescent moon. "Is a crescent moon. However, it is a symbol of my tribe. Shows that I am royalty."

"M..moon..." she tried. Sesshoumaru smiled, pleased. That meant her learning program was functioning.

"For now, we sleep." He laid out the mattress, put two pillows - one for him and one for Rin -, and a blanket. He turned off the light and went under the blanket and watched as Rin copied his motions. She got comfortable and looked at him with a smile. "Close your eyes and fall asleep." He said as he closed his own and fell asleep soon after.

A/N: Yes, Sesshy will be a little bit OC. He has to be for this story to work. Um... Tell me how you like it :D I'll try to make chapters longer. I really will. Next chapter will be much longer. I promise! :D This is just to get the story out there. Honest :3 Any suggestions on how to progress just send me a PM or a review. 3