In the guild Fairy Tail.

Lucy put her face on the counter and moaned.

"Hey Lucy! What's the matter?" Mirajane smiled.

"You know that carnival place I was dying to go to? Well I forgot to buy a ticket and now they're sold out! I really wanted to check it out as well. Now I'm sooooo boooored!" Lucy said. "Oh hey Mira how's Erza by the way?"

Erza was injured very badly during an S-class mission.

"Well she's feeling a little better now. Wendy and Carla are doing their best to heal her." Mirajane chuckled. "So why don't you go on a mission with Natsu?"

Lucy took her head off the counter slowly with a sort of 'sad' face.

"No offence, Lissana is nice but ever since your sister came back from Edolas, they've been spending a lot of time together. It's like Natsu's forgotten about us all. Even Happy." Lucy had a worried look on her face. "We've only gotten to do 2 missions this month!"

"I see... You have a crush on Natsu! How sweet! And you're a little jealous right?" Mira giggled.

"N-no Mira! It's not like that!" Lucy blushed.

"Oh then why not go on a mission with Gray?" Mira smiled.

"Oh... Hey, I guess I could. That's not a bad idea." Lucy smiled back.

"Oh! I understand so you have a crush on Gray!" Mira giggled.

"Oh what's this?" Happy flew on the counter. "You liiiiiiike him!" Happy purred.

"Shut your mouth or I'll shut it for you!" Lucy yelled blushing.

Mira just stood there laughing sweetly. Happy laughed as well.

"Hey Luce! Mira! Happy!" Gray walked towards the counter.

"Hey Gray..." Mira smiled.

"Hey Gray! Did you know Lucy likes you?" Happy cheered.

"What?" Confused Gray said as Lucy blushed.

"Happy!" Lucy pulled his cheeks outward. "I said to shut your mouth you got it?"

"A-aye!" Happy replied nervously as Lucy let go.

"Hey Luce I got 2 tickets to that new carnival place you wanted to go to. I bought two because I thought Maybe you can go with Levy or ... Natsu." Gray held the tickets out as Lucy's eyes started shimmering.

"KYAAA! I can't believe it! Thanks Gray. Wait. Why, don't you want to go?"

"It's fine! I bought them for you!" Gray smiled as Lucy blushed.

"Well. We could go together." Lucy REALLY wanted to go to this carnival. It was only in Magnolia for 3 more days and all the tickets were already sold out.

"Awww!" Mira giggled.


"Well. Let's see. Levy's on a mission with Jet and Droy and Natsu's busy almost all the time. Maybe us two could go!" Lucy smiled.

Then Gray started acting all weird. He started blushing. "W-well I bought.- I bought them for you. For you and- Maybe Mira can go?" He pointed at Mirajane.

"Sorry! Hehe... I'm busy on that day!" Mira smiled.

"We haven't even told you the date yet!" You could see the anger in her veins.

"Aww! You said 'we' and 'date' in the same sentence! So you guys are going on a date now?" Mira smiled.

They both started blushing as they stared at Mira. They glanced at each other.

"Well do wanna go then Gray? I'm sure it'll be fun and all!"

"How about Lisanna? You guys can get to know each other better!" Gray was still blushing.

Lucy frowned. "So you don't wanna go with me Gray?" Lucy was a little disappointed. She wanted to go with Gray because she was mad at Natsu and definitely didn't want to go with Lisanna.

If Gray didn't want to go with Lucy, she didn't want to go at all.

She handed the tickets back to Gray and started walking out the guild disappointed.

"You know Gray, Lucy REALLY wants to go with YOU! She might really like you!" Mira giggled.

With that, Gray ran after her as she was JUST about to exit.

"Hey Luce!" Gray grabbed her by her shoulder. "Are you free today? 'Coz I got two tickets to this carnival I heard you wanted to go to and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?"

Lucy smiled with glee. She was filled with so much happiness that she hugged Gray tight.

Natsu and Lisanna walk in the guild smiling and laughing.

