Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or its characters. All of it belongs to the mastermind Tite Kubo.

This 1st chapter is a mixture of the actual manga 479. I'm just starting to create a seperate story from that of the continuation of the manga. This will have future IchiRuki romance as well as adventure! Enjoy =)

To say Ichigo wasn't the slightest bit nervous was an understatement. He practically marched into Soul Society without permission once again, except with a certain goal in mind. And in order to obtain that goal, he had to talk to the First Division Captain Yamamoto.

Renji casually walked through Seireitei as it was finally his day off. Captain Kuchiki had him working like a slave for the past week doing tedious paperwork from dawn 'till dusk. It had been driving him nuts, and his captain must have seen this, for he provided Renji with a day off from work to attend any personal matters.

Renji scratched his head as he contemplated what he could do. "Hmmm...well I can go and check on Rukia. Nah. She is probably busy being a new lieutenant and all. She practically takes after her brother with having to be so responsible. Maybe I can have a drink with Matsumoto. It's never too early for that!" Renji's train of thought was interrupted by the sight of orange spiky hair bobbing up and down, moving through the crowd of other shinigami walking by. It could only belong to one certain individual.

"Yo Renji!" Ichigo yelled as he passed by the redhead, acting like walking through Soul Society was an everyday occurrence for a human-shinigami. Especially for one carrying a reputation of a, Hero of the Winter War.

Renji sweat dropped and merely watched the carrot top walk passed him. He shook his head in disbelief and managed to pull himself together. He raced towards Ichigo and grabbed him by the collar of his black shihakusho. His appearance struck Renji as slightly different ever since he and the captains helped him regain his powers by piercing him with a special sword to restore them. Well, to be more accurate, it was Rukia that stabbed him with Uruhara's invention. Regardless, it brought upon a change to the man's outfit, and quite possibly his spiritual pressure. His zanpakuto's appearance resembled that of an overgrown trench knife, and an X-shaped pattern crossed his chest like a tattoo. All this were remnants of what many of the Captains believed to be his Fullbring powers.

"Damn it where do you think you are going! What are you doing here all of a sudden Kurosaki?"

Ichigo brushed of Renji's hand and continued on walking. "I have some matters to attend to at the First Division. I'll see ya later," he replied. With that he gave a short side wave and entered deeper into Soul Society.

As he reached the steps leading up to the stronghold of the First Division, the Captains of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads blocked his path. It didn't look much like a welcome party.

"Wow. Everyone came to greet me huh?" Ichigo said casually. Unfazed and un-intimidated by the immense reiastu pouring out from each Captain.

Captain Soi-Fong shunpoed by Ichigo's side. "Not everyone. Ukitake and Kurotsuchi aren't here."

"Soi-Fong?" Ichigo questioned and turned around. Yep. It was her. Commander of the Omnitsukido and Captain of the Second Division.

"I don't remember allowing you to use my name without an honorific. You're helpless without Yoruichi-Sama at your side, you know!"

Before Ichigo could come up with a retort to anger the Yoruichi-obsessed Captain, he was interrupted by an all too familiar voice.

"Anyway, just come in already. The old man's waiting.'' Leaning by the entrance of the Division was Kensei with his arms folded as he looked down at the substitute shinigami. Cool as a cucumber like always.

Ichigo smirked and raised his eyebrows slightly. "You became a Captain?"

"Shut up. I said come in! You didn't come here to chat did you?" Kensei said in his usual gruff and demanding voice. The vizored took a liking to Ichigo when they trained him to contain his inner hollow, but he wasn't one for showing affection.

The scowl returned on Ichigo's face as he walked up toward Kensei. "Nope. I have something to ask of gramps."

The wooden mahogany doors creaked open, and in walked Ichigo. While he did not walk with grace such as that of the other Captains, he walked confidently and determined, knowing Zangetsu and his powers were back once again. They were the comfort he needed. The last bit of strength that allowed him to stand up to higher ranking Soul Reaper officials again and again.

