A/N: Like I told all my beloved readers during Brotherly Love! This is True Love and I hope you guys enjoy some baby Blaine and BABY WARBLERS! Oh and of course Baby Klaine. I have also decided to do Baby Sebastian ;) I love that boy too much.

Disclaimer: Anything you see or may recognize does not nor has ever belonged to me.

Warning: This chapter and the ones on from here contain vulgar language and other inappropriate language and actions.

Ever had one of those days where you feel like you're going to pull your hair out? Cooper Anderson is experiencing a day similar to that. All Blaine has done has caused the man nothing but trouble. He didn't listen in class, kept hitting Sebastian, and talking back.

"Blaine! Stop that!" At the moment Cooper was prying Blaine off of Sebastian who was trying not to strangle the younger boy. Blaine whips his head around and Cooper can see the fire and anger in his eyes. That's when Cooper realizes it; Blaine's whole body is shaking.

"Blaine…" but it was too late. Blaine kicked Cooper in the shin and let out an ear piercing scream that even made the glass vase shake out in the living room. Cooper clutch to his injured shin and slapped a hand over Blaine's mouth, muffling the screams.

"Blaine Andrews, what do you think you're doing?" Cooper slowly removes the hand from the boys mouth, all the while the child continues to glare at the older man. Blaine huffs out and stomps up the stairs.


"I don't have to listen to you! You're not my father!" With the end of the shout the door was slammed shut and a thick silence was put in place. Cooper pushed back the shock and hurt and went to Sebastian.

"You ok?" Sebastian nods his head but silently winces when Cooper grabs onto his wrist. Cooper quickly releases the young boy's wrists and sees it forming a bruise. He clicks his tongue and takes Sebastian's other hand gently.

He wraps the injured hand and carefully pins the fabric together and giving the young boy some ice. Cooper kisses the boys head and send him up to his room with a book that he was supposed to read for class. Now, Cooper had to deal with a moody eight year old.

"Blaine! Open this door this instant!" Cooper ordered in the sternest voice he could muster.

"No!" was the only thing he got in return and so Cooper reached on the top of the doorframe for the key to the boys bedroom. He finally grabs the little key and shoves the object into the keyhole. He swings the door open prepared to yell but the sight that greets him makes all the anger vanish.

Blaine is sitting on the bed, clutching the power ranger that he got that one day in the store, and just sobbing his large eyes out. Cooper can't help but run over and hug the boy. Sadly, Blaine starts to stir in his arms and flails his fists at Cooper's chest demanding to be put down.

"Blaine, sweetie, what's wrong?" Before Cooper knew what was going on, Blaine was back into his lap bawling his eyes out into Cooper's chest. His hands were fisted into the older man's shirt while he continued to sob. All Cooper could do was rub the young boys back and kiss his head. His murmurs of "It's ok" were ignored.

There was a period where the only thing you could hear was Blaine's cries. Slowly, the cries died down and all you could hear was the young boy gasping for breath and hiccupping.

"Will you tell me what's wrong now?" Cooper finally asks. He continues to rub circles into Blaine's back as the boy burrows himself closer into Cooper.

"I'm sorry." That was the only thing Blaine could say before the doorbell rang downstairs. Cooper gave Blaine a pointed look saying that they were going to discuss it later. Both boys go down the stairs and calmly open the door revealing Blaine's social worker.

"Hello Mr. Anderson. Blaine." Cooper greeted her with a wave but Blaine hid behind Cooper's leg. The older man went ahead and picked Blaine up and placed him on his hip.

"Hello Ms. Barzuli. How are you?"

"I'm fine, thank you. I just came to deliver some news. It seems that Blaine's father recently died." Cooper could feel the child in his arms stiffen while he himself couldn't help but get mad. How could a woman be so heartless as to say that in such a nonchalant manner?

"Um, alright," Cooper sat down with Blaine still in his arms while the social worker took a seat across of him. She laid some paperwork out onto the table and gave Cooper a hard look before clearing her throat.

"Now, you can sign the paperwork and Blaine will be up for adoption. Such a nice boy he'll probably be snatched up right away." Cooper felt time stop and he could fell Blaine shaking in his arms at that moment.

"Daddy, don't leave me." Blaine kept repeating those words into Cooper's ear but he knew they were meant for only Blaine to hear.

"What if I want to adopt Blaine?" The question came out without hesitation as if it were a no brainer.

