Title: "A Catty Easter"
Author: Pirate Turner
Rating: PG
Summary: She always goes for the tail first.
Warnings: Het, Alternate Universe, Fluff, Holiday Fic
Word Count: 531
Date Written: 8 April, 2012
Disclaimer: Bruce "Batman" Wayne, Selina "Catwoman" Kyle, Gotham City, and any other characters mentioned within are οΎ© & TM DC comics, not the author; are used without permission; and may not be used without permission. The author makes absolutely no profit off of this work of fan fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.

When they first met, he thought she was the strongest, most beautiful, alluring, and mysterious woman he had ever met. She's still the strongest, most beautiful, and alluring woman he's ever known, but she's no longer a mystery. One of the million reasons why Bruce knows he's lucky to have Selina in his life is because he's the only guy in the whole world to actually possess the honor of knowing her.

He knows her, inside and out; both halves of her, Catwoman and Selina Kyle; all parts of both halves - the woman who feels more than she'll ever let on, the little girl who never really got to be a child, the protectress who would die before she let one of hers be hurt, the huntress who will stop at nothing to get what she wants, the thief who would steal diamonds off of a dead man, the giver who would give anything to help the cats of the world, the killer who will go through Hell and back to avenge any of her feline babies, the mother who loves all cats, and all the other parts in between.

He knows her, her thoughts, her desires, her pleasures, her secrets. He finally knows everything about her, right down to her holiday favorites. He sits her purple Easter basket before her and steps back, grinning at the delight shining on his love's beautiful face. She attacks the basket with glee, rummaging in the catnip leaves he used instead of plastic grass. Amongst those leaves are eggs filled with a diamond-studded ring with a cat's face, tiny diamonds, chocolate, and even a tinny cat statue, but he knows what she'll go for first.

She pauses to pet the head of the plush cat sitting in the center of her basket. Its meows spur the real cats entwining themselves around Selina's long legs underneath their breakfast table to meow inquisitively. Bruce's grin grows at his cherished wife's distracted, answering mew.

Selina's big, emerald orbs alight with even more excitement, and Bruce knows she's found it. If she had a real tail, it would be swishing now as she lifts the chocolate rabbit out of her basket. Her red fingernails are as sharp as claws, and they make short work of shredding the package. Her gleaming teeth open wide, and then she bites the bunny.

Bruce knows that a lot of people go for the ears first, but Selina is the only one who always eats the tail first. He chuckles happily. She looks up at him and purrs from around the chocolate tail, which he'd taken extra measures to make sure would be fluffy for her delight, "Thank you."

His bright smile fills his handsome face as he leans down and softly kisses her forehead. "You're welcome," he answers in his deep, quiet voice. "Happy Easter, Selina. I love you!" Her mouth is too full of chocolate now for her words to be coherent, but he understands her nonetheless. He beams, his heart swelling with pride, joy, and love, for even after all these years, she still loves him as he does her and he knows they always will love each other.

The End