"Edolas sure sounds fun!" Natsu laughed as Lisanna nodded.

Natsu spots Lucy hugging Gray.

"Hey guys! Wh-What's happening here?" Natsu asked.

Lucy let go in surprise. "Nothing." She said trying to ignore Natsu as much as she could still mad.

"Where should we meet! I can't wait to go!"

"I'll go to yours at 6:00 today. Or is that too early?" Gray nervously chuckled.

"It starts at 9:00 but I can have Virgo cook us some dinner. Her food is absolutely delicious! See you then!" Lucy blushed as she exited the guild and started walking home.

Lisanna, Gray, Mira and Natsu watched her as she left.

"Hey Mira! Where are they going today?" Lisanna asked and she grabbed Natsu's hand and they both walked to the counter.

"Oh, you mean Gray and Lucy?" Mira smiled.

"Yeah they seemed to be blushing a lot! How cute!" Lisanna smiled back.

"Well, they're going on a date!" Mira winked.

Natsu got wide-eyed. "Gray and Lucy on a date?"

"Yup! They're so cute together!" Mira and Lisanna laughed.

"They liiiiiiiike each other!" Happy purred.

"Hey Ice Stripper!" Natsu head-butted Gray.

"Oh there they go again!" Lisanna laughed as did the rest of the guild.

"What do you want Flame Freak?" Gray retaliated.

"Just what the hell are you doing?" Natsu raged.

Gray sighed. "What do you mean Natsu?" Gray pushed him away.

"If you dare hurt Lucy, I'm gonna kick your ass! Got it?" Natsu put up a fist.

Gray scoffed. "You mean more than you've already hurt her?" he yelled back.

Everyone in the guild turned silent and looked at them.

"What do you mean Gray?" Natsu put down his fist.

"Figure it out like I did Natsu. What you're doing is hurting Lucy. I gave her those tickets to cheer her up because I knew she wanted to go to that carnival really badly." Gray explained.

"Carnival?" Natsu was confused. He didn't know about a carnival being in town.

"Yeah. She's been talking about it for 2 weeks. I would've thought she'd ask you to go with her." Gray turned. "But I figure that you've hurt her too much."

"What are you talking about Gray?"

Ignoring the question, Gray walks away.

"Awww! That's so sweet! You guys were fighting over Lu-chan!" Levy smiled.

"Oh Levy you're so cute when you smile!" Jet and Droy say at the same time.

"Oh welcome back Levy, Jet, Droy! How was your mission?" Mira waved smiling.

"Huh? Welcome back? Us three never went on a mission! I would've informed you or Master." Levy laughed.

"Oh, that's why I don't remember you telling me you were going on a mission!" Mira laughed. As did Levy and Lisanna.

"But Lucy said you three were on a mission?" Mira asked confused.

"I don't know why she'd say that. We greeted each other this morning!" Levy laughed .

"Oh I understand!" Mira giggled. "She really did want to go to that carnival with Gray!"

Little did Mira know, Gray overheard their conversation sitting on the counter a few sets of stools away from them.

"Gray." Cana called whilst drinking her beer. "You're clothes.


A few mins later.

"Hey Levy!" Gray called. "Are you busy right now?"

"No I guess not." She replied "Stay here guys. I'll be right back!" she told Jet and Droy. Levy skipped to Gray

"AYE!" They both said as their eyes were love hearts.

"But I still don't understand how I hurt Lucy..." Natsu said in a sort of 'sad' way.

"Oh Natsu you wouldn't hurt Lucy! You wouldn't hurt anyone! Well apart from Gray. And Gajeel. And ... well I guess I can come up with a list!" Lisanna laughed with her sister.

"Oh that's right Lucy told me that you haven't been spending much time with her lately." Mira put a finger to her chin, looked up and thought back to that time. "She did look pretty upset you know." Mira smiled.

Later on- as Lucy walked home. She happily walked by the canal.

"Careful Lucy-chan! You might fall in!" A guy in a canoe said.

"Okay thanks!" Lucy cheerfully replied. "Oh it's almost 5:00."