Captain Commander Yamamoto tapped his staff (which in reality was like the shikai version of his formidable sword Ryujin Jakka), and patiently waited for Kurosaki Ichigo to stand before him before speaking. Not expecting the arrogant boy to bow before him, he wasted no time in talking.

"Kurosaki Ichigo. Thank you for your hard work," Yamamoto said in his strong voice. It was the strong voice of a strategic and well respected shinigami. It rang through the meeting hall with an air of authority.

The substitute soul reaper lifted his head up and spoke in the hotheaded voice of his. " Yea, don't mention it. I didn't come here for praise." The scowl on Ichigo's face was ever present. It seemed to be permanent.

"For what did you come then?" Yamamoto asked with his eyes closed. Well Ichigo could only assume that he had his eyes closed. At least, that's the way gramps had them every time he encountered the old fellow. And that wasn't quite often.

Ichigo stood a bit straighter before asking the request. "I came to take back the corpse of Ginjo that Renji brought here, and bury it in the material world."

The room grew deadly silent as the Captains turned to look at the young man. The request was so foolish to ask. Downright daring to bring forth in front of the Captain Commander.

"You idiot." A man with ugly cropped blonde hair walked into the meeting room. "Do you have any idea what you're talking about?"

Ichigo instantly recognized the man. Those big teeth of his were a dead giveaway whenever he spoke.

"Hirako!" Ichigo said, surprised at the vizored's sudden appearance. He was even more surprised to see him in Captain's robes. It seemed he missed a lot in the seventeen months he went without his spiritual powers.

Soi Fong ruined the moment with her sudden outburst. " That's right! He is a heinous criminal who stole shinigami powers and killed many! And.."

Hirako raised his hand at Soi Fong, basically telling her to shut up because he wasn't done speaking. "I'm not talking about that. Listen up Ichigo. That guy was fucking around with your family. You can easily forgive someone like that?"

Ichigo stared down at the floor, not really wanting to make eye contact with anyone in the room. "This isn't a matter of forgiveness. My family and friends are back to normal and I am alive. And he...is a mere shinigami representative."

Yamamoto looked straight into the young man's deep brown eyes. They showed a mixture of emotions, but one that stood out was defiance. Ichigo was willing to defy what is considered proper to do what he thinks is the right thing. And if burying Ginjo in the material world was the right thing, then no one was going to stop him from doing it. Not even the Thirteen Court Guard Squads.

Ichigo looked at the old man, waiting for an answer or response that would more than likely not end in his favor. He was just a little surprised to see Yamamoto's eyes slowly open up, considering they were always closed ninety percent of the time.

"That phrase. Would I be correct in taking that phrase as a deeply deliberate one?" Yamamoto questioned calmly.


Jushiro Ukitake sat indian style at the edge of the grassy hill on the outer edge of Rukongai. He took in the sight of the immense mountains that enclosed Soul Society, and enjoyed the fresh breeze as it whipped through his long white hair. It was peaceful and comforting for a sickly man such as himself.

"So you were here after all," a voice from behind said softly.

Ukitake turned to see who it was. It was his good old friend Shunsui Kyoraku. He wore an awkward pink, flowered ladies kimono that draped along his shoulders to cover his captains uniform. His brown hair was pulled into a ponytail and he had his usual straw hat on. Like always, he carried a bottle of sake with him for any occasion he sought worthy to drink to. And usually every occasion was worthy of the alcoholic beverage for Kyoraku.

"Kyoraku," Ukitake said as he flashed a weak smile and gestured for the man to sit beside him.

Shunsui merely nodded and plopped by his side. "Ichigo-kun's back."

Ukitake looked on at the mountains, a sad expression enveloped his face, making him appear much older. "I see. And what about the badge?"

"He brought it back," Shunsui answered simply. "We asked him about it, and he said he trusts us so he is going to keep it. Well, as long as everyone if informed that it is a Combat Pass that allows him to be a Substitute."