"Well, that makes the process a lot easier considering that we already know that you have a safe environment and are stable enough to be involved with him. We're also aware that you adopted before?" Cooper only nods and sneaks a glance up the stairs where he sees Sebastian sneaking glances at the kitchen.

"Yes, I have. That's Sebastian." He calls the young boy over who takes the awkward walk over to the kitchen. He quickly sits down and scoots close to Cooper who wraps an unoccupied hand around the boy's shoulders.

"Hello." Sebastian says very quietly and burrows into his adoptive fathers side. He looks over and sees Blaine looking over at him with tears in his eyes. They share a conversation with their arms and eventually Blaine gets out of Cooper's grip and ends up walking over to the couch with Sebastian and burying his face into the older boy's side.

"They're really attached. They remind me of two boys that are in my class this year and are the sons of my personal friend." The social worker just nods but never takes her eyes of Blaine and Sebastian. Cooper could see the ice melt away in her eyes while she looks at the two boys.

"I think I might just have some adoption papers with me that you could sign. The father didn't leave anyone to take care of Blaine after his death and I'm sure that Blaine wouldn't want to leave." She digs around in her purse before pulling out a packet. She indicates where to sign and without a second thought Cooper signs as quickly as possible.

The social worker gives Cooper a small smile and then walks over to the two boys.

"Be good for Mr. Anderson. He's going to be your new dad, alright?" Blaine nods slightly and offers the woman a small smile and a quick hug before burying himself back into Sebastian.

"We'll call and see how he's doing in a few months. He seems to be doing better than when he left his biological father. Take care of him." Cooper can only nod and offer the woman a firm but gracious handshake.

"Thank you, I will." Ms. Barzuli left without another word and left Cooper with two children.

To some, this might seem strange. Cooper Anderson just adopted two children in the span of two months. To others this might seem crazy but to Cooper, this was right.

A/N: I had to end it. It just felt right! I needed to finish this story but it isn't exactly over. I will still be doing prompts for this story that will still be as if they were new chapters for this story. I will also be doing one-shots that were either prompted as a separate one-shot or just anything you want. Since Blaine is adopted and Cooper is his dad and Sebastian is his brother and since he's known Nick and Jeff for a very long time I have decided that canon doesn't work out…. So I will be changing canon and making it my own. From what we know of Blaine's past the whole dad and a garage thing never happened. I've also got a really funny "outing" one-shot that I'll be writing later.

So I need to apologize! Last time I updated was almost exactly two months ago on April 24th and that's so not fair to you guys. That was when we were done with Spring Break and I was starting to go nuts because I needed to fulfill my hours, teachers were throwing tests left and right, we needed to extra play rehearsals which meant three more play rehearsals two hours each time, homework was extremely hard, and so I decided to take a break from all of it. I was pleased to see straight A's last quarter and I'm hoping for them this time because I already no I've gotten A's in history, math, and science, so all I'm waiting for is English.

So I will also be doing new little one-shots based off of the story "Dalton" which is highly recommended to read because it's just amazing! It took two weeks to read for me after getting my computer and phone taken away so it was hard but I still loved it and the Tweedles have inspired me to read Alice in Wonderland and Looking Through The Looking Glass. I am also a total mix of Reed, Logan, Evan, Ethan, and Dwight all mixed together plus some Charlie. The author of this awesome story is CP Coulter so go check it out!

I also suggest reading "Model Behavior" by themuse19 it is awesome and after finishing this humungous author note I will be reading another chapter of hers. It is where Kurt gets accepted to do Project Runway for amateurs where he's 19 and it's totally awesome! (anyone get that?)

So again I am so sorry and I love you all and I'll try to update as much as I can but I have so much crap going on during summer that I don't know if it'll happen. Here's my schedule for summer.

June 23-29 = Going to concord to see my cousins

June 30 – July 2 = Going to Santa Rosa to chill out

July 8- July 27 = Going to sleep away camp with a few friends where I won' have my electronics.

August 3-4 = Going to my cousins wedding in Pal Alto

August 10- 18 = Going to Mexico with friends and family.

August 27 = BACK IN SCHOOL!

I am also so far on the potential Principals Advisory Committee at my school so I have to com in ever day I'm home if I'm not doing anything plus summer history homework and summer reading where I have 6 books this year (The Importance Of Being Ernest, Slaughter House 5, The Man Without A Face, My Cousin Rachel, Angles and Demons, Catcher in the Rye) I will also be reading Alice in Wonderland and all the Harry Potter books plus finishing the Hunger Games trilogy where I read the first one but not the other two.