Lucy spotted a woman in a black suit waiting at her door with a briefcase.

"Huh? Who's that?" Lucy thought.

They chatted for a while.

"Okay Miss. I understand." Lucy said sadly. The woman walked off and Lucy walked in.

Lucy slammed the door hard.

"DUMB NATSU!" Lucy kicked a pillow that was on the floor. "Thanks to you I'm behind rent! I won't be able to live here anymore thanks to you!" Lucy yelled.

She calmed herself down and walked to the pillow, picked it up and walked to her bedroom. She saw a surprised Levy.


"Is that true Lu-chan? You won't live here anymore? Thanks to Natsu?" Levy fell to the ground holding something behind her back in her shirt.

"No! Sorry for worrying you Levy! I'm just being dumb! That's all!" Lucy helped her up.

"Lu-chan? Do Natsu?" Levy took it out the back of her shirt and held it with two hands behind her back.

"Of course. I mean we are teammates and all." Lucy said not noticing what she was hiding.

"No I meant MORE than teammates Lu-chan." Levy laughed.

"Well... I wouldn't say I hate him. Well I guess I never really thought about it that way." Lucy smiled.

"Ooh what about Gray? Do you like him more than a teammate. I heard you guys are having a date today!" Levy laughed as the thing behind her back was slipping.

"Well I guess I... Wait a second." Lucy got suspicious as Levy was sweating. "What are you holding behind your... Is that my novel Levy?"

"Okay Lu-chan! You caught me! I couldn't wait to read your novel so I snuck in! I'm sorry." Levy handed it back. "By the way! Why did you tell Mira that I was on a mission earlier?"

"Well... I'm sorry Levy! Don't tell anyone but I kinda wanted to go the carnival with Gray..." Lucy smiled and blushed.

"So you DO like Gray?" Levy gasped and smiled.

"I don't know Levy. He's really nice and all. But then again Natsu can be nice as well." Lucy smiled, still blushing.

"Awww! Well Good luck on your 'date' Lu-chan! I gotta go now. Jet and Droy and I are actually gonna choose a mission now!" Levy chuckled and jumped out the window.

"Seriously! I wonder if burglars just randomly come in when I'm not looking!" Lucy furiously yelled. She stared out the window and watched Levy walk back.

Lucy blushes as she sees Levy talking to Gray. She hid behind the wall so that they couldn't see each her.


"So. What did she say?" Gray asked in a rush.

"hehe!" Levy chuckled.

"C'mon Levy I asked you to go and tell me EVERYTHING that happened!" Gray was starting to grow impatient.

"Well Lu-chan told me something about you. But I can't tell you! Sorry!" Levy smiled.


"DON'T YOU DARE LEVY!" Lucy yelled quietly.


"Why not Levy? C'mon!"

"I dunno." Levy shrugged. "Maybe she loooooves you!" Levy skipped away.

"Maybe?" Gray whispered

Lucy stared at Gray who was blushing and raced back to catch up with Levy.


"I swear Levy! I'm gonna kill you if you tell him a word!" Lucy thought.

Later on- in Lucy's apartment.

"OPEN! Gate of the Maiden! VIRGO!" Lucy called as she held the key.

"Princess..." Virgo stood bent a little forward with her right hand in front of her. "...Is it time for punishment?" She asked.

"NO!" Lucy yelled. "I just need you to make dinner if that's alright.

"Of course princess."

"Hey Luce what's up? Oh and Virgo" Gray jumps in through the window.

"GRAY! Wait you're about 30 minutes early. Virgo hasn't started making dinner yet!" Lucy jumped in surprise.

"I know. But I couldn't wait!" Gray said jumping down.

"Okay Virgo, you can get started on dinner now please!"

"Of course, princess." Virgo skiddled to the kitchen.

"So I wanted to talk to you about something Lucy. It's something Levy told me earlier." Gray said as Lucy blushed.

Gray stared Lucy in the eyes. He put his hands on her shoulders.

What will happen next?

To be continued...