Author's Note: Hello, hello. This is my first fanfiction in years. I used to write under the penname BookwormJavaJunkie, and was a Lit shipper. I have recently fallen into the world of PDLD and am in total LOVE. I like Sophie/Rogan fics too, but I enjoy the exotic Aussie too much not to give him the credit he deserves. It's been about 3 years since I've seen these episodes, and I am writing off the transcripts. So if some of the stuff that I write is not accurate, I am sorry. Just be entertained, please! I hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I own NOTHING. The song lyrics in this chapter are from The Wanted, "Glad You Came." Some of the dialogue comes directly from the episode of Gilmore Girls entitled "You Jump, I Jump, Jack." Episode 94, Season Five, episode 7, written by Daniel Palladino. Sadly I do not own Tanc Sade, Matt Czuchry, or Milo Ventimiglia. I am trying to get joint custody or at least visitations, but alas, I have been turned down.

Story Title: Oh, there you are.

Summary: That once in a lifetime feeling started it all. No, she didn't want it to be once in a lifetime, but what did she know? She didn't know what she wanted, or how easily should could have it to begin with.

Rating: M

Pairing: Sophie and PDLD

Chapter Title: Rewritten in the Stars.

The sun goes down

The stars come out

And all that counts is here and now

The universe will never be the same

I'm glad you came.

She had needed a moment away to gather her thoughts. She found a spot not far from the festivities, but secluded none-the-less, where she could observe without being intrusive. It wasn't as if anyone in the group had spoken to her anyway. The members of the Life and Death Brigade had been secretive—although she supposed that was to be expected in a secret society. Her mere presence went against their rules, so perhaps she should just feel privileged that she had been allowed to come at all.

The only real communication she had had was with Gorilla Girl, or Stephanie, as she had introduced herself in the car. Again, the girl had been drunk, and had seemed more interested in telling her about the line to get to one, Logan Huntzberger, the man-child who had arranged her entry into the event. She had gotten a decent amount of observational material for her article, and had been sure she would get more as the actual event took place, but there were few hard facts, and with the unspoken rule to not talk to her, she had doubted she would get any facts about the group at all. She sighed at this thought just as Logan sat down next to her.

He sat his lantern down beside him and balanced a plate of food on his hand. "How goes it, pariah?" He asked with a smirk.

"Logan?" Rory questioned, surprised to have his company. He had been avoiding her since arriving at this little shindig.

"Word was a bear dragged you off," he commented casually.

"No bear, I just wanted a quiet place to collect my thoughts," she informed him.

"You found it," he commented back, glancing at the plate he was holding.

Rory smiled politely, "Thanks, I've eaten."

"Good, this is for me," he smirked taking a bite. He took a few more bites before he spoke again. "Sorry you're not getting much from the group," he muttered, not really apologetically, still looking at his plate. He turned his face up and smirked at her, "took a little arm-twisting to get them to agree to let you come in the first place."

She stared at him for a minute. He was supposed to be her inside source, her big lead on this scoop that might break her out of covering trivial features for the Yale Daily News. He had gone through the trouble to get her here, maybe he would help.

"I don't need their cooperation. I've already filled two notebooks without their cooperation. Half of one without using the letter 'e,' but I could use yours," she quipped, hoping he would give it to her.

"Way too much salt on this," he commented looking back at his plate.

He was being difficult. But she, Rory Gilmore, would not give up so easily, so she tried again. "I mean, this is pretty incredible, but it's just a preamble to the big stunt tomorrow, right?"

"It's Finn, he's Australian. They like salt," Logan said.

"How do you pay for this? Are there dues, or do you chip in, is there alumni sponsoring it? How is it organized? And what is happening tomorrow? Is it just as big, or bigger? And do people know that you're here? Park Rangers, or the landowner? Where are we? Are we still in Connecticut? And your answer cannot include the word salt."

He had to give her credit, she was persistent, but so was he, and he wasn't giving in this easily. Instead of answering her questions, he looked at her and said, "Okay. I think it's time to fill you in on the conditions of you being here."


"First, no pictures," he said, and held up her camera for emphasis.

"Hey!" Rory exclaimed because he had stolen her camera.

"Aw, you'll get it back at the end of the trip. Second, no names."

"I'm not exactly being introduced to anyone as it is," she pouted.

"Third, no physical descriptions of any of us. There are authority figures up and down Connecticut trying to nab us for things we may have done in the past." He smirked, "Naughty things."

"Keep you anonymous," she nodded.

Logan smiled, "What number am I on?"

"Just at third."

"Fourth, no identification of our location."

"I don't know where we are," she sighed.

"Fifth," Logan began, before Rory cut him off.

"You're going to run out of -ifths."

Logan just smiled. "Most important condition of all. You must agree not to interfere with the integrity of the event."

Rory's ears perked up. She might be getting somewhere. "What is the event, and how could I interfere?" she asked.

"So you agree?" He asked, in lieu of answering.

"Yes, I agree," Rory nodded.

The camp broke out into a drunken song that Rory thought was pretty, and not long after, Logan took off with who she assumes is his bed partner for the evening. At least, his bed partner for part of the evening. Promiscuity runs rampant in the Life and Death Brigade, she reasoned. Tired, and slightly frustrated at having gotten no information out of the blonde playboy, she snatched up the lantern and headed to her tent to go to bed for the night.

She'd been in bed for a little less than half an hour, wide awake and unable to sleep, when the opening to her tent inched open and a figure slipped into the darkness.

