A/N: The next few chapters are to be made so I can point out a few important moments to Naruto. Each will be just over 1'000 words, so I can type them out quicker. Also, those who haven't voted on my poll yet, do so! I command you! Sorry about not updating it's been very hectic for the last bit of my life. But enough about me, enjoy!

Also, Naruto is about six in this chapter. He will stay six, for another six or so years, and then grow normally (so when he goes back into the Naruto dimension, the rookies will all be together and the same age).

"Normal Talking"

"Talking over the Phone"

"Foreign Words"


"Bijuu Talk"

Chapter 4: Neutral Nations and Discoveries

Everyone blinked simultaneously. "Brother... Ivan?" Alfred asked slowly, turning to face Naruto. Naruto had a determined look on his face, as he nodded.

"Un, brother Ivan." Alfred glared at the toddler.

"No, he is not to be called that." Matthew growled, causing those who have seen his anger to jump.

"You do not tell my son what to do, Alfred. Or I'll kill you." He said, as he placed himself in front of Naruto. Alfred grew wide-eyed, before giving Matthew a glare as well.

"You'll allow him to have a commie as his brother?! What kind of a parent are you!" Matthew gave a fierce glare.

"The good kind. Ivan is not communist anymore, Alfred. China is, you dolt." He said, before turning to said Chinese man. "Sorry, Yao."

"It's okay, aru."

"But Mattie! Russia is still-" Alfred began, before being cut off.

"America, you wanker! Ivan is no longer communist! Give it up, the cold war ended ages ago!" Arthur shouted, before dragging Alfred away by his ear.

"Ow, ow, ow! Iggy, stop!" Alfred whined, as he was dragged behind the Neutral Nations. Naruto took the opportunity to run up to Ivan. He stared up at him, and grabbed onto Ivan's scarf.

"Brother Ivan! Why your scarf pink?" He asked, pulling on said scarf a little. Ivan blushed faintly, and patted Naruto's head.

"It's not that pink. My sestra, Ukraine made it for me." Naruto looked around.

"Where Ukraine?" The big breasted lady in question walked up.

"I-I'm right here..." Naruto looked up at her.

"Whoa, you got big boobs." He said, causing Ukraine to blush and start to cry a little. Matthew walked up to Naruto.

"Naruto, that wasn't nice. Apologize." Naruto nodded, and hugged Ukraine's legs.

"I sorry..." Matthew nodded in approval.

"Where did you learn that anyways?" Naruto grinned.

"Grandpa Francis and Grandpa Gil-Gil told me!" Matthew and Ivan turned to the two nations.

"Is that so, Francis, Gilbert?"

"Da, as Matvey said. Is that so?" Francis pushed Gilbert in front of him.

"It was all his idea! All!" Gilbert gave Francis a glare.

"You traitor!" Matthew sighed.

"Just, don't teach him anymore bad words until he's at least 17, please?" He gave them a glare, and Ivan removed his pipe from his coat. Francis and Gilbert nodded quickly.

"We promise!"

While Matthew and Ivan were terrorizing Francis and Gilbert, Naruto stayed by Ukraine. He looked up at her cutely, and asked, "Ne, what's your name, dattebayo?" He asked, surprisingly fluent. Ukraine looked down at him, and almost gasped. Naruto had grown just about two whole years.

"I-I'm Ukraine..." Naruto shook his head.

"No, no! Like, I'm Naruto, dattebayo!"

"O-Oh... I'm Katyusha... Um... What does this "dattebayo" mean?" Naruto looked at her like she was crazy.

"I dunno... dattebayo." Naruto said "dattebayo" a few times under his breath, before realizing something. It was a verbal tic. "Dattebayo! It's a verb tic!" Katyusha nodded.

"Oh, a verbal tic."

"Yeah, verbal!" He turned his head, and saw Kiku walking up to them. "Dada, dattebayo!" Naruto squealed, causing Kiku to blush before he gave Naruto a confused look.

"D-Dattebayo?" Ukraine smiled at the Japanese man.

"It's his verbal tic."

"Oh, I see." Naruto grabbed onto Kiku.

"Dada, dattebayo! Look! I'm taller!" He shouted in happiness, letting go of Kiku and standing straight. Kiku eyed Naruto, before smiling slightly.

"That's good, Naruto-kun. You arso are tarking very werru." Naruto grinned, and puffed his chest out in pride.

"Mochiron dattebayo! Ore wa, Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto!" He shouted in Japanese, making Kiku blush again.

"H-how did you know that? I did not say such a thing before..." Naruto blinked.

"It just... came out, dattebayo! Like, I said it my entire life!" Kiku's blush receded a bit, as he looked Naruto over once again.

"Naruto-kun... You rook about six years... Yet, you speak at a way higher reverru..." Naruto grinned again, and pointed up dramatically.

"Of course, dattebayo! I'm Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze! I'm awesome!" Kiku smiled, and snapped a photo of Naruto with his phone.

"Arright Naruto-kun. How about I introduce you to some more peoporru?"

"Hai!" Kiku grabbed Naruto's hand, and started leading him away.

Kiku lead Naruto over to the Neutral Nations; they had moved away from America. Naruto stared up at them, and grinned widely. "Hi!" He said, waving with his unoccupied hand. Naruto roamed his eyes over the group, before spotting someone familiar. "Ah, Katyu-neechan!" Kiku let Naruto's hand go, and the blond child bounded up to Katyusha.

"H-Hello Naruto, dy'tyna..." Naruto hugged her around her legs, and then looked around at the others.

"Who're they, dattebayo?" Two blondes walked up, and they both looked alike, except that one was taller.

"I am Switzerland, and this is my sister, Liechtenstein." The taller said, pointing first at himself and then at the smaller next to him. Naruto squinted at the smaller.

"You're a girl? ...Dattebayo! I'm Naruto!" Liechtenstein crouched down to look Naruto in the eyes.

"As my brother said, I'm Liechtenstein, but call me Lilli..." She looked up at Switzerland. "You can call my brother Vash." Naruto nodded, filing their names away for later. Two more blondes walked up, and Lilli and Vash backed away. Naruto stared up at the very tall blond, and grinned cutely.

"Ohayo! I'm Naruto, and you?" A small blush covered the taller's cheeks.

"...I em S'veden." Naruto grinned wider, seemingly not caring that the tall man was scary as hell. He turned to the smaller blond. The other smiled and waved.

"I'm Finland!" Finland crouched down to Naruto's level, just like Lilli had done. "But please, call us Berwald-" At this he gestured to Sweden. "-and Tino, okay?" Naruto nodded, and the two walked off, allowing the last of the group to walk up. The man had a feminine air to him.

"I am Roderich Edelstein, or Austria."

"Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, or..." Naruto trailed off, not knowing what else to call himself. After a few seconds, a name came to him. "Or Hi no Kuni!" Kiku, who was subtly listening in, gasped.

"What was that Naruto-kun? What did you carru yourserfu?" Naruto blinked up at him.

"Hi no Kuni! It just came to me!" Kiku nodded.

"I see. Come Naruto-kun, we should tell Matthew-san." Naruto grinned widely, and started shaking in happiness. After a second or two, he shouted out,

"MAMA! MAMA!" And then he took off running towards Matthew. Kiku stood still for a moment, before shaking his head and following after him.

Matthew was conversing about how he had gotten Naruto with Ivan. Ivan looked positively murderous at the fact of him finding Naruto abandoned outside his home. Matthew had to disagree with Ivan's murder plans though. He was a nation of peace, he wanted to find Naruto's mother and ask a few questions first. Based on his talk with the Kyuubi, Naruto's mother might have had absolutely nothing to do with the plan. "Ivan, we can't murder what might be one of Naruto's citizens. I've already told you, Naruto is from another dimension, and from what the Kyuubi told me, his father had not expected Naruto to disappear." Ivan sighed.

"Da, I know, I know. Tem ne meneye, I am still plotting." It was Matthew's time to sigh.

"Tu faisça."

"MAMA! MAMA!" He heard Naruto shout, right before he was tackled to the ground. Matthew stared at the ceiling for a few seconds, processing what had just happened. He moved his head down, and saw a bob of blond hair.

"...Naruto, petit, why did you just tackle me." Naruto nuzzled his head against Matthew's chest.

"'Cuz mama, dada wanted to talk to you, and I dun want you to run." It was then that Matthew noticed that Naruto was taller than before, and was speaking more fluently.

"...I see..." He turned his head at the sound of footsteps approaching them.

"Gomen, Matthew-san, Naruto-kun had run off before I courrud catch him."

"Don't worry about it, Kiku." Matthew said, as he slowly detached Naruto from his person. He stood up, and stretched. "So what did you want to talk about?" Kiku looked around to see who may have been listening in, but only Ivan was paying any attention to them. Ivan was talking to Katyusha.

"Naruto-kun... When he was introducing himserruf to Roderich-san, Roderich-san had introduced himserruf as Austoria." Matthew raised a brow, indicating that Kiku continue. "After that, Naruto-kun had wanted to carru himserruf as a country rike Roderich-san. So he did. Naruto-kun carrued himserruf Hi no Kuni." Matthew turned his head down to Naruto, who was sitting on the ground, humming a tune.

"...So... Naruto discovered his country name?"

A/N: "Matvey" is the Cyrillic equivalent of Matthew. Hehe, I should get the next chapter up eventually. It shoudn't take as long as this one did. Welp, now to update What the Meow!

Foreign to English Dictionary (In order of appearance):

Sestra- Sister (Russian)

Da- Yes (Russian)

Mochiron!- Of course! (Japanese)

Ore wa, Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto!- I'm Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze! (Japanese)

Katyu-neechan- Sister Katyu {Katyu being a pet name for Ukraine}(Japanese)

Dy'tyna- Child (Ukrainian)

Ohayo- Good Morning (Japanese)

Hi no Kuni- Fire Country (Japanese)

Tem ne meneye- However (Russian)

Tu faisça- You do that. (French)

Petit- Small/Young (French)

Gomen- Sorry (Japanese)

Austoria-Austria (Japanese)