* Author's Note: Hey, I just wanted to let you all know that my updates might be a bit scattered for a while. I've taken up a second job, so my free time has become non-existent. Just try to be patient with me, I've got a huge load of fanfics I'm trying to juggle at once.

Moonlit Blossom

- Chapter 3 -

* Touches led to thoughts for the blossom, a never-ending trail of the changes to come.

She hadn't even realized how she had been resting against him.

That wasn't something she would've normally done. It just wasn't in their dynamic; the way their relationship was supposed to fluctuate was as brother and sister.

She shouldn't have felt so comfortable in his arms, so safe with his hands along her arms, so at ease with his warmth enveloping her.

They had returned home just as the sun set. The silent captain had carried her inside, taking her into the recesses of her room and setting her on the bed before he mentioned something about getting a doctor to come and fix her leg. He said this with the ever-present Kuchiki mask on.

No concern in his voice or in those cloudy eyes. It was always so hard for her to tell from a visual standpoint if he really cared about her well-being. But, it had always been evident through his actions.

That was one of the main differences between them; she was more reliant on reaching people through emotions while he did so through actions.

Such a strange balance, and yet she felt calm in that moment. Was it because she had actually come to like how they had spent time together? Her thoughts reverted back to how she felt while being carried by him and she had to instantly shake a blush away from her cheeks.

Fiddling with her navy shinigami robes, she then heard a light knock on the door which relieved her of the stressful thoughts that were about to inhabit her mind.

The family doctor entered, taking no time to examine her leg and patch it up properly. It would heal in a few days' time, and it was only a minor cut so there wouldn't be much problem for her walking on it come tomorrow morning.

Just as the doctor left the room, she could hear a faint conversation outside the door.

Had he been waiting outside the entire time?

The thought made her feel slightly embarrassed. It had only been a cut, it wasn't as if she was dying. Then again, she probably would've worried the same way had he been hurt at all.

It felt like too many feelings were straying in out of nowhere in particular. Relief came over her again just as she heard the conversation stop. But it was after that that another knock was heard on her door.

"C-Come in." She hadn't meant to stutter, but when she saw the Byakuya appear in her doorway, she felt like she might end up stuttering again.

"It seems you will be fine."


"It is almost time for dinner. Can you walk?"

"Oh ha-hai Nii-sama!" She hadn't meant to be tripping over her words so much, but it was difficult not to under his gaze. The fact that he was still concerned about her walking made her wonder if he would still insist on carrying her again.

She secretly felt compelled to say no, she wasn't able to walk, but to be back in his arms.

But that was when she mentally started slapping herself from having such a strange thought being processed again. Maybe she was just woozy, she normally never would have thought of such an odd thing.

"Very well." Turning away, he silently headed down the hallway to where dinner was soon to be served.

The peculiar way she always seemed to lose composure in his presence, it was always interesting to him. They had been around one another long enough to have surely gotten past the odd structure of their ties to one another. But even then, they hardly knew one another.

That was a work in progress though.

At least today, he was able to see just how capable of a fighter she is. That was always something that was direly needed to bear the Kuchiki name. It made him feel the reliance of her being his pride increase even more.

Having to carry her back through was unprecedented. He hadn't a clue as to why he had thought to carry her when she was merely cut. But, there was a feeling within that had compelled him to do so. He never ignored those feelings.

Dinner went by smoothly enough. For once they were actually holding a small amount of conversation. It had mostly been centered on their practice just a few hours before. Some techniques were mentioned along with what would more than likely be done in their next practice.

It was the simplest of conversations, but it was still something they had needed.

Finally communicating and having a semi-normal dinner for once, Rukia found herself not stuttering as she spoke.

"If I execute that move as you showed me, I should be able to dodge quicker is that correct Nii-sama?"

"Yes. The main factor is concentration."

Rukia chewed on her last bit of vegetables just as she mulled over what he had told her. She could feel his gaze on her, but it didn't make her as nervous as it usually would have.

It was difficult not to just watch her. The subtle mannerisms he had while talking and eating. The way her eyes would look to him whenever she asked a question, and her eyes would almost light up at hearing how he would reply to her.

It made him want to talk to her more.

That was strange for him, since he hadn't actually wanted to have any sort of attachment to another person whether it be just an acquaintance or otherwise, ever since his wife passed away.

But now, with the sister of his late wife, he couldn't help but feel as if getting to know her was really going to fulfill that promise. It made him feel like he was on the correct path, but at the same time, he was starting to feel like that path was going to become difficult. He wasn't sure as to why though.

"I will be heading to my room now for the remainder of the evening Nii-sama." Rukia stood up as she had finished her dinner. Bowing to him, she then turned and started to head away from the table.

Just as she went to walk off the rug that was laid beneath the table, her foot slipped as it met the wooden floor. Starting to tumble forward, she went to move her other leg but the pain was too much and she found herself unable to avoid falling to the floor.

A soft rattle from the table was heard just as a clothed figure appeared out of nothingness. Byakuya caught her, steadying her back to an upright position as his hands remained still at her back and near the top of her chest.

Rukia inhaled quickly, suddenly recovering from the expected fall that never occurred. She felt a hand on her chest and realized it wasn't hers which made her blush from both the embarrassment of having to be caught and from how the man was holding onto her in a rather intimate area.

Quickly moving from his grasp, she walked forward, turned quickly to bow while mumbling a few incoherent things and then escaped to her room down the hall.

It was only when he heard the door practically slam shut that he glanced at his hand and realized what he had been touching. The surface that the palm of his hand had touched had been rather flat so he hadn't realized it.

Deciding not to dwell on it too much, he headed to his own room, his eyes glancing at the door where that woman was behind in that very instant.

He couldn't stop himself from not dwelling on her though.