"Who—Logan?" She asked with a start.

She heard a slight chuckle. "No, love, not Logan."

Rory relaxed a little recognizing the voice, but then tensed again not knowing why he's here. "Finn?" She asked.

"Yes, love, the one and only!" Finn exclaimed. "You do catch on rather quickly."

He couldn't see her, but she rolled her eyes anyway. "What do you want, Finn?"

"Shhh, keep it down, love, no one can know I am here, speaking with you," he stage whispered. "Now, as for what I want, well, what any red blooded, right minded bloke would want, what else?"

Rory shuddered slightly. "Finn, as much as the offer…." She trailed off, not knowing how to respond to that, "I have a boyfriend."

"Oh, well, of course you do. And our dear Logan is second in line, isn't he?" He joked. After taking in her shocked expression—his night vision was much better than the average person's, after all—he added, "Come now, love, surely you must realize there is as much a line to get to you as there is any one of us?"

Rory is shocked speechless for a moment. He took this opportunity to proceed.

"We must hurry this conversation along, Rory, darling, because Logan will be finished with contestant number one briefly, and may make a stop to see you before heading to his own temporary residence for the night. I have come to make you a proposition." He laughed seeing her face. "Not that kind, love, with your boyfriend and all, though I would not turn down the offer were it made to me. But you seem to be lacking the information for which you have come. I might be able to assist you with that," he offered.

Rory's interest was piqued. "Really?" She asked, tentatively hopeful.

"Really, in exchange for something of my request, of course," she could faintly see the grin adorning his lips.

She groaned, but had to see where this was going. "What would your request be?"

At that, he smiled wide. "A simple kiss. Nothing more, nothing less."

Again, she groaned, "Finn, I told you, I have a boyfriend."

"Now, now, love. All I am asking for is a kiss. I am not taking you to bed with me. Just a kiss, I promise to keep my hands to myself, and then I will give you something to help your story along. No one will ever know, deal?"

She thought about his offer. No one would ever know, and it would give her the opportunity to get more information for her story. She made a quick mental pro/con list, and decided to do it.

"All right, but this had better be good," Rory said, hoping he couldn't see her blush in the dark. She had broken up a marriage, she really had to learn how to not be self-conscious around men.

"Oh, it will be," he quipped, leaning toward her. Just before he touched his lips to hers, he whispered, "In Omnia Partus."

Then his lips were on hers in a kiss like one she had never experienced before. It was innocent, a chaste brushing of the lips, a gentle nip and tug, but it warned at a simmering fire underneath. All she needed to was consent and that fire would consume her entirely. As soon as that thought entered her mind and she briefly entertained the idea of letting herself be burned, she had remembered Dean. It was like a splash of cold water, and the kiss became just a kiss again. A meeting of two mouths, and a means to an end.

Finn pulled back quickly and unexpectedly, sprung up, and exited her tent without so much as another word. Rory lay back down, and slept, dreaming of what could have happened had she not let that fire be dampened.

The next day had been enticing, exciting, and a fair bit ridiculous. In the true fashion of bored rich kids, the group had been careless and reckless. Rory had observed a game where one person would jump onto a mat while another shot them with a paintball gun. She had walked up to Logan and Finn who were both shooting at targets. When Finn noticed her, he grinned slightly.

"Pull! Pull! All right, I'm bored. I want to be a target," the Aussie exclaimed.

"You're always a target, Finn," Logan laughed.

"In Omnia Paratus," Finn said, and winked at Rory.

A few moments later, two guys walked past Rory and Logan carrying Finn on a stretcher. Apparently, he had missed the mat.

It wasn't until later in the day that the big stunt arrived. A few of the members of the Life and Death Brigade were going to jump off of a seven story high scaffold with only umbrellas to break their fall. Finn was supposed to jump with them, but after his "accident" on the field earlier that day, it was decided that he was not going to take part in that day's stunt. Instead, Logan had talked Rory into doing it.

She had been scared at first, but had to admit that the pure adrenaline rush she had gotten from jumping was worth it. That, and she was actually in the story she was writing. She hadn't gotten much information from the group as a collective, and she had begun to think that Finn had drunkenly forgotten his proposition from the night before. But at least she had real life experience to add to the piece. That was something. After the big event, she was once again blindfolded and driven back to campus.

Much later in the evening, Rory was talking to her mother when she heard someone knocking on her door. She opened it to find a gorilla mask, a bottle of champagne, and her camera. She looked through the pictures on her camera and saw several photos of her Logan jumping. She smiled, and went to her computer to download the pictures and start on her article. Rory logged into her Yale email account and sent a quick message to Doyle letting him know that she would be starting on the article on the LDB. Before closing out of the program, she noticed she had an email from someone from Yale, but she didn't recognize the address. The subject line read: "Trade confirmed."

She clicked on it and read the brief note.

Love, was it as good for you as it was for me? In addition to the attachments, I left a present in your phone, if that pesky boyfriend problem ever clears itself up. You have a line, but luckily, I like to be naughty and cut in line. See you again, Kitten.

Attached were more photo files of the event. None had faces or any distinguishable information, but the general feel of the event was in the pictures. There were also text files with the history of the LDB and the mission. All of it was good information that she could use in her article. As an afterthought, she checked her phone, and sure enough, Finn's phone number had been programed in her directory. She laughed, and sent him a text message.

It was great for me, thank you! Why kitten?

She waited a few moments before hearing her phone chirp, signally a reply.

Because I want to make you purr.