Ukitake chuckled. "Ah I see..."

"He has grown."

Ukitake looked back at his friend. "Yes, we just didn't notice it. What's done is done."

Shunsui grunted in response. Both continued to sit in silence as they looked upon the gorgeous scenery before them.

"Want some sake?" Shunsui asked innocently.

"You know that stuff isn't good for me in my state! Why do you bother to ask me?"


Rukia could feel her right eye twitch in annoyance as Renji relayed to her the news. Ichigo was in Soul Society, and he had pretty much marched up to the Captain Commander like a madman. Rukia slapped the pineapple head of a Lieutenant.

"Why didn't you stop that idiot!" she yelled.

"What was that for! It's not my fault he is so stubborn Rukia!" Renji yelled back. He was rubbing the red welt forming on his face where the raven-haired shinigami slapped him. All he wanted to do was greet her and maybe get some lunch together so that they could catch up. Instead, he gets a mad Kuchiki riding up on his case demanding to know why he didn't stop carrot top from walking to his inevitable doom.

"Ugh... I have to go and make sure that buffoon doesn't get killed!" She murmured before flash-stepping out of her working quarters in the Thirteenth Division barracks.

Renji sighed before leaving the empty room. He was going to need a good dose of sake to salvage the rest of his meager day off. It was hard not to notice that Rukia cared for Ichigo in more ways than a friend. He just wondered when she would see that herself.


Ichigo breathed an inward sigh of relief. The Captain Commander had agreed to his request, but with certain conditions and a favor in return. Ichigo didn't even ask what the conditions or favor were, and instead, chose to agree with them no matter what they were as long as the body of Ginjo could be buried. He would have to discuss them with the Captain Commander on a one-on-one meeting the following day. Looks like he was going to be missing another day of high school. Not that it really mattered anymore. His human life felt distant for the time being anyway.

"Since I want you to remain in Soul Society for a bit longer, I shall have Renji Abarai deliver the body back to the World of the Living. Urahara will arrange the burial," Yamamoto informed Ichigo.

Ichigo nodded in agreement. He was satisfied with that.

Yamamoto tapped his staff twice. "This meeting is now adjourned!"

And with that, everyone left the meeting hall to attend to whatever matters that remained for the rest of the day. Except of course Ichigo, who slowly walked out the entrance, contemplating his next plan of action since there was nothing of importance until tomorrow.

Fortunately, a raven-haired midget appeared in front of him, throwing off his potential plans of meeting up with the elusive Ukitake to discuss matters with the badge. He had kind of wanted him to feel guilty.

"Rukia? It's nice to see you midg-"

Ichigo's taunt was interrupted by a powerful kick to the shin by Rukia. Yep, she was mad. Her reiastu revealed it.

"Ouch! What the hell Rukia! This is the way you greet me after so long?" He grabbed his shin in pain and bounced on his good leg, hoping she wouldn't kick him again.

"Baka! Why did you have to barge into Soul Society like that? The Captains could have killed you for being so foolish!"

"Ah but they didn't Rukia. Isn't that what matters?" Ichigo said calmly. He was trying to mend the gap between them. Fighting back wouldn't help. It would just fuel the argument for this noble Kuchiki. He looked into her big violet colored eyes. Though he would never admit it, seventeen months away from her was far too long to bare.

Rukia unfolded her arms and sighed. She looked into the warm brown eyes of Ichigo. She was at a loss for words, but between the two, they didn't need them to communicate effectively.

Rukia turned awake from Ichigo, preparing to shunpo off back to the Kuchiki Estate to have dinner with her brother. "Meet me at Sokyoku Hill tomorrow afternoon," she said before leaving him behind alone once more.

"Looks like I'm going to be spending the night at Renji's," Ichigo murmured as he left toward the Sixth Division barracks. Tomorrow was going to be yet again, another busy day.

Leave a review to let me know if I should continue on with the fanfic or not. Criticism is welcome, but please don't be too harsh!