Chapter 8

Okay, this is the last chapter guys! Hope the whole story was okay...I am leaving this one on a cliffhanger to continue in the next story, which should be up soon.

Thanks to Kokothebeast, aquasm and Jag389 for your reviews...they are very appreciated and I love hearing your feedback.

Any words in this chapter in italic are in Russian!

Disclaimer: I only own Amzi and Maddie, and her family!


"Has Gibbs started? Did I miss it?" Tony's voice was frantic as he slams the door to the adjoining viewing room, a bowl of popcorn nestled under his arm. Both Ziva and McGee stared at him as Tony sits down in the spare chair, the second being occupied by a silent Maddie. Ziva throws her a worried look, trying, and failing, to read the blur of emotions written in her eyes. "Where is Gibbs?" Tony sprays pieces of popcorn everywhere as he speaks with his mouth full. Ziva, who was still annoyed and upset with Tony, just looked at him pointedly, before turning back to look at Amzi Shahar. He was sitting straight in his chair, handcuffs tying him to the table. Gibbs was taking no chances. Amzi wore a slight smirk on his face, and stared at the glass, sending shivers down everyone's back as it was almost as if he could see right through it, through to them. McGee swivels his chair around excitedly as the door to the interrogation room is thrown open.

Special Agent Gibbs throws down his files onto the table and turns to the terrorist in front of him, a frown etched across his perfect features. Both look at each other for a long time, neither moving a muscle. This was standard for Gibbs…he felt it gave him authority, showed who was boss. Amzi was the first to break.

"What do you want with me, Mr Gibbs?" His accent was more pronounced than Ziva's and she shook her head in disgust that someone from her county would do such a thing. But yet, then again she was not surprised. Gibbs keeps staring at him. "So what if I have other names…others do it! Why am I here?" Amzi is looking for a way out. Silently, Gibbs begins to open his files, pulling out pictures of the remains of Madison Todd's family. She cringes as the photos are laid out and turns away; the memories are still too painful for her to think about. "In that room," Gibbs turns and points through the glass, "Is a young girl, who lost her family when a bomb, created by you, blew up at her uncles funeral. We traced it back to one of your aliases...we have proof. Now all we need is a confession and motive. You will be staying here until I get both. Understood?" Gibbs' voice is low and daring, in a way mocking this man who thought he was invincible. "Senin gibi, Amerikan pislik için, hiçbir şey itiraf edecek!" Upon hearing the request, Amzi changes languages. Gibbs, recognizing it is Russian, motions to Ziva to come in. "Yes Gibbs?" Special Agent Ziva questions as she quietly opens the door. "Get a confession," he whispers in her ear as he exits.

"You are a disgrace to your country!" Ziva begins. "You are a murderer, a terrorist, a bastard!" She is fuming as she faces Amzi, who has a smile creeping across his distorted face. "I am no terrorist. And you are no better. You stay with these are one of them, and worse!" Amzi counters, spitting at her. Ziva slams her fist onto the table. Changing back to English, she speaks; "Tell me the truth. Why did you kill her family?" Amzi takes a while before throwing his free hand onto the table and moving the pictures around. "Yes, I killed them. They were in the way...I wanted money, any money I could have. I was greedy...They meant nothing to me, they were for fun!" Amzi finishes, looking successfully at Ziva's horrified face.

In the interrogation room, no one was quick enough to react after hearing the monsters confession. Maddie was halfway out the door before anyone realised where she was going. "You bastard!" Maddie screamed as she threw open the other door, heading quickly towards her families murderer. Even Ziva did not have the reflex skills that would have stopped Maddie from throwing punch after punch at the mans face. He just sat there, stunned, as this small girl beat him. "Maddie!" Suddenly, Madison Todd felt many hands on her, pulling her back, restraining her. Only two hands held her, they were obviously Gibbs. "Maddie, Maddie, stop!" Gibbs voice hissed in her ears. "Im sorry, Gibbs im so sorry!" Maddie broke down, staring in horror at the bloody face she was responsible, right in front of her. "Im sorry Gibbs..." She turned into his chest, sobbing, her chest heaving, tears she had long held back breaking free and leaving streaks down her face. "Shhh it's okay," Gibbs answered, holding her close, ignoring the blood that was slowly staining his jumper from her fist. McGee, Ziva and Tony stood in shock at what had just happened, disbelief strewn across their faces. Catching their eyes, Gibbs motions to the still man on the chair. "Take him to Bethesda...keep him in custody. Shoot him if he does anything stupid. Then go home." He orders, clutching Maddie tighter as she sobs harder.

(Directors Office)

Director Shepard was expecting Gibbs as he walked through her door, as usual, not bothering to knock. She was however, hoping to be alone with him, and was surprised to see the puffy eyed girl clinging to him. She recognized Maddie, and met eyes with Gibbs. "Jethro...?" Jenny questions, not really wanting to hear the answer. Gently guiding Maddie to the couch where she sat down, staring at the floor, tears still openly flowing, Gibbs opened his mouth to answer. "We got a confession, Jen...but there were some complications." He concluded, sneaking a look at Madison. "What sort of complications, Jethro?" The director replied warily. Maddie chose this moment to speak. "I hit him...I couldnt stop...that bastard killed my family!" She looks up, defiantly, not caring about the outcome. Jenny just stares at the young girl, noticing for the first time, her bloody fist and Gibbs jumper, stained read and covered in wet patches from Maddie's tears. "Jethro, can you please wait outside?" Gibbs nods hesitantly, kisses Maddie gently on the top of the head and leaves.

"What happens now?" Maddie asks. Jenny takes a while before answering, carefully picking the right words. "I will not punish you for what you did...I would have done the same if I were in your position. But, I was looking over your folders, and I see you have no home. So, for now, you will be staying with me, where I can keep an eye on you, and make sure you dont try to finish what you started." Maddie nods, more tears appearing, this time of happiness. She stands to leave. "Sit, Maddie." The director orders. "I have another thing to offer you...I realize you have finished school and are currently looking for work...I have cleared it with SecNav, and I know it isnt under the best conditions, but...I am offering you a job with Gibbs, in his team."

Hope it was okay! I know I left it on a cliffhanger...but it gives me reason to write the next story!

Please, please, please, please Read and